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Aug. 8th, 2013


[SHIELD Level 7 and up]

Until about five seconds ago there was an annoying little flying child floating around my office in a homemade batman suit. Apparently his name is Batmite from the fifth dimension. Because why the hell not, four wasn't enough to begin with.

Somehow he managed to control every screen in my office to play different Batman cartoons, all different ones, at the same time. And apparently if you shoot him he doesn't die.

Would you like to hear about how the Justice League is better than SHIELD and the Avengers? Because I just had to listen to an hour of it. I think I might just punch Batman if he shows up now on principle.


There's a creature called Batmite that's been spotted around SHIELD. Don't try to contain him, it does not seem to work and would be a waste of resources.

I know some of you will be tempted to shoot him, but it doesn't work and I'm told accounting says that we already destroy enough equipment on the regular as it is.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Apparently I can't keep a Lincoln Lee around to save my li Screw you, cosmic cube. Lincoln's been sent back and the least it could've done is sent me with him.

Jul. 24th, 2013


I've got a job. That didn't take me long at all

And thank you for teaching me about the eggs.

Jul. 18th, 2013


I really don't understand what I'm supposed to do here.

Is there a Fringe team present?

Jul. 17th, 2013


Sorry protestors, as long as this world has coffee, I'm sticking around. You're going to have to pry this hot latte out of my dirty alternate universe hands.

In the meantime, I'll be busy having a love affair with the cinnamon dolce one from Starbucks.

Jul. 15th, 2013


Backdated to about 6 AM

[Filtered to Nick Fury (MCU), Phil Coulson, Maria Hill]
Status report: NYC )

[Filtered to New York Group (Cell Eight, Spider Family (Ben, Peter, Kaine, and May Parker, Reilly Tyne, and Aracely), Jaina Solo, Lady Sif, James Bond, and Daisy Johnson, Anders, Paige Matthews, Rory Pond, and Christine Chapel]

Last night, we took what could have been catastrophic and wound up with deaths and injuries below the triple digits. Of the three fuckers that showed up, two were taken down without explosions and the third was quickly enough contained. Thank you for those of you who volunteered.

Two points of business and then some good news for once:

Though some of you are not SHIELD agents, I hope that everyone involved respects the importance of what SHIELD does enough to not publicly discuss anything you might have overheard or seen last night.

I'm going to need everyone not affiliated with SHIELD to set up a time between 0900 and 1100 or 1300 and 1630 for a debriefing. It shouldn't take long, and we'll provide transportation should you require it.

Final point, I'm buying drinks at Sam's tonight if anyone's interested.

[SHIELD personnel involved in the New York Group]
Standard Debrief and Outcomes, 1130, Conference room D. I'm hoping, Things stay calm, I can dismiss you all after that.

Offer above stands.

[ETA: Filter to Steve Rogers (616)]
How'd your team hold up in Philly?

Jul. 14th, 2013



We've had a massive increase in heat signatures around the country.

These bombs are human beings, and they're burning hot enough to vaporize anyone near by. Containment is our top priority to minimize civilian casualties. This is not a take the target alive mission. Take them down to prevent further damage.

Cell 3-Washington, DC (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 4-Boston
Cell 5-Chicago (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 6 and 10-Los Angeles- Trainee Carter, Blythe (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 7-Philadelphia
Cell 8- NYC (Multiple Signatures)- Trainee Bond

These people are extremely dangerous. You've all seen the damage that they've done in person. I want those with powers at the forefront and I'm working on getting you the support you need otherwise outside of the resources SHIELD has at its disposal. The people of these cities don't know they're counting on us but we're going to make sure they can. So handlers, keep us updated and show these idiots why we don't tolerate going after innocent targets.

*[OOC: SHIELD trainees can request assignment, they'll be assigned as needed]
[Filtered to Non-Shield Superheroes*]

There are people that have turned themselves into high powered bombs about to go off around the country. My agents are being sent in but this is bigger than just the attack on New York. I believe that you've all been sent here for a reason, whether you want to think it or not. People needed you back home and the people here need you now.

My agents are being sent out. Most of them have no powers to speak of but they do believe in protecting the civilians of this world. So I'm asking you for back up. I want to bring as many of them home as possible.

