July 2016




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Jun. 22nd, 2015


I can fly. I can beat up bad guys. I can save people and be heroic. And yet when it comes to trying to get my cat in a carrier is the one thing that I can't do.

I think I saw my life flash before my eyes. Literally.

Does anyone think they're brave enough to coax him so I can take him to the vet? You know, someone who is immune to scratches or whatever.

Jun. 21st, 2015


Personally I think this place could use more explosions.

Jun. 12th, 2015


Whoa that was a FREAKY space trip! Whoever wants me here coulda just ASKED, y'know, me and Val woulda found a way without doing THAT to me. Hmph.

I can't believe they're calling my mom to pick me up like I'm a little KID, too. I could totally blast any bad guys or creeps or muggers! And I don't even have to take the subway (but I COULD, I've lived here all my life, I mean, I know it's a different New York that doesn't even have a Baxter Building but STILL), I could fly and then it would only be, IDK, flying muggers who could get me. Are there any flying muggers?

Well, I guess now I think about it, I don't exactly know where this Potts Tower is anyway... Whatever, I'll wait with my boring SWORD babysitter for Mom.

Anyway, hi, I'm Franklin, I'm eleven years old, and I like video games and baseball and spaceships. The end.

Jun. 10th, 2015


I still like this place! Poker is kind of fun. I didn't know how to play, so sorry for those who I beat. Guess it's beginner's luck...and congratulations to Faith for beating me.

Guess this should probably just go above my head or something, but anyone game for a sparring match this weekend? I don't know if anyone who said yes before is still here. All powers are a go if you'd like!

May. 27th, 2015


Where's a good place to work out some aggression? I have a lot on my mind and think hitting something might help.

May. 22nd, 2015


I think I'm glad to have been left out of the latest tesseract shenanigans. Though I will admit it might have been interesting to find myself as old as I am in the books. Do you think I would have upset many people if that had happened and I'd cut my hair and shaved off the beard?

May. 18th, 2015


I should have not watched my own television show. It is not good.

I switched to food channel. Whoever came up with channel for food is genius.

May. 8th, 2015


All right! I got a few of you to sign up last time but there's more people here now, so here goes again!

Anyone want a sparring partner? And I mean anyone. Even if you think you're the most powerful guy in the universe, I'm game! Seriously! I'm technically dead so no worries about trying to kill me and whatnot. Powers, no powers, I can do both!

I'm Goku, hi!

I've already got:

1. Son Goku
2. Cullen Rutherford
3. Li-Ming
4. Korra

Signed up on this fun list. Anyone else want to join in? I'm having a sparring match or whatever this weekend. I'm no good at organizing, so, um, anyone want to?

May. 7th, 2015


I found a rock today!

Do you think there's a Gem inside? Do you think there's others like me? That would be SO COOL, I'm going to keep watch over it just in case.

Apr. 29th, 2015


Aw, man, really? Thought I'd try just in case but I don't seem to be working either. No energy blasts, no flying or instant transmission. Wish I would have passed my driver's test like Chi Chi wanted me to do now!

...I'm still dead though, technically. Huh.

Apr. 23rd, 2015


So far, the day is turning out really well. If all doors led to places like this, I'd figure out how to do that on purpose rather then on accident.

Apr. 22nd, 2015


Every now and then I see a message on here if someone wants to spar.

Might be a good idea to get a list together or something. If Chi Chi were here, she'd probably be shocked that I'm trying this new thing out. So...yeah!

Who here likes to spar? Any sort of sparring? I mean, I absolutely love to fight, so I'll put my name down just like this:

1. Son Goku
2. Cullen Rutherford
3. Li-Ming

See, there? Yeah! Now, who else is around who likes to spar? Maybe we can do a weekly thing or something like that.

Apr. 15th, 2015


Um. Oops. Is anyone good at fixing things?

There might be something broken in the gym in Potts Tower. I didn't mean to, I swear!

[ooc: Goku was trying his best at restraining himself and didn't do such a good job. Anyone using Potts Tower probably would have heard a crash, especially those living on the lower floors, where he brought down a few training punching bags. They broke a hole in a wall.]

Apr. 12th, 2015


I need people to shoot again. For science.

Also fire might be involved in this trial. And electrocution. But only if the fire goes well.

But I have ~cupcakes~ and a burning rage against capitalist enterprise that needs to be let out.

Apr. 1st, 2015


So, I kinda do this once a month to see who's interested.

Anyone interested in martial arts lessons? Of any style!

I can also try to teach people how to fly? Never tried to really teach it before much, but it's a pretty useful skill to have.

Mar. 30th, 2015


Many years have passed and the world has changed immesurably. This device takes my words and commits them to your sight. They say it will take time.

My name is Richard of York. Once King of England.

Mar. 26th, 2015


Switching bodies? Aw, man, why do I have to miss out on that? I swapped bodies once before. It was pretty crazy. Captain Ginyu (yeah, I didn't make up that crazy name...his other gang members had even crazier names!) was able to swap bodies with ME at one point and I was him, which wasn't cool at all because he was evil and working with Frieza and all. But then, I swapped back and he got stuck as a frog. Ha!

Pretty sure I saw that my son Gohan found him later before a World Martial Arts Tournament that was hosted. I don't even think Gohan realized it was Captain Ginyu that he'd found.

It's not so bad, just so you all know. If anyone wants advice or whatnot, I've experience with this sort of thing.

Mar. 10th, 2015


Aw, man, sick? Really?

...let's hope it's not that weird heart disease again. I don't think I'll have a future angel coming in to save me this time! Unless, Trunks? Are you out there somewhere???

Can't hurt to try, can it?

Mar. 5th, 2015


Public Entry as Son Goku

Okay, everyone! I am looking into starting my own dojo. Why not?

I am looking at where to put it and really have no clue about that sort of thing. Anyone willing to help out? Free lessons on me!

Feb. 23rd, 2015


Anyone up for a spar?

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