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March 11th, 2013

[info]lovespies in [info]thedoorway

[text to sam after this/before this]
» Going to the bar.
» Don't wait up.
» Also, jesus christ I just had the most awkward burger ever.

[info]thevariable in [info]thedoorway

As far as first weekends in a foreign city go, I'd have to say New York was pretty fabulous. Although I did not appreciate losing that hour.

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

I caught a glimpse of Once Upon a Time tonight. I only noticed because Paige was on it. Paige, is there something about you that says evil enchantress?

[info]celestialintent in [info]thedoorway

[Private to Dean]
Do you have time to speak?

[Private to Xaphania]
It's been some time since we last spoke.

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jennifer Takeda & Julie Power
When: 3/10, evening
Where: Jenny’s room, 114!
What: Jenny and Julie finally talk to each other face to face
Rating: Swearing and mentions of the arena.

After her fights with both Jenny and Humberto, Julie did something she wasn’t proud of: she ran from her problems instead of facing them. )

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Well - I think since I am not working tonight, I am going to go out. I need like a dozen drinks to stop feeling like a teenager.

But before that, I'd like to get a workout in. Anyone willing to be a partner?

Filter to Mary Winchester
I need some motherly advice and I think you're the only mother I know around here.
Also I trust you.

Filter to Veronica
So. I decided to tell Dean. Get it out there and let what happens happen. I feel better for doing it, I think - a lot actually. It's not a nagging thing in my head anymore. It's like a weight's been pulled off my shoulders. It's kind of nice.

[info]trackinganklet in [info]thedoorway

This is just embarrassing. Not only will it not hold up to the mildest of scrutiny, but you've officially attracted insects. I guess if you're going for a certain artistic "look", then all bets are off, but otherwise... sloppy and sad.

Put me with the others suffering from DST. Maybe I'm just cranky.

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]arebelprincess in [info]thedoorway

Shield (filtered later because I suck)
We've had a few complaints about the extra testing. I want to reassure you that this isn't aimed at anyone in particular. We just need to be extra vigilante when it comes to our security measures. I'm sure you all understand?

Can we talk?

[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

Fruity human drinks will be the end of me.

Sooo. Apparently this happened?

I feel like this is a conversation I should have remembered.

[info]makeyoupretty in [info]thedoorway

Two and a half hours ago I was coloring a client's hair. It was a normal day (besides the fact that the sun was actually shining in March), and now here I am in a different time zone, a different country, and a different universe? AND IT'S 2013????? Seriously???? HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE!? Like... huh? And I think my roommate is some kind of ninja. Excuse me, what? Bloody hell.

They told me I would know people here. I'm Lavender Brown. Lavender Scarlet Brown. Some of you might know me from Hogwarts? Or might have come to my salon Gods and Goddesses in Hogsmeade? Hi?

Am I working this thing right?

[info]fractile in [info]thedoorway

Daylight Savings is torturous. I remember it's first advent. We used it to conserve coal on the Front. It was then abandoned for a time. You should have abandoned it altogether.

Suite Bergamasque and a quiet stock room filled with canvas stretchers, Holbein paints and Kolinsky brushes do not bode well for one so little caffeinated as I. But that's what awaits me and since Java Moment had a line out the door, I found a small cafe not a half block's walk from the tower. Double espresso, please. I am a man in great need.

Therefore blessed with shaking hands, I am sure that the manager will sit me in front of a canvas to see what post-modern mischief he can get up to with his pet modernist creation. I take it with a good will, though. He has heart. He wants meaning? My shaking hands will draw him trees grasping at scudding clouds while sapphiric birds rest in their boughs.

[info]soldierofwinter in [info]thedoorway

I swear, if these people keep wanting to pry into my skull, they're gonna need a goddamn crowbar next. It's not just me thinking that things are a wreck here right?

[info]imallright in [info]thedoorway

Got the distinct feelin that I missed something at the coffee shop this mornin. Not to mention, I'm feelin like my head's been on the wrong end of a mule's temper. Long line weren't no help, neither. And I'm thinkin Earth-That-Was likes changin the clocks on folk, got me figurin there's some high and mighty fed types sittin back and laughin at those what ain't got no choice but to deal with it. Just makin folk ornery enough to yell in a coffee shop.

Miss my ship. Miss havin no one to answer to sides me. Cept what I got here I ain't willin to trade. Gorram it.

[info]games_portia in [info]thedoorway

Hi everyone! My name's Portia and I've been informed that there are some people already here who I know - which was very welcome news!

It's a pleasure to meet you all. It might take a bit of getting used to as everything is so different here but I definitely think that's a good thing.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

I forgot how hard it is to get all the pieces I need to make tracers without having my own lab supply. Ugh, downgrades. ANYWAY. Hey. Hi. I got tracers, you got an omni-tool that need to be attuned to the signal. Whaddaya say we blow this joint this evening? You can watch me do techie things under the moonlight...

Or, well, we can just patrol. As we do.

I might be back late tonight, so don't hold out waiting for me to get back so you can threaten me into ordering pizza. I know your tactics, Mindy. I see right through you.

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

I'm Colonel Cameron Mitchell, brand spanking new to this timeline, universe, whatchamacallit this time.

I pretty much understand what is going on- save for the protesters, what's their deal? We must be too handsome for them to deal with-, have been made aware that a version of Doctor Daniel Jackson is present here, and that there's currently no way home. I can't accept that. Pretty sure I'm not the only one, either.

And knowing that sitting here on my pretty ass is pretty much going to drive me crazy, I'm looking for a jogging partner and someone knowledgeable in fencing.