So far the hot spots we have are:
Washington, DC- Mercenary, Dr. Strange
Boston- Wolverine, Kitty Pryde
Chicago- Wasp, The Next Avenger Team
Los Angeles- Banshee, Rictor, Aqualad
NYC- Dark Devil, Spider family.
Philadelphia- Storm, Runaways
Detroit- Trainee T'soni
Houston- Starfire, Robin, Buttercup, Bubbles and Blossom possibly.
San Francisco- Avengers Academy
Las Vegas- Moody, Shacklebolt, Jason Todd, The Kanes, Trainee Tachi
Minneapolis- Frost, Phoenix, Spinnet
Denver- Castiel, Faith, Bennett, Kent.

*[OOC: Filter is a catch-all for heroes. However these are the extremis individuals. They vaporize normal people and some of them will be detonating. So having some kind of powers is preferred because, well, dead is not an agreeable state of being really.]
[Filtered Hill and Natasha (616)]

I've a signature in Detroit. We're going. Suit up.

Jul. 10th, 2013


» You know what I already miss?
» Bed. My bed. Our bed. Whatever you want to call it.
» I'm not ready for a vacation yet, because it's nice to see a little action.
» But I could actually appreciate the action part and a little less the "here's a cold lead for you to follow" part.
» How are things on your end?

Jul. 9th, 2013


[Filtered to Wanda Maximoff]
Don't know the details of where you are, ain't asking. But we're being shipped out to Stuttgart ASAP. If what you're doing's yielding something, stay and do that. You need a cover, you've got one. Otherwise, I'll make arrangements for you to get there.

[Filtered to Cell Eight (Myri Antilles, Wanda Maximoff, Olivia Dunham) ]
Got our assignment. We're shipping out to Stuttgart Germany to investigate a Mandarin related bombing back in February. No deaths save for the bomber. Think this should be a fairly straightforward investigation, but we need to be thorough. If we can, I'd actually like to stretch this work out as I've a personal matter I need to attend to while in Germany. Be in our down time and you don't need to worry about it just a head's up.

[Filtered to Matt Murdock, Natasha Romanova (616)]
Luck would have it, I'm heading to Germany ASAP. We extract Val tonight, tomorrow morning if shift change works better. Easy in, easy out. Murdock, you come off too when we do this because it will likely blow your cover. Have to fly you into Jersey for now to get you back stateside. LAG's still closed.

Nat, you stay as long as you need to finish.

[Filtered to Maria Hill]
Dropped a summary through internal memo with schematics. But, in short, I spoke to techies at NBC and ABC yesterday about broadcast hijacks. Seems there's a fair history of them using satellite link ups which require a fair amount of equipment, but a bit of a resurgence in recent years apparently is less high tech. It's a two step process, a low grade microwave emitter at the right frequency to jam a signal and a video transmitter to send the new one. Most television channels aren't too damn safeguarded against this sort of attack. But multiple networks would require multiple frequencies.

Some more modern hackers have been able to take over airwaves for up to ten minutes, Mandarin's longest broadcast clocked at 0:42 probably not looking top of the line, could be looking at an old teleport or network with broadcast capabilities. Some home shopping network or public access that's closed or abandoned. Attached a list in the tri-state area. I can expand on it later if necessary. Otherwise, I spoke to a hacker who seems convinced they could make the equipment in a couple hours with items ordered off-line.

Heading to Germany, might take a few days there, but I've got someone looking into what it would take to assemble a home set up to replicate these intercepts. I'll report back when they get back to me as to any difficult to acquire, thus trackable, pieces and go from there.

Jul. 3rd, 2013


Has anyone ever found the people responsible for their movies or shows or whatever they're from and beat the shit out of them? I'm thinking I really could use my friend Kelly right now for that sort of thing.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


[Filtered to Steve Rogers (MCU)]

Anyone drop you information on Norman Osborn recently?


Went through the proposal and sent along some notes. Start small, check in with me, but I'm giving you reigns on this, Hill. I know you won't let me down, don't let them do the same to you.

