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Feb. 6th, 2016


For the first time since 2014, The Queen speaks.

[Filtered to Regulus Black]
Thank you for going to that show with me. I very much enjoyed your company. And I do apologize -- I had no idea a show called Fun Home would be so depressing. Perhaps another time we can watch the Bleak House miniseries, which I can only assume will be a delightful romantic comedy.

Dec. 22nd, 2015


What is Christmas, in the modern world, if not a time for impulse purchases? )

I'm thinking of calling him Wilfred.

Nov. 11th, 2015


Did I read that the MOMA announced an art exhibition about Uber?

Lord, I knew this day would come.

Oct. 24th, 2015


Unfiltered. But Cut for mentions of HP related character death )

Oct. 12th, 2015


I think the Hipsters may be up to something.

This morning, I went out to get my coffee, and I found myself awash in a sea of suspenders, newsboy caps and unfamiliar language. It was not entirely unlike the first time that I arrived in this city, although perhaps a bit less jarring.

If this turns out to be another one of those bloody art happenings, I will go down to Pratt myself and demand a word.

Oct. 7th, 2015


I'm reading things rightly? All Saint's Eve these days is largely a secular celebration of make-believe with costumes and candy? Can't say I can't see the appeal there.

[ Vanessa ]
I'll be finding a church for the vigil and for All Soul's Day, all the same. Just because they're not in this world doesn't mean the departed don't deserve the observance. You're welcome to join me if you'd like to.

Oct. 4th, 2015


I am not a vain man, I never have been. Other people have, of course, ascribed a lot of value to my looks, but beauty is always best left in the eye of the beholder. However, I am a curious man. For that reason, I keep track of the things, the news items, related to Dorian Gray that pop up all over the internet. It seems Merlin Holland (what a name) has adapted his grandfather's work for the stage. I image that's one way to try and make money off a dead family member's vision once the copyright expires.

I'm not so sure I want to see it. It's rare I'm not demonized beyond any recognition of who I am or was ever meant to be. I don't know why, even with all that we know how, the object that tempts is always held to greater guilt than those who fall into temptation.

But I suppose I can take some pride in the fact that story endures.

Sep. 19th, 2015


[Filtered to Dorian Gray]
I assume you haven't gotten caught up in this recent madness, despite your affiliation with a fellow who likes to seek it out?
if anyone remains locked out of the tower, my apartment in Brooklyn could feasibly fit one to two additional people, depending on their size and how they feel about couches.

Students, you obviously won't be penalized for work you are unable to complete while you are being set upon by demons.

Sep. 8th, 2015


Perhaps my perspective on this particular subject is unique, or different, being from the inclusive (and at times, too inclusive) nation of wizards and things such as powers and abilities are obviously different there -- I can't help but wonder, with all this talk, what Superheroes, or heroes - what makes a person one?

And what world do we live in where doing the right thing is suddenly extraordinary and worthy of praise? Doing the right thing, no matter how difficult, isn't what makes a person a hero - it's what makes them human.

[Ethan Chandler]
I signed up for your Latin class, I do hope that's all right?
[Draco Malfoy]
How are you managing?

Sep. 6th, 2015


Now I know that keeping up with trends can take a toll on a person's pocketbook. But I will admit I never thought Memes would become quite so expensive.

[Basil Hallward]
Are you free this afternoon?

Aug. 13th, 2015


It would see that while I might have forgotten myself, there were others who remembered me. By chance, perhaps fate, or merely an attraction to ma langue maternelle, I happened upon this place.

They helped me find my identity, but by the size of the book I won't waste my borrowed hours of life reading about misery I knew too well first hand. Of more interest to me, they offered me a job.

et tu - I've resolved to find a use for.

Aug. 5th, 2015


.... Pottermore just sorted me into Gryffindor. So, there is a fake Wizarding World in Florida? That's weird, isn't it? I know I'm fictional in this world and whatever else. Or at least, you don't know the truth of wizards here but that seems like it's taking things a touch far, doesn't it?

[Remus Lupin]

[Basil Hallward, Jo Harvelle, Ethan Chandler]
You've all extended invitations to me and I'd like to thank you all again for your consideration, I've never felt quite so welcome anywhere before. I think I'd like to see you all this week, so perhaps I could make a proper plan with each of you?
[Faith Lehane]
Are you feeling all right, this morning? I was sorry I had to leave you alone in my apartment, but I was supposed to meet with my brother this morning, I hope you don't mind at all. I put a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for you, and lay out the tea set. If you haven't made use of it yet, please feel free to do so.

I haven't had any time for potions to help your head, but really, water is the best.
[Draco Malfoy]
I saw your name on the registry, and you're only a few doors down from me. I'm not sure if you'll get this message, but if you do - Hello. Regulus Black. I'm your dead cousin.

[Hermione Granger]
Can I... speak to you, for a moment?

Aug. 2nd, 2015


[Filtered to Dorian Gray]
I'm sorry that I have not been in touch for the last several days. I suppose I have not known what to say.

Walter disappeared a few days ago. I had hoped that there might have been some misunderstanding, but I am now very confident that the tesseract has taken him.

I am not yet certain if I will choose to remain in the apartment, but I will let you know if I decide to relocate.

Jun. 28th, 2015


I think I've had enough Pride to last me at least the year. If not a lifetime. It was a blessing in disguise that it was so grey and drizzly. Good Lord. it was packed to the rafters, would've been absolutely miserable in 95 degree heat. I became far more intimately acquainted with the strangers near me than I should have liked. But I suppose that's part of the experience, isn't it?

Jun. 7th, 2015


We're back from the honeymoon. We'll be sending out proper thank you cards and gifts to those who attended the wedding within the next few days, but I did want to take a moment to thank you all. It was a beautiful day, and a beautiful ceremony, and it meant they absolute world to me that so many of my most-loved friends could be there as well. Although, I think Door's absence still stung just a little bit. She would have loved the colours...

While being beachside was a pleasant break, after all the insanity of wedding planning, I did miss New York. It really has become the city I call home, even when it's being loud and obnoxious. So I'm pleased to be back, and I hope we didn't miss anything terribly important.

[Stark Resilient]
Tony and I will be in tomorrow, but probably only in the afternoon, but how is everyone?

May. 25th, 2015


[Basil Hallward]
And how do you feel in the cold light of this day?

Apr. 18th, 2015


[Basil Hallward]
In Thirty-seven days, I'm going to be married.

Mar. 21st, 2015


[Basil Hallward]
You know, I think we'd both do well to take tomorrow as a day to be out of the apartment. Being sick has kept us both indoors far too long, I'd think. And we've that birthday dinner to think about as well, what should we get for my mother, do you think?

Mar. 11th, 2015


As I may currently be on the brink of death, instruction for the PTYC art classes for the rest of the week will be cancelled unless I can find a suitable substitute.

Instead, there will be open studio time during our usual class hours, and students will be able to work on any mid-term projects they have not yet completed. Assuming there are any students who remain unaffected by this ailment. If I am not back before Spring Break begins, you can all assume that projects will be graded on the Monday we return. Perhaps by whatever instructor they've found to replace me after my seemingly inevitable demise.

Jan. 24th, 2015


[Basil Hallward]
Where did you get this... terrible lamp.

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