July 2016




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Jul. 14th, 2013



We've had a massive increase in heat signatures around the country.

These bombs are human beings, and they're burning hot enough to vaporize anyone near by. Containment is our top priority to minimize civilian casualties. This is not a take the target alive mission. Take them down to prevent further damage.

Cell 3-Washington, DC (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 4-Boston
Cell 5-Chicago (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 6 and 10-Los Angeles- Trainee Carter, Blythe (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 7-Philadelphia
Cell 8- NYC (Multiple Signatures)- Trainee Bond

These people are extremely dangerous. You've all seen the damage that they've done in person. I want those with powers at the forefront and I'm working on getting you the support you need otherwise outside of the resources SHIELD has at its disposal. The people of these cities don't know they're counting on us but we're going to make sure they can. So handlers, keep us updated and show these idiots why we don't tolerate going after innocent targets.

*[OOC: SHIELD trainees can request assignment, they'll be assigned as needed]
[Filtered to Non-Shield Superheroes*]

There are people that have turned themselves into high powered bombs about to go off around the country. My agents are being sent in but this is bigger than just the attack on New York. I believe that you've all been sent here for a reason, whether you want to think it or not. People needed you back home and the people here need you now.

My agents are being sent out. Most of them have no powers to speak of but they do believe in protecting the civilians of this world. So I'm asking you for back up. I want to bring as many of them home as possible.

So far the hot spots we have are:
Washington, DC- Mercenary, Dr. Strange
Boston- Wolverine, Kitty Pryde
Chicago- Wasp, The Next Avenger Team
Los Angeles- Banshee, Rictor, Aqualad
NYC- Dark Devil, Spider family.
Philadelphia- Storm, Runaways
Detroit- Trainee T'soni
Houston- Starfire, Robin, Buttercup, Bubbles and Blossom possibly.
San Francisco- Avengers Academy
Las Vegas- Moody, Shacklebolt, Jason Todd, The Kanes, Trainee Tachi
Minneapolis- Frost, Phoenix, Spinnet
Denver- Castiel, Faith, Bennett, Kent.

*[OOC: Filter is a catch-all for heroes. However these are the extremis individuals. They vaporize normal people and some of them will be detonating. So having some kind of powers is preferred because, well, dead is not an agreeable state of being really.]
[Filtered Hill and Natasha (616)]

I've a signature in Detroit. We're going. Suit up.

Jul. 8th, 2013


My sympathies to Mr Stark and Ms Pott's security staff. Having served a rather strong-willed individual prone to taking stances, I know exactly how you're feeling right now. I'd offer you my assistance but, well, I work for SHIELD. Ask them to loan me out and I'd be happy to help.

In the meantime, I think I'm going to shake out a few skills and keep an eye on things when I'm not at work.

Jun. 27th, 2013


Filter: Bishop
I lied. I won't be home.

Filter: Public
Anyone want to order me a few pizzas?
All this work is making me starving.

Jun. 26th, 2013


FILTER | MCU Avengers + SHIELD Cells

Everybody ship shape? If you haven't turned in your reports about today, do so now.

Jun. 27th, 2013


[Posted late tonight.]

now i know why i like stealth. safer. don't get shot. getting shot hurts. almost as much as being tortured.

i like shields drugs but i miss sokolovs elixir.

theres something for all you bright boys and girls. sokolovs elixir heals really well. no idea how he makes it though. dont know how any of it was made. the heart. my mask. sokolov and pietros elixirs.

Jun. 15th, 2013


I'm not ready to
I don't want any

The gal at the pup shop says to me, Happy Father's Day, Tramp, and I say to her, well I never celebrated, what's the big deal with it this year?

Cut but not filtered image )
I'm a father, apparently. So she says. Showed me these.

Three little gals and a boy.

I don't know how to

But they're beautiful

NSFW tags below, just very frank talk about sexual education, nothing beyond that.

Jun. 12th, 2013


I was waylaid by a couple of people at work who wanted to talk about the game I'm from. It was a very strange experience. Apparently it's possible in the game to go through slaughtering everyone you meet. I was actually rather appalled. It's certainly not what I did. Although I'll readily admit that my skill set is well suited for an assassin, I am the Lord Protector. My job is not to kill the people of Dunwall (unless they are a direct threat to the Empress of course) but to protect the Empress. I was told that Samuel is disgusted and turns on me if the wholesale slaughter path is taken. Good. Samuel is a good man.

It was very strange to discover that people can play, well, me in that way. I didn't even kill Daud though there were other reasons for that than not wishing to kill an innocent citizen of Dunwall. Daud was hardly innocent. I'm sure he wakes with a start at night these days, wondering if I've been in his home and when I might choose to end his life.

May. 23rd, 2013


Who says ya can't teach an old dog new tricks?

Say, Corvo, pal, these clothes really are all the rage. Pair of ladies passing me by today whistled right at me!

May. 20th, 2013


network post: ben stone

I am, again, a lawyer in the city of New York. It feels good. I will be celebrating tomorrow evening.

Filtered to: Sam Winchester
I would be happy to do legal assistance for the non-profit organization. If all goes well, we may have more lawyers in November.

May. 18th, 2013


Who: Tramp and Corvo
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Around the halls of the 21st floor
What: Tramp follows his nose to see if anyone is cooking anything and runs into Corvo.
Rating: Lowish?

