July 2016




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May. 7th, 2016



-- Tomorrow. 11 AM. We're hitting up Locanda Verde's for brunch.
-- And yes, I made a reservation.

Apr. 27th, 2016


I did it. It finally happened. I didn't think this day would ever come. I finally finished everything in my Netflix queue.

Okay. I'm bored now.

Apr. 14th, 2016


network post: commander shepard

Heads up, team. The Staten Island ferry has been attacked by a pack of goblin sharks. We need to mobilise immediately. The people on board the ferry and the island need to be evacuated as quickly as possible. We will need to coordinate with another team in order to speed up the process, so I've invited the Fantastic Avengers to join us.

My team-mates and I are heading out to evacuate the Staten Island ferry and whoever's stranded on the island still. Would you all like to join us? The more people there are, the less time it will take.

Apr. 4th, 2016


This sucks.

Anyone else around here play the drums?

Apr. 2nd, 2016


Someone better tell me the answer to this pretty quickly unless you want a flaming mess where this door used to be.

What flies when its born, lies when it's alive and runs when it's dead?

Mar. 19th, 2016


How long until beer goes back to being normal color? I just was introduced to beer, but I got used to it being gold. When it's green it freaks me out. Looks like there's something wrong with it.

It doesn't help that the bartender called it "left over" green beer either.

Mar. 17th, 2016


Happy St. Patrick's Day. Where's the party at?

Mar. 9th, 2016


Nobody put out the warning that Stark Tower has also been affected with this forest business. I fear that I'm quite lost.

I do see a sign that points to 'Grandmother's House'. That sounds like a safe haven.

[Several moments later]

No, it was most definitely NOT a safe haven! I may require a bit of assistance here, please.


Mar. 6th, 2016


An arrow through my window is a new one, but hey, no harm, no foul. Also, anyone up for fixing a window?

This place is really starting to take the fairy tale thing too far.

Mar. 5th, 2016


I have a Troll situation here.

And I mean big guy, wants to eat me, and I don't know how long I can stall him.

I got him into a debate on the best way to eat a human. He thinks I'm looking up recipes.

6th floor. Can't miss him!

Mar. 1st, 2016


Who wants to meet the newest love of my life?

Introducing Orion! )

Feb. 24th, 2016


Friends of Violet Parr, check in so I don't have to worry about you disappearing on me.

Non-friends, hello! I hope you're still here too.

Here's a gif of two adorable otters for your trouble.

Holding hands with your partner while floating in the water, that sounds like a good relationship goal.

Feb. 23rd, 2016


You know a girl could get real used to having all these showers around. Also I'm a fan of regular heat. And fluffy towels. And so far all the robots I've run into haven't tried to kill me.

There's also a distinct lack of robots but I guess we can't have everything.

Which I get people wanting to go home, but there are some perks to being here right?

Feb. 11th, 2016


Anyone else looking forward to the spring?

[Johnny Storm]
You realize it's been nearly a year since the first time we went out?

Feb. 8th, 2016


I would like to announce to the world that Gwen has named our (Oz, Gwen, and I) band.

We are The Bill Baileys.

Gigs to follow. We just formed. Give us a second.

Feb. 3rd, 2016


I know sometimes I misplace my brain but usually there's more talking robots when that happens and less randomly ending up in the old world.

So who's the big evil head honcho around here? That FRIDAY sounds way too sweet to be an evil mastermind. Not that I haven't been wrong before.

Jan. 26th, 2016


text messages;


-- Think your bar can survive without you for a day?

Jan. 23rd, 2016


You know, where I grew up, seven to twelve inches of snow was called Spring weather.

Jan. 9th, 2016


I am so going to go get a gold doughnut tomorrow. Even if it is $100.

Dec. 21st, 2015


Cut for gif, unfiltered. )

'Tis the season for unadulterated joy at watching a child commit heinous acts of bodily assault against two hilarious home invaders.

    Have we had a date night yet? We should have a date night. I keep thinking about my d

    [...] Also, I may have done a thing and now the internet knows about me. Kind of.

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