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May. 12th, 2013


If anyone wants to know why I'm *beep*ed up, you just have to meet my mother.


Happy Mother's Day, mom. Burn in hell.

May. 5th, 2013



»We're absolutely sure there aren't any artifacts here, right?

Apr. 28th, 2013


Network Post

Now that it appears I can leave the apartment without catching influenza, it's time I began to explore New York City and further acquaint myself with modern living.

Myka will, of course, be giving me thorough lessons. I would be remiss if I did not listen to other perspectives as well. I've spoken to a few of you so far.

Who else would like to offer some opinions and suggestions?

Apr. 27th, 2013


The weather is amazing so the junkyard is calling.

Anyone want to tag along?

Apr. 17th, 2013


Well last night was not what a junkyard outing should be. But after I fixed a watch with wires, a corkscrew and part of a trashed broom one of the SHEILD men gave me a crash course on how to work this thing. As for the timelines it sounds like something from one of Klaus's books so in theory it makes sense but at the same time its not adding up.

In the meantime I'm Violet Baudelaire, I'm 19 and now I'm working on the next logical course of action. So anyone know of a good junkyard, hardware store (my tools took a bit of a beating thanks to that landing) or even a really loaded dumpster? Because right now I really need a project to work on since I miss school.

Smallish edit: Anyone has asprin?

Smallish edit 2: What are the options in terms of school?

Apr. 15th, 2013


Text: Jinks

»I give up.


Is this real?

Apr. 13th, 2013


Filter: Warehouse 13 folks

We all need to meet up and figure out some things, soon. I'm assuming meeting in a public place is a bad idea.

Where should we meet, and when?


I interrupt your regularly scheduled Saturday to present this:

Also: I want a Bioshock Infinite t-shirt.
Alsoalso: we need a gaming night on the 13th floor one of these nights.

Lastly: My actress guest-starred on another TV show, and I look AWESOME with long curly brown hair. Do you think that's her natural hair? It's killer. I think I'm actually jealous. Jinks, if I did a hairstyle change, would that be too creepy? Art imitating life imitating art imitating life?

Apr. 6th, 2013


all unfiltered, but trigger warning for mentions of psychosis )

Filter: Archibald Hopper

You had mentioned earlier you did therapy? I think ... I think I might need some.

Yesterday, in Claudia Donovan is awesome, I had to hand correct some reverse geocoding that the mapping software was messing up. Google could place it correctly on a map, but not this ridiculous counter-intuitive mapping software. Super annoying.

Filter: Jinks
I mean, good god, at least the Warehouse had easy-to-grasp software. Maybe a little too easy to grasp, at first, but I fixed that. Wish this software were the same way. Am I trying too hard to sound normal now? I am, aren't I? Do you think people can tell?

Filter: Caroline Forbes
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. You still interested in the whole shelter thing? Got you a sit down with my boss on Tuesday, over lunch. She can't hire you, but she can at least point you in the right direction.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Thank GOD for the other me who was here. I've got enough clothes to last me a while, and some bath stuff. That makes this $1000 less of a pittance. Now to use these cheap ass shoes to get a job. What does a party girl like me do when she has no money?

Mar. 26th, 2013


Mar. 23rd, 2013


I fail to see how it's fair that because we're refugees and there's no sure way of knowing whether we'll be staying here or not, our chances of getting hired anywhere just drop. Nobody here asked to be put here where all our paperwork and whatnot didn't come with us. No, there really isn't a guarantee when anyone will come and go, but how long is "long enough" for anyone to go "Oh okay, you've been here that long? We can hire you"?

Don't get me wrong. The money we're already getting? It's obviously a blessing because who the heck would do that for a complete stranger? (Well, maybe someone with a good heart will but those are hard to come by.) And yeah, I miss my clothes and all the luxury items I had back home, but I can do a much more smaller closet I guess, but I can't stand not working. That's all I've been about to the point. Seriously, I think my exes are my exes because they felt I loved work more than them. (In some cases, it was true.) So if anyone knows a place that's hiring without any sort of prejudice, please let me know. Just because I'm from an "HP-verse" doesn't mean I don't know how to function in a largely non-magical society. Bloody hell, I'll take anything at this point.

Except anything illegal.

