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Aug. 22nd, 2013


network post: alaric saltzman

That Tesseract really likes to kick a guy when he's already down, doesn't it?

Aug. 10th, 2013


ESD Team Bravo (Sam Winchester, Mayday Parker, Anya Corazon)
Hello, everyone. I'm Alaric Saltzman and I'll be your academic advisor for the upcoming term. If you have any questions about course offerings or anything else, I am here to answer them. I'm also available to meet with each of you one on one so that we can discuss your plans, schedules, etc.

With the school year starting back up again soon, I would like to encourage everyone to sign up for the classes the ESD is offering here. If you have any questions about the courses I will be teaching - Combat with Supernatural Beings, Earth History: 19th-20th Centuries, European History, History of This World (s2), Self-Defense - feel free to ask them.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


network post: alaric saltzman

[ooc: posted after he's spoken to Elena]

For those of you who knew her, Jenna Sommers is gone. If anyone needs me, I'll be at Sam's


--I don't know how to
-- not like Hey, you awake?

Aug. 2nd, 2013


Network Post: Rachel Summers


Hi everyone. Don't worry-- you still have a little over a month of summer left. With the semester coming up, though, we need to look at finding instructors to take over classes that no longer have someone to teach them. Some of our teachers have empty class sessions, so we should also review if you still want to make yourself available for them should a student be interested. We'll also need to look at whether or not to remove empty classes with no teachers from the class offerings. Please let us know if you're interested in taking a position, want to drop something, or have any other feedback.

Cut for length, not filtered )

If you're of school age (18 or under) and arrived over the summer and haven't already done this, please get with Kitty or me to make sure you're enrolled and assigned an advisor before the semester begins.

Private to Kitty:
OMG I totally recruited LIEUTENANT UHURA as a teacher and I didn't even fangirl at her once so let me get it out of my system now! I GOT US UHURA!

* [OOC: Post is not filtered (except for the last) to make sure people not already part of the ESD can think about joining in. FYI, I've been working on a not-yet-public REVISED SPREADSHEET and trying to clear up some user-friendliness concerns before we switch to it from the current. I'll try to make sure any additions to the current spreadsheet make it over to the new one]

Jul. 30th, 2013


[Text Message to everyone in Giles' phonebook1]

» Alright. I am here.
» Your place, right?

[OOC: Feel free to go with it if your character might have exchanged phone numbers with Giles at some point or you really want in!]

Jul. 25th, 2013


FILTER | Vampire Task Force (list)

We have a report of vampires in East Harlem. Coordinates are being routed to your phones. This is not a drill.

Confirmation of at least two Twilight source vampires, possibly more. Buffy source vampires, multiple. Described as a nest, possibly engaged in a battle over territory.

I need an advance team, led by Buffy Summers, and a secondary team, led by Dorcas Meadowes; reply to this and then get assembled. Keep your headsets activated so I can keep track of your movements.

Also note the agent on site has requested accelerant.

Please coordinate any ooc logging/plotting here!

Jul. 22nd, 2013


[Filtered to the Vampire Task Force - see list in entry - and Maria Hill] )

[Filtered to Buffy, Dorcas and Ashley]
My initial plan, subject to change, is to form four teams. One will be for the researchers who are non-combatants and then each of you will take charge of a team. We may not necessarily deploy in full teams, depending on the situation, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Comments, suggestions, etc?


Jul. 19th, 2013


FILTER: Cell 5

I realize you're in a subway right now, so consider this advisory and reply with questions later. Due to tesseract vampires becoming more than an isolated event, I'm assigning Cell Five to a newly created Vampire Task Force (VTF). The other members will include liaisons from Agent Summers's source material with vampire experience. For security purposes, all Cell Five activities are to be considered separate from VTF activities and only those files cleared for VTF can be shared with non-SHIELD VTF liaisons. If you don't know whether to share information, have it cleared first.

The Vampire Task Force
(Will be updated as I have confirmation)
• Agent Jack Harkness
• Agent Ashley Williams
• Agent Buffy Summers
• Agent Dorcas Meadowes
• Caroline Forbes, Vampire Diaries source
• Sam Winchester, Supernatural source
• Andrew Wells, Buffy source
• Castiel, Supernatural source. Not cleared for weapon use.
• Faith Lehane, Buffy source
• Dean Winchester, Supernatural source
• Rupert Giles, Buffy source
• Fred Burkle, Angel source
• Paige Matthews, Charmed source
• Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Buffy source
• Jo Harvelle, Supernatural source
• Jenny Calendar, Buffy source
• Alaric Saltzman, Vampire Diaries source
• Rebekah Mikaelson, Vampire Diaries source
• Henry Sturges, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter source
• Willow Rosenberg, Buffy source

FILTER: Caroline Forbes, Alaric Saltzman, Rebekah Mikaelson, Paige Matthews, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Jo Harvelle, Fred Burkle, Jenny Calendar, Rupert Giles, Charles Gunn, Anya Jenkins, Faith Lehane, Willow Rosenberg, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Andrew Wells, Henry Sturges, Buffy Summers*

Greetings. If we haven't spoken before, I'm Maria Hill, a regional director with SHIELD. We are currently assembling a task-force to handle vampire related scenarios as they arise, and you have been selected for your expertise with, or perhaps as, vampires. This is a paid liaison position with SHIELD and, as such, you must know that there are certain responsibilities and will be requirements of you should you accept.

