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Oct. 18th, 2013


Letter left under Jason Todd's apartment door

ze letter )

Oct. 8th, 2013


I miss dancing. I miss cooking for other people. I miss my stupid ex. I miss my friends that have been taken away from me. I guess I'm having a hard time figuring this month out, or Fall's got me down. I'm not entirely sure on that one.

Sep. 24th, 2013


Oh Tesseract. You Suck. I was just getting to be friends with Roy here, and you go and take him away? Damn it.

Filter: Jason Todd
Still being you? I haven't seen you at all and I really think you need to still reconsider.

Sep. 15th, 2013


Left Outside Their Respective Apartments in a Fancy Looking Box )


That haunted house? Absolutely a great night out. Thanks, again, for inviting me, Cassie! It was enough to make me feel a little better and a little less bitchy. It's a good morning, I think.

I've taken to spending my time at work, at a local ballet studio and the gym. Because even if I'm not dating a super hero, I'm still hooked on the training I started because of him. As such I've lost the one person I could beat up a bit without worrying, anyone want to fill in?

Roy Harper
How goes? Some asshole has still managed to avoid me so I haven't punched him yet. I'm still not any less angry, though. Anyways, I hit up a haunted house - ridiculous amounts of fun. Hey, you want to hit the gym with me sometime?

Sep. 7th, 2013


Filter: Jason Todd Wayne
Alright. It's been a few days. Ready to talk yet?

Filter: Roy Harper
Sorry to have bothered you the other night. I don't know what's gotten into Jason. I haven't heard from him at all.

Filter: Cassie sandsmark
Thank you, for the other day.


Who: Isabel and Justine
What: Comfort Cuddles
Why: Jason broke up with Isa and she's sad
When: Evening, Backdated 9/3
Rating: C for Cute?

She was just too exhausted )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


There's something depressing about waking up to an empty apartment. No matter what, a pan of baklava is not going to fix that. So as I have spent my time here working and not enjoying myself, I took a few days off. bad idea, Isabel, you're upset and not rational and I've decided, I haven't made a lot of friends here, mostly because I've been wrapped up in trying to stay normal that I just haven't tried. Bats. They take over your life. Then drop you. And you don't know which way is up anymore...

On that note, if you desire a new friend, I will be sitting up on the 13th floor with baklava and cookies today, catching up on some reading by the pool outside and just trying to get through today. Yesterday was definitely a Monday. And I'm starting to hate Mondays. please ignore the box of tissues and chocolate by me, and my red eyes, I'm strong but I'm still miserable

Filter: Private
I am still punching his lights out when I see him. Doesn't he know that? Doesn't he understand that I told Superman off, he's not a major problem to tell off? To get in his face? Jason is going to regret this. Worst part was waking up today without him. I actually got used to him sleeping near me. This. Sucks. Worst break up in my history. I'm going to give him a good piece of my mind...

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Filter: Jason Todd Wayne
Are you out of your goddamned mind? Civilian / Hero drama? Seriously? I am so mad at you right now, if I saw you I'd knock your damn lights out. Honest to god, Jason, you get your damn head back on straight. Our DALLIANCE?!? I'm so mad at you right now I can't even find a second to realize I should be sobbing my eyes out. But no, you? are getting hit as hard as I can manage once I see you again. Hell I can't even write a pissed off letter well, thanks.

Filter: Everyone Else, No Jason Todd Wayne [sorry man, she mad]
Are you fucking kidding me right now? Oh there's going to be one sorry motherfucker around here soon as I find him. Until then. I need a drink. Or six.

Filter: Roy Harper
Hello, I know I haven't spoken much to you, and I should really fix that, because you're from home. I'm from home. It's a thing. ANYWAYS. How are you? I hope this finds you well. If you see Jason, please punch him in the face for me, right square in his nose as hard as possible. I'll pay you in the best dinner I can make.

Sep. 1st, 2013


Filter: Gothamites
Everyone alright?

Filter: Elaine, Jason, Roy, etc
You guys alright?
Jason - I . are you okay? I'm worried about all of you. A lot

Love you, hope you're okay.

If anyone needs a hand cleaning up, or food cooked please, let me know. I can cook for as many people as necessary.

