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Jul. 30th, 2013


Who:Simon Tam and Cristina Yang
When:Tuesday July 2
Where:Yang’s apartment after Kaylee’s birthday party
What: With these two it could be anything
Rating:PG-13 for Yang’s mouth

Quote )

Jul. 27th, 2013


Meredith is gone. Well at least I know she's going back to a happy place.
Shit. This sucks.

Jul. 24th, 2013


[Filter: Meredith Grey]

So I know that we can move out if we want to now but I'm kind of attached to this place. And fuck it all, I'm kind of attached to Simon too. Anyway since the hospitals around here didn't have any open residency slots, I'll be at the clinic for awhile. Which isn't all that bad but don't ever tell anyone I said that.

What I'm saying is if you can stand my mess, you and the kid want to see if we can find a place here in the Tower together? I figure there will be plenty of empty apartments with two bedrooms.

[Filter: Simon Tam]
You staying here or moving? Just wondering. I'm sticking around myself.

Jul. 16th, 2013


[Filter: Everyone who helped out in the clinic on Sunday night]

Yeah. So I'm not one for making big speeches and stuff but thanks to everyone who came down and pitched in. It was nuts down there but we all pulled together and nobody died. That's always a plus.

Dude. You're pretty freakin' awesome in a crisis.

Jul. 15th, 2013


We have a sudden rush of people at the clinic. Something's going on in the city.

If there's anyone in the tower who even knows a little first aide, we could use your help tonight. There are too many people and we don't have enough hands.

[Clinic Staff]

We've people pouring in, reports of strange things going on in the city? People are panicking. We've got to set up as a safe area.

Jul. 3rd, 2013


Who: Meredith & Cristina
When: Pre-baby (June 15)
Where: Baby store
What: Shopping for baby things
Rating: G

Sebastian makes me think of that crab in the Little Mermaid )


Text to Cristina Yang
You busy tonight?

Jun. 30th, 2013


So, it would appear the Peacekeeper has left. While I'm not personally very sorry to see her go, I guess we can expect to hear the sobbing from the vicinity of Crichton's room until the tesseract sees fit to return her.

All I know is that I'm not swallowing any parts of people from the bottom of seas, just remember that.

Jun. 28th, 2013


Text to Christina & Caroline

What is this mandarin guy that people are talking about in here?
I don't watch TV
Rivers missed them too thankfully.
I mean I know he caused the explosions
Why though?

Jun. 27th, 2013


Starfleet, and anyone else who might be interested. Not sure I'm going to be able to sleep after that broadcast. If anyone wants company, feel free to come by room 606.

I think I'm going to make pancakes.

Jun. 23rd, 2013


I may have found a salon to call home.

It's not far from the apartments; being able to walk to work is a bonus.

I'd rather own my own business, but I gotta start somewhere, right?


Glad to see you all made it out of the gremlin blight of 2013. Nasty little things. Though I'm fairly certain that Bann Purrsly put up a valiant fight against one. All that training on random dust motes came in use. We might have to buy her a new cat tree in celebration.

[Clinic Staff]

Cristina, I do hope you're settling in here at the clinic. I know we're busy and certainly not as fancy as a hospital, but we all appreciate you deciding to join the team.

Jun. 20th, 2013


You've been sending me uncomfortable feelings ever since the day they posted those announcements.
[End Filter]

The Succubus Series. I looked up what a succubus is, but not all written depictions are 100% accurate. Would you tell me more about it?
[End Filter]

Imperial Walker and Walking Imperial. I'm still laughing at that one.
[End Filter]

I see a lot of people arriving here are from 'cited sources' and are likely having to go through an adjustment. Out of curiosity, if you don't mind sharing, what was your reaction to being told that you're a fictional character - created and written by someone else? Has it created any questions about decisions you've made, losses you've suffered, accolades you've earned, or thoughts regarding your future? It seems like it could easily create a crisis of faith in someone who is devout in their religion.

If anyone has asked this before, I would appreciate being directed to the answers if someone doesn't wish to repeat themselves. Likewise, if it's not something you want to talk about, I won't push.

Jun. 19th, 2013


» Are you in the apartment, Tabby?
» Don't freak out if you are.

» I think it's time
» I hope it's time
» I'm braving any potential run-in with gremlins

» I hope you're ready
» I'm coming down to the clinic

Jun. 18th, 2013


Who:Cristina Yang and Thomas Raith
When: Tuesday June 18
Where: Thomas' apartment
What: Cristina gets the haircut of her life
Rating: TBD

This had to be the strangest thing she'd ever agreed to )

Jun. 17th, 2013



>>So I spent fourteen hours of my life yesterday watching your show.
>>Dude. The vests? Seriously. What the hell?
>>I also noticed that a couple of your friends left.
>>Sorry. That's got to suck.
>>Need some company? I can't believe I just said that

Jun. 16th, 2013


Well, this is... new.

I'm still not entirely convinced that this isn't a drug-induced hallucination. If it is, I have to say that the absence of dancing mops and trumpet-wielding elephants is a little disappointing. LSD is to Fantasia as [mystery drug] is to waking up in a Seinfeld episode?

If you happen to see a cantankerous, misanthropic, intolerant, self-involved, antagonistic doctor with one working leg, I suggest that you run in the opposite direction. He won't be able to catch you.


Somebody better start talking.

Harry? What the hell? Justine? Where are you?

Jun. 13th, 2013


Filter: Christopher Pike

I can't believe I did this but I actually watched Star Trek. The movie that you were in.
Gotta hand it to ya. You're one tough bastard.


I came across this link today, and for some reason thought of this tower. Perhaps it's a little silly, but it's all in fun.

Then again, I say that and mine was Surprisingly Hairy Lion.

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