[Cells Seven, Four, Eight]

I want reports in when you've got information for me. I want reports in even if you don't have information for me.

Jul. 1st, 2013


We're heading for New Orleans to investigate a suspected ten rings cell. Intel is shaky at best, but at least it's a lead. Our ride is fueling up as we speak so we leave as soon as we can all get out to the tarmac.
Got a mission out of town. I'm not sure how long it'll be, but I'll let you know when I have more info.

Are you just going to laugh if I ask you to stay out of trouble?

Jun. 26th, 2013


[SHIELD Level 3 and above]

We've reports of an attack on Stark tower. All hands on deck. I want every available team assembled to leave as soon as possible.

The distress call was garbled but we know there are armed attackers in a building full of civilians. Safety of the civilians is top priority, collaring whatever idiots decided to do this is a close second. But it would have to take more than just an ordinary group of thugs to take on Stark's security so keep your eyes peeled.

I'll have more information relayed to cells as we get it. Keep in contact.

[Avengers (MCU)]
If Pepper or Tony didn't get through to you lot, you're needed at Stark tower. My people are already on route.

Jun. 7th, 2013


» Don't people believe in blinds or curtains anymore?
» I mean, I get it. You're 20 stories up.. Who's going to see you?
» People searching for Waldo, that's who.
» I have glimpsed this fucker not once, not twice, but four times.
» I've seen more people having sex in the last 24 hours than I have seen of Waldo.

» Why is SHIELD putting this much effort into the guy? He belongs in a children's book. Not exactly armed and dangerous.
» I'm mostly just complaining because I want donuts and a latte.

Jun. 6th, 2013


[Text to Cell Eight--Olivia Dunham, Wanda Maximoff, Myri Antilles.]
»Corralling Waldo.
» Have him on the BMT-Broadway southbound.
» Head to 42nd at Times Square. Likely exit point.

Jun. 5th, 2013


This morning, a sixteen year old barista looked at me like I was an idiot when I got hot coffee on my hand and joked "it's just a flesh wound" in my best English accent (which admittedly isn't great, but still). Okay, I don't think she was actually 16, but the look she gave me felt very much like teenage judgement. Which has an entirely different feel than adult judgement, you know.

Anyway, it's a sad, sad day when you realize kids aren't growing up watching Monty Python anymore.

All right, the decision to investigate recent outages has been moved to mission status. Time to pretend you're an engineer and help some actual ones investigate. Unfortunately, I can't guarantee you won't end up in a sewer at some point. These things happen.


I need a hobby that doesn't include shooting things (already do that) or watching my show (I regret this one). Suggestions?

May. 20th, 2013


So who's going to play welcome committee and buy a new girl around here a drink?

I'm celebrating.

May. 16th, 2013


[Filtered to Wanda Maximoff, Olivia Dunham]

Alright. Wanda, this'll be old news but sit through it. Agents Dunham, Maximoff.

I'm Colonel Nicholas Fury and I'm taking over your cell next week. I've reviewed both your files and training notes and while you obviously have different backgrounds there's enough overlap that I think we'll be a strong squad for a bunch of refugees in an alternate universe at the mercy of the Tesseract. I'd like to see you two in action while we think about what we need in a third. I'll save the summaries, as you two should have already introduced yourselves to one another. If you've not do so now. Dunham, I'd like to talk to you at a bit more length.

For me, there's not much to know. I cut my teeth in the Army Rangers in WWII, followed it up with enough other conflicts I've nearly lost track. Worked for various Intelligence agencies through the 50s and 60s until being appointed Director of SHIELD in 1966. I was then Director for the next 40 years and have more recently been working directly as a handler. Now this isn't my SHIELD, but it still stands for the exact same ideals, and I intend to uphold those if at all possible to the letter. I also want to reassure you I am not lacking in experience in this game. You're on the ground, we will have as constant a line of communication as the mission allows.

I've put together packets for both of you and sent them through SHIELD's internal delivery. Read them. Keep them on site. Destroy them. And I'll see you both Monday. You need to contact me, my business line is [Number].

May. 12th, 2013


It's a 2 and a half hour drive. C'mon, let's get the hell out of dodge for the day.

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