He couldn't smell anything good but then maybe if he kept going he'd run into someone willing to cook him something anyway. )

May. 4th, 2013


[Filtered to SHIELD]
I have two of those sparkling vampires contained in a factory in Brooklyn. [Exact address] I haven't been able to kill them so you'd better send a team to take care of them. I just ask that the team do not enter the building until they have made contact with me at the site so that I can make sure it's clear for them to enter. No one wants to be eaten by a swarm of ravenous rats.


Apr. 21st, 2013


I was initially a bit dubious about the book I picked up in the book blind date thing but I have to admit, after a long day doing paperwork and all the tedious initial stages of SHIELD training, a steamy romance is a nice bit of light entertainment. Jessamine would laugh to see me reading a book like this. I'm not sure I'd read any more romances but I'm having a laugh reading this one.

Apr. 8th, 2013


I've been taking the time to have a look around the city and I rather like it. There are a lot of tall buildings and people don't have a tendency to look up. Of course, the latter was a failing of people back home as well so it's not really a criticism, more a facet of human nature. It does however have a lot of rats which is depressingly familiar. However, since the rats aren't carrying a plague which turns people into weepers and don't have a tendency to swarm and eat people down to nothing within a few minutes, I find I don't mind them that much.

Apr. 5th, 2013


Hello. I was told I should introduce myself using this network. My name is Corvo Attano. I am the Lord Protector to Empress Emily Kaldwin of Gristol. I was told I had been here before, which I feel is something I would remember and yet I don't. I am not certain what else I should tell you so I will leave it at that.

Jan. 16th, 2013


SHIELD training bears certain similarities to the early years of my training on Serkonos before I was sent to Gristol to stand before the Heir, though it has the bonus of not having hours of rather stultifying lessons in court etiquette and manners. For my students, this is why your lessons in that subject aren't boring. I refuse to inflict that sort of tedium on other people. Admittedly, I was just a boy when I was learning all of that and what boy doesn't find weapons training far more exciting and interesting than sitting in a classroom?

On a more interesting note, I went to see the movie Les Miserable on the weekend. I wish I could sing half as well as my doppelganger. I've also made a note that a heavy beard and cropped hair doesn't suit me at all.

Jan. 11th, 2013


Don't forget! We got a meet-n-greet goin on tonight on the 13th floor between 6 and 8pm. Folks's welcome to come along and introduce yourself. We got a buncha new people this last week, and I just wanted to say that you should drop by. It's a good way to meet new friends!

If you don't wanna come, I used to do these little questionnaire things. I suppose I could start em up again, and I'll answer first!

Questionnaire & html )

Jan. 7th, 2013



On the 26th of January, the Potts Tower Youth Center is holding the Compitalia (for more information please click here and here.

The Compitalia is a Roman holiday that honors the lares of the crossroads. We are going to resurrect the tradition of the Compitalia Games, giving everyone who is interested a chance to compete. The games will include gladiator type games, with fighters using their weapons of choice to compete against each other until we have our winners. There will be two divisions: Amateurs (those who would compete just for fun), and Professionals (warriors, hero types who fight in battles most of the time). There is a one time$10.00 entrance fee for Professionals which will cover all events; Amateurs compete free, and are welcome to compete in events that are outside their areas of expertise. Proceeds go towards the Potts Tower Youth Center.

Winners receive laurel wreaths and extreme bragging rights.

The competition will be held in the Potts Tower Gym, except for the foot races which will be held at Stuyvesant High School.

Competitions for each division include:

- Combat with weapons
- Hand to hand combat
- Long and short footraces
- Long Jump
- Hammer Throw
- Discus
- Javelin
- Archery

Those interested should sign up here, or email myself (pipermclean@pottstower.com) or Octavian, the Youth Centers expert in Roman culture (octavian@pottstower.com) no later than the 16th of January.

Victory feast will be held at the end of the day to honor the winners. There is a $5 entry fee, which for the Professional competitors, is covered by their entry fee. All welcome.

Detailed schedule to events to come when all registrations are in.

NOTE: No human sacrifice, no fights to the death, no crippling injuries.

Please register with your name, category, and the events you wish to compete in.

Dec. 31st, 2012


Who: Potts Tower folks!
When: New Years Eve, 8pm-onwards
Where: Potts Tower: Basement & floor 13
What: PARTY TIME. This is the IC/OOC post what is going down. Feel free to comment. You're also welcome to post logs. When you reply to the comment times below, please be sure to put your character's name in the subject line. IE. Under Arrivals, add Arrivals - Character Name to make it easier to find things later. Also, remember to tag your character!


Dec. 24th, 2012


I couldn't resist temptation. I went looking on this internet thing to see if I could find a picture of my Empress. The internet is a strange place with many very odd things on it that I have learned to avoid but I was able to find what I was looking for - Sokolov's portrait of the Empress. I also found a few other pictures I had to keep.

Cut for images, not filtered )

Dec. 23rd, 2012


Christmas Gift Post!

Who: The whole game!
When: Leading up to Christmas
Where: Under tree. Delivered with bows.
What: Christmas presents!
Rating: Who knows!

Because this game is massive, and even if everyone just sent ONE package to anyone, it would end up being 300+ posts in the community. So to save our friends lists from imploding, we the moderators are asking that you fill out this form and reply HERE. It'll make it easier to find (Control-F is a lovely thing!) and we won't have to abuse our scroll button. Here's how we're going to do it. You will post for one character with everything that they got for their friends/family/etc. Make sure to tag your character as soon as you get their information up!

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