- First and foremost is a rudimentary physical exam, much like the one you underwent after your initial tesseract journey.
- Second, anyone with firearm experience is required to undergo marksmanship tests before using a sidearm (or larger) during a SHIELD related situation.

If you have questions or concerns, please ask them, either in this or a private filter. If you are interested, your name will be added to a list and you'll be contacted shortly for an appointment at HQ. If you are not interested and don't want your name appearing in this filter, you may use a private filter.

ETA questions:

Responsibilities include:
- Working with and as a team and taking direction from the lead SHIELD operative.
- Debriefings after missions are completed.
- Reporting on situations mid-mission as required

And all weaponry that SHIELD will provide must be cleared on the range before it will be issued.

* OOC NOTE: people invited are those who signed up for Pet Project plot or are from the Buffy/Angelverse. If this is something your vampire or vampire-experienced character wants in on, please fill out qualifications in the Project post. If I missed you and you signed up already, let me know there.

Jul. 18th, 2013


I never knew New York could get so HOT! Thank God for air conditioning. You couldn't pay me enough to willingly go out in that heat.

and it's a nice excuse to avoid dealing with the protesters.

Jul. 4th, 2013


Network Post: Merlin/Emrys

I'm not sure how I got here or who brought me here or why my magic cannot fix the situation but I need to get back home.

I've been told there are others here. Arthur? Are you around here too? Gaius? Gwen?

Jul. 3rd, 2013


"You should really consider asking to be changed, you'd be more fun." Some seriously said that to me while I was leaving campus today. Not exactly what I'd call friendly.


Is it expected for most objects to be turned red, white, or blue? In the past few days I've seen forks, chairs, and even food in those colors. At times all three at once. I was told it was in honor of this country's independence. And I was curious about how n common this tradition was. I asked a coworker and her only response was that my hair

Jun. 17th, 2013


I guess Ric is really the only person who has seen a lot of me lately. Especially after Jeremy and Elena went back. I can't even express how great it is to have Elena back.

Jun. 16th, 2013


You know, I'd say this was weird or insane or something, but honestly at this point I'm pretty sure there's nothing in my life that could happen that would actually surprise me. It feels like every time things start to settle down, something happens, so why not a cube kidnapping people to another reality where the superheroes my brother likes are a thing. Might as well be an average Tuesday.

( Jenna, Ric )
Are you both here? Really here? They said you were, but I need to hear it from you.

Oh god, Jenna, I've missed you so much

( Caroline )
I know what I just said, but this is insane, right? Completely insane?

Jun. 8th, 2013


network post: alaric saltzman

I seem to be settling into New York nicely. Jenna is a good tour guide. I'm also teaching again, which is pretty cool. For those of you who are interested in classes, I'm teaching Earth History: 19th and 20th Centuries, Combat with Supernatural Beings, European History and Self-Defense.

Filter: Rupert Giles
I would love to get together and compare notes when you're available, if you are still interested.

May. 23rd, 2013


Private Message to Kitty Pride
Miss Pride:

While I don't remember any of it, I am told I was a teacher/adviser here when I was here previously. I would be very much interested in doing either or both again, if there is still a space for me on your staff.

Alaric Saltzman

May. 21st, 2013


Oh, Nerf. I adore you beyond all measure, especially since people get so thingy about people shooting other people with real arrows here. I want this, this and this!

Fall cannot get here soon enough! And then I shall go on a rampage of nerf shooting! Mwahahaha!

May. 20th, 2013


network post: alaric saltzman

[ooc note: this will have been posted after he's already been to see Jenna, Elena and Jeremy]

Well, just when you think you've seen everything...

Hello, I'm Alaric Saltzman. I was a history teacher, but now...

They tell me I was here before, but I don't remember a bit of it. I suppose that means some of you know a lot more about me than I do about you.


Who: Alaric Saltzman and Jenna Sommers. Open to Elena and Jeremy to jump in at the end if they want!
When: Right after Ric's arrival on Sunday May 19th
Where: Jenna (and now Ric)'s apartment!
What: Reunion!
Rating: PG, it's pretty tame

Ric liked his bourbon, especially when he was trying to sort out something crazy. )

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