July 2016




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Apr. 30th, 2016


This speaks to me - "Sometimes it takes staring into the darkness for the stars to emerge. Sometimes nights are darker than others, sometimes you must stare longer. I know little, but I know this, it’s the blackest of all skies that show off the most stars. We must only wait. We must endure." — Tyler Knott Gregson

Apr. 10th, 2016


I can't be the only one wondering if there's a nest around here somewhere with baby dinosaur eggs in it, can I?

[Filtered to Natasha Romanova (616)]

Hey, it's been a hot minute since we trained together, but I can tell something seems off with you. Is it anything I can help with, or should I quit the 'concerned little sister' act before you decide to kick my ass?

Mar. 23rd, 2016


[Filtered to SHIELD Black Team]
Europe's getting boring.

Kit up. Wheels at 1950.

[Filtered to Pinky Pinkerton]
Set honour in one eye and death i' the other,
And I will look on both indifferently.

Mar. 17th, 2016


Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Duit! Sláinte agus táinte! Tiocfaidh ár lá.

Thank you Google Translate.

Mar. 12th, 2016


So while you were in there, anyone find a beanstalk?

[Filtered to SHIELD Black Team]
If everyone's done playing fairy tale princess, let's talk Europe.
[Filtered to Jess Drew]
Now, let's talk real estate

Mar. 8th, 2016


In case people missed the memo, today is both International Women's Day, and National Pancake Day. Make the most of it.

For your enjoyment, have the women of the Hamilton musical performing quotes about feminism.

And to all the women out there (or those who identify as women):
picture under the cut )

Feb. 10th, 2016


Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Last night, We found the baby in the King's Cake, and as our first royal decree, We would like more pancakes! Just because Shrove Tuesday, aka Fat Tuesday, is over, that's no reason We should be denied pancake-y goodness! Also, We turn nineteen today, and feel pancakes would be an excellent cake-type-thing.

Make it so!

Feb. 2nd, 2016


I bought into the hype and downloaded Neko Atsume on my phone, and it's fucking adorable, but I'm concerned by the fact that the kitties keep putting the plastic bag over their heads. Isn't that unsafe?

Man, fictional kitties got me all stressed out...

[Filtered to floors 22 & 23]

Sup? I'm Mindy McCready, your new housing assistant. Feel free to poke me if you've got questions or anything, I promise I'll do my best to be super helpful.

Jan. 16th, 2016


If you had to recommend one album to someone who's really far behind in music, what would it be? Preferably anything released after the mid 1950s. I'm pretty much covered there.

And Steven Universe, I'm looking at you. Don't leave me hanging. Just no more... whoever those guys were. The ones with that drum.

Screened to Finn
I'm taking some of the introduction classes they offer refugees. They don't really have any courses on who you shouldn't ask for directions from, but you should definitely check them out.


I can't believe I came in third. I really need to spar more so I can be better for whatever challenge comes my way next.

Jan. 15th, 2016


[Cut for image; not filtered] )

Yeah, I saw.

Anyone who says they're answering freedom's call with ignorance and hate is not someone who understands or appreciates what it is to be an American. Freedom is standing up to these kind of men, of remembering that we are not afraid of doing what's right. Representing or accepting an intolerant agenda goes against everything this country was built upon. It's against everything every soldier has ever fought to protect. I choose to believe that we aren't a nation of people that would allow ourselves to be tricked by whichever bully yells the loudest. I know we're better than this, better than to keep falling for the same tricks over and over again. This is not the American way -- this is just a man grabbing for power, using a platform of intolerance we've heard before. And I won't be a part of it.

Jan. 13th, 2016


Network post; Buffy Summers

Okay, so I'm never, ever drinking tea, ever again.

Just so we're all clear.

Jan. 11th, 2016


[Black Team]
Target sighted in Ghana. Facial rec confirms it. [Coordinates]


When I was little, my daddy would play music while having me train, so I could learn how to equate actions to rhythm. David Bowie was a favourite of his, so I grew up listening to his songs. After my daddy died, Bowie's music helped comfort me since it gave me a sense of connection, maybe even nostalgia.

I don't really pay as much attention to to what's popular outside of things my daddy liked, but I kept up with David Bowie's music and other projects. I was jazzed when his last album dropped, and devoured it. I thought there was something kinda haunting about the video for Lazarus, and I guess it turns out I was right.

Requiescat in pace, Thin White Duke, may your legacy carry on and may flights of goblins guide you back home among the stars.

Jan. 9th, 2016


I'm not usually one for poemtry, but this one stood out to me.

What is she like?
I was told—
she is a
melancholy soul.

She is like
the sun to night;
a momentary gold.
— Lang Leav

Jan. 1st, 2016


...but if I had to make a resolution, it would be to love myself as much as Kanye West loves himself.


People call jumping into water on the first of January a "Polar Bear Plunge."

In Canada, we just call it a bath. And we don't like 'em.

Dec. 31st, 2015


New Year's Eve plans for me entail checking out Times Square.

Dec. 28th, 2015


This Christmas seems a fine sort of holiday. I am sure my kith and kin would enjoy it immensely, were they here. I was however surprised when the box I received from the tesseract opened to reveal the Arkenstone. I thought it a fake at first but I was soon disabused of that idea. There is no stone like it.

[Filtered to Darcy]
Thank you for the gifts, Darcy. They were very thoughtful and, in the case of the pocket watch, most beautiful. I was not aware that human men were hirsute enough for such beard products. I shall have to look around and see if there is anything like the oil we use on our hair.


Dec. 26th, 2015


I can't remember the last time I got so many awesome Christmas presents, I hope I'm not the only one who did. I'm going to need to get used to the weight and utility of the new knives I got, would anyone like to spar with me?

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