Aug. 5th, 2013


I love the Summer - it's one of my favorite seasons - alright, I lie, I love all the seasons for various reasons - but Autumn. Oh Autumn - you are certainly my favorite of favorites. The changing leaves, the crispness in the air. And some of the best farmer's market foods. Oh and can't forget, apple pie. Fresh picked apples are some of the best treats, turn them into fresh pie and it's a little slice of heaven on a plate. Over six weeks to go, of course, before it's the beginning of apple picking season, but I can still dream of that freshly baked apple pie.

It'll be a good time to be in my apartment, I think.

Roy Harper, Jason Todd, Elaine Mallory, Barbara Gordon
That being said, I have fresh blueberry pie, strawberry jam, and honey oatmeal cookies if anyone wants some.

Aug. 4th, 2013


So... New York, huh?

This awkward introduction brought to you by Roy Harper. Hi, I'm new.

Jul. 30th, 2013


Dancing while covered in glitter was absolutely fun. It was just a blast to sparkle like that. I honestly feel I should decorate a few of my outfits in some glitter so I can dance like that again. Although, I am finding glitter in the weirdest places in the apartment.

Sorry bout the cats, Elaine, I think they sorta found a patch.

Anyways - I've been thinking. Who wants to come over for a little dinner get together? I've been working hard on learning some new recipes and I think they're coming along well. So - who's up for eating at Isabels? :)

Filter: Jason Todd
is it wrong of me to say I almost miss the adventures from home? I mean, I'm glad I get to spend more time with you, here. And that I get to do some things I've never done before, but I think you spoiled me with getting dragged to and fro!

You know. We should take a weekend away from here. Go do something, just you and I. What say you?

Jul. 11th, 2013


I guess I just never realised, that without Gotham City, there isn't a whole lot to put on crime blotters for Jersey.

Jul. 7th, 2013


I didn't go to the Statue of Liberty on the 4th like I considered -- too many people with the reopening. But I'm hoping to go soon. Is there anyone else who would be interested in going as well?

Filter: Private

If I weren't here, if this were any other place but here, I wouldn't be second-guessing my decisions. But this isn't home. I don't know why I was fooling myself that it was, that it could be. It isn't. I don't feel anywhere near as welcome here as I thought I might be. I can do things. I could have prevented. I shouldn't even be thinking about this.


I wish there was something I could do, but I am incapable of any heroic gestures. I have done things that are heroic, and defiant, and strong but there is little for someone like me to do here, now. But I am from a place where there are those who can do something, so I am incapable of not wishing I could help.

But there's not much for a dancer - stewardess - chef in training to do in this situation. Except bake, if anyone needs comfort food, let me know. I can whip out stuff like no one's business. I currently have a couple dozen cookies, if any one wants any.

Filter: Jason Todd Wayne
I am a little uncomfortable, darling. The threats didn't bother me much - they're almost common place back home. But this attack on our own soil - be it across the country - is unnerving. It makes me both angry and upset that I cannot help. There are cookies on the counter for you.

Filter: Justine
Let us do dinner tonight.

Jun. 30th, 2013


filter: justine raith
I feel I should reach out and say hello, as my darling has given you the worst welcome in the world. He's a bit brash, but he's male, you'll have to excuse him.

I am Isabel Ardila.

filter: Jason Todd Wayne
Darling, how are you doing? I propose a date night this weekend.

Jun. 25th, 2013


Now it's starting to feel like home.

At least he's not dressing up.

Also why are there vanilla beans in my vodka and why is it hidden in the back of the cabinet?

Jun. 15th, 2013


Filter: Jason
Things okay? Do I need to bake more cookies?

I love the little restaurant I'm working at. They've given me freedom to play more in the kitchen. I love it. I've also been dancing, a lot, and working out, a lot. It's been nice having people to train with, although I miss people to dance with.

Also, is it wrong of me to see the new Superman movie and snicker to myself? I mean, he just doesn't do it for me after the little run in with him I had.

Jun. 5th, 2013


I really enjoy the warmer weather. Although I have to admit, I find myself somewhat of a hermit. I cook, I go to work, I come home, I spend time with my darling boyfriend, then go to bed. I feel that outside of my outstanding housemates, I should attempt to make more friends here.

Filter: Jason Todd Wayne, Elaine Mallory
Please take no offense to that. I love you dearly, Jason, and Elaine you are one of the best people I know but I shouldn't demand all of your spare time, either.

Filter: Jason
I enjoyed the Prom and Date night last month. It was lovely and rather fun. Do you know when you are coming home?

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