Mar. 17th, 2013


Never minding that there are several things wrong with This infograph of lesbian and bi TV characters sorted into Hogwarts Houses, I'm just going to focus on Myka and HG. First of all, Myka might be book smart and all that, but she's totally a Gryffindor. Think Hermione Granger. That's Myka. Only more badass.

And HG Wells? The woman tried to destroy the world after being bronzed for like, ever. In her day, she was ridiculously ambitious, despite her gender - I mean, she's HG - freaking - Wells. I think we can safely call her a Slytherin. And, you know, with the whole trying to destroy the world thing, let's just go all out and call her a Death Eater. I could listen to arguments for Ravenclaw for her. Damn. Now I miss both HG and Myka. I wish Myka were back.

PS: Caprica Six is not a Death Eater. But I digress. Discuss amongst yourselves, if you so please.

Filter: Steve
What do you think I am? Slytherin? Or Hufflepuff? I'm not a Gryffindor, and well, definitely not a Ravenclaw. So. Sort me, Jinks. You have two minutes. Go!

Mar. 11th, 2013


What? Anakin now too?

Who are me and DT supposed to robo-high five now? AND WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH THIS HALF BUILT DROID?

Mar. 7th, 2013


Doc, lovely bitch-fest you had going on there.

Still bored.

Does anyone want to spar with me?


[ Filtered to Anders ]

Re: your stupid free clinic - how do you feel about sleeping with Tony Stark?

[ /Filter ]

Sweet pickles do not belong in chicken salad. They don't belong anywhere.

What is wrong with people?

Mar. 4th, 2013


I bought two pairs of shoes, none of them in fashion but ahead of it, have managed to piece together my grand collection of moisturizing creams and of course bought other necessities, which might include chocolate ice cream and those cheap plastic spoons that break as soon as you try to scoop up some ice cream. I am probably nearing bankruptcy, so if anyone knows of a job opening anywhere, it would be appreciated. I also have college brochures.

But I don't think I'll be watching the show I come from. There's really quite nothing like being reminded of your past through another perspective - and I'm not so sure I want to be glued to the television just to see where the next episode leads me and the people I care about. Youtube told me enough. And I'm not so sure that I should wait around for Blaine either.

After all, why torture yourself?

And does anyone have a sewing machine I could borrow?

Mar. 1st, 2013


It was indicated to me that I hadn't written publicly on the network recently, so uh here I am.

I don't know what to s

In the extremely-limited occasions where the press succeeds in asking me questions, they never ask me questions that I find particularly compelling. One of the questions I'd wish they'd ask would be which scientists I admire, and why. So I guess I'll write about that.

There are many brilliant pioneers in my field whose work has directly dovetailed with my own, and in fact a handful of them live and work here in NYC. However, one historical figure I've admired since I was young was one German chemist Robert Bunsen. No, he didn't invent the Bunsen Burner, although he was responsible for the improvements that led to its ultimate popularity. Bunsen was, in scientific terms, capable of genius-levels of death-defying badassery.

We'll start with his love affair with arsenic. His experiments with cacodyls (which are arsenic-based) made him hallucinate, coated his tongue in a black covering (that was never actually sussed out rationally, by the way, but then again: would you mess around with that?), caused his hands and feet to tingle, and produced in him giddiness and insensibility that led to some truly awkward academic conferences. Eventually, Bunsen developed the antidote to arsenic poisoning that is still in use today. He only stopped experimenting with the dangerous chemical when the explosion of an arsenic-laced glass beaker took out his right eye.

After that, Bunsen decided to tone down his difficult, deadly experiments by going into a more peaceful direction. Oh wait - no he didn't. He built a geyser in his lab to understand the mechanics of natural explosions. Bunsen collected vapors, boiling liquids, and samples of magma in his travels in an attempt to determine how to make the biggest boom. And boom he did - he succeeded in setting fire to his lab twenty-three times. His research eventually gave birth to the spectroscope that paved the way to the modern periodic table of elements.

I have other scientists, but I will save them for another day, I think.


A few holo movies, episodes or books will never give you the full story on the people inside them. They will only give you a brief window with which to view them, and to use that in a derogatory manner is not only hurtful, but closed minded. Perhaps Master Yoda's immortal words that you must unlearn what you have learned may be applicable here. I believe everyone deserves a chance to show who they really are beyond a simple window.

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