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May. 11th, 2014


My mother and I are too much alike to get along, but I miss her. A lot. Especially today.


cut for image, not filtered )

One of the things I'm most thankful for about this place was that I got to meet and spend time with my mother, who died when I was a baby. I wish she was still here.

[ mary winchester ]
I know you're not here anymore, but... I really miss you, mom. Especially now that I know you, and especially today.


There are times when, despite all the times she tried to kill me, I miss my mother.

I think we should have regular dinners, at least once a month. We can keep each other grounded.

May. 4th, 2014


WHO: Molly Carpenter and Sarissa
WHERE: Thai restaurant
WHEN: May 1
WHAT: Two cosmic opposites have dinner. Watch out, world.
STATUS: log; complete

. )

May. 3rd, 2014


With the departure of Wade Wilson and Terry Cassidy, it would seem that Joan Watson and myself have more or less inherited X-Factor's Private Investigation offices. This also means we are currently seeking employees. If you have any experience with detective work and would be interested in an interview, please let me know. We also need an office clerk, and seeing as the summer is upon us -- we would also be willing to take on an intern or two.

I will be personally trained all employees in the art of deductive reasoning, analysis of evidence and other techniques and tricks of the trade, such as slight of hand, character and accent work, deception -- etc.

Applicants will not be subjected to any kind of official background check, but as I said, I will be conducting the interviews.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


Filtered to Molly Carpenter

Molly, I'd like to ask you a question.

Please understand I'm not asking as the Summer Lady. I'm asking as someone who knew your predecessor and watched her change over several centuries.

Have you felt the influence of your Mantle?

Apr. 21st, 2014


I think I don't really belong here.

Apr. 16th, 2014


...This is definitely not Arctis Tor. Or Chicago.

I need to get back before someone finds out I'm gone, because she won't care that it's not my fault and I didn't mean to come here and...

I just really need to get back. Like, five minutes ago.

Sep. 15th, 2013



Yup, that's all I got. Because I haven't checked in with anyone for a couple weeks, so. Hi people I know, and people I don't know.

There's only about a week of summer left. I am ridiculously excited about the prospect of cooler weather.

Sep. 6th, 2013


I think I need a new hobby, besides clubbing. Maybe community theater.

Sep. 1st, 2013


September means summer's end. Maybe it'll start to cool off soon. That would be awesome.

Elaine! I wasn't around yesterday and I just heard what happened. Are you all right?

Aug. 17th, 2013


Mm sometimes I get the sweetest clients. A little old lady just brought by a box of Godiva chocolate for finding something of hers. I love my job.

Jason! Harry! Fix! Isa! Molly! Justine! Thomas! If anyone wants some ill share you guys


People are slobs. At least at a self serve toppings bar in a frozen yogurt place. Seriously. It's disgusting, sometimes.

But it's a decent job. Not a career or anything, sure, but I like it.

Aug. 9th, 2013


I got a job. At one of those self serve frozen yogurt places. Because it's like an ice box in there. Especially in the back.

Aug. 5th, 2013


I've been spending a great deal of time helping out at the Church in the past few days. There is a cathedral not far from here which has fallen into disrepair, and I have been very glad to have been able to offer my services. It saddens me to see so much neglect towards the church, towards faith, in these days. There are so many people who seem so lost in this world, and need a little guidance, a helping hand.

But alas, one cannot force people to have faith, it is something that must come from within.

[Filtered to Molly]

Are you doing okay?

Jul. 26th, 2013


[Filtered to Molly Carpenter]

Look, I don't want to fight with you. That's ridiculous. This place...I don't even know what to make of it, but I know we all have to stick together, somehow.

I can't promise you I'm not going to be suspicious. I've had ten years to get that way, Molly, and it's kept me alive so far. And no matter what you say to the contrary, I'm Summer, you're Winter, and that's just the way it is. But Harry and I have worked together before, and we can work together too.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Your Lady isn't happy with me, at all.


It's so nice outside right now...it sucks that we're heading towards winter.

Jul. 24th, 2013


The days are getting shorter. I can feel it. Summer's dying, a little more every day.

It hurts.

You should be here, Lily. I miss you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, like I was supposed to. Like I promised I would.

It hurts .

I know I'm not much to look at, but it never seemed to matter with you. And now you're gone, and never coming back, and I sit here and replay it in my mind every night.

I'm sorry, my Lady. My friend. My Lily.

It's shit. And I miss you like hell.

Jul. 20th, 2013


Is there some sort of inter-dimensional liaison for when folks get their hackles up about us newcomers--sort of like when law enforcement officers have to cross jurisdictional lines and work with other departments? Or am I totally over-thinking things here?


Why does it have to be so hot? I can almost feel myself melting.

I need a bathtub full of ice. I think that's the only thing that will help.

Jul. 18th, 2013


Okay, so. This is not where I'm supposed to be.

Harry? The suits said you're here? And Thomas and Justine and Elaine? Okay, but...I need to get back to you-know-where before you-know-who finds out I'm gone, because she won't care that it's not my fault and I didn't mean to come here and...

I just really need to get back. Like, five minutes ago.

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