Friend and foe, I'll be in 1207. No autographs. Bring Coors Light.

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Text to Luke Skywalker

>> I saw the notice from SHIELD.
>> Where are you?

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

» So did you know, according to 17 year old girls, 30 is "old" and "things start to droop"? It took everything I had not to laugh really hard. I didn't want her blowing anything up.
» I think Hazmat and I reached some sort of peace agreement. Are you proud?

[info]muddersmilk in [info]thedoorway

whos this mister daylight time

cause im gonna shoot him

this 大坨大便 aint proper

[info]auntie_snixx in [info]thedoorway

I got fired. FIRED. Fired for standing up for another employee. No one treats people like that, no one!

We remake drinks all the time, but no, it wasn't good enough. Nothing would have been good enough. He's lucky he left walking out with his family jewels intact. It's a good thing they were able to hold me back from that man.

Stupid job. I don't care, whatever. Alex McGee can shove my apron up his you know what. He doesn't know what an awesome employee he lost.

[info]swordofjedi in [info]thedoorway

» At some point you and I should go out on the town.
» Mostly because I can take advantage of you not being an over-protective aunt.

» Hey, I know you'd gotten kind of close to him.
» You okay?

» So much for family bonding time.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

What? Anakin now too?

Who are me and DT supposed to robo-high five now? AND WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH THIS HALF BUILT DROID?

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Maria Hill]

Hill. There is now extra paperwork on your desk.

You're welcome.

[Filtered to Clint(MCU)]

Glad to know you didn't get yourself killed. You've already been debriefed but we're going to go over it again.

[Filtered to Howard and Steve]

I told you it was under control.

[info]wakanda in [info]thedoorway

I am unaccustomed to civilian life. I have been here for thirteen days, during which I have realized that I have no diplomatic status here, I have no access to my techn any of my laboratories, and there appears to be no way to return to my world. I do not believe that, but until I am able to and nor should anyone else. There is always a way. If I were allowed near the object that brought us here, I might be able to assist.

Until then, I am tired of renovating my room and its technology, although I was glad to find that this Tony Stark's technology mirrors the Stark technology I knew from my world. I apologise to my roommate for any disturbances.

For those of you with employment, what is available for those in our situation?

[info]highlander in [info]thedoorway

Right then, they told me the Doctor was here. Has anyone seen him? Little man, bit foolish, wearing clothes a bit too big for him, bow tie, possibly playing a recorder very badly, most likely got himself into some sort of trouble? What about a girl named Zoe Heriot? We were all traveling together but we seem to have gotten separated.

[info]bamfsrsly in [info]thedoorway

Text to Wanda

[Text to Wanda]
» You remembered my love for gummi bears.
» As a reward, I may have something for you. Well, I will. It's not here yet. Patience, grasshopper.
» Oh and yes, I'm doing fine. Thanks for checking on me.

[info]braidsnbowties in [info]thedoorway

I think tonight's a Carnegie Deli cheesecake type of night.

I mentioned to Julie that I'd possibly interested in creating a feminine, almost vintage collection inspired by your suits for my look book, but I wanted to make sure that was fine with you before I went on! If you'd rather that I didn't or didn't want yours to be included, that's totally fine and I'll respect that. Julie showed me hers last week and I got all sorts of ideas, and there are all sorts of colors and unique designs that I'd like to pay homage to. However, I can scrap it and go with something else if you aren't comfortable with the idea, no problem whatsoever.

If you'd like an idea about what I do, here's what I was working on back home. I'm also considering branching out and doing a men's collection, so if any man wouldn't mind getting their picture taken for it I'd be happy to bake you food of your choice.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

I've had people complaining left and right that I should've taken Blaine back, that I'm so lucky to have found my soul mate and that he's miserable without me.

So do me a favor ladies. Retract the claws and get a life!

And if I hear or see anyone exhibiting the slightest hint of homophobia, I will not let that go unchecked.

[info]byronsully in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Byron Sully

They're saying I ought to post something here, but I'm still not real clear where I'm postin' it TO, but I guess here goes.

They're also telling me this is New York City, but it ain't anything like New York City I remember.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

» Boston
» Boston

[info]quiteprolific in [info]thedoorway

So Jane's birthday is coming up in about two weeks and we, my friends, are going to have a surprise party for her.
» Why didn't you say anything?
» You.
» You didn't ever tell me what this whole indiscretion was.
» For months I wondered.
» Why the secrecy?!

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

So on the bright side, we found their warehouse and captured some bad guys. Also isn't it racist to call somebody 'the Mandarin'? I mean they're kidnappers, but still.

First off: hi. Second off: I'm fine. Third off: don't freak out. Stuff happened. Many debriefings. Long story. Can't tell it. Will be home later tonight. Lots of bruises. Etc. Nothing permanent. Not dying. Promise. Talk soon?

[info]arebelprincess in [info]thedoorway

Regarding my post here I believe there might be some misunderstanding. It is only for those in SHIELD and there is nothing to worry about. The mistake was mine in that I forgot to filter this properly it to those of SHIELD due to being in a rush. I apologize for any concern I might have made.

Goddamn I hate apologizing and looking like an idiot.

[info]knopewecan in [info]thedoorway


Hello, April! It is my understanding that you have stumbled into this interesting world filled with the most interesting people (my sources... well, I guess they're your sources, too, anyway! they say that people from Harry Potter are here. Is it true). Oh yes, and this is Councilwoman and Deputy Director of Parks & Recreation Leslie Knope, your boss from Pawnee, Indiana.

Please let me know how you are fitting in here, and also

I don't remember you leaving?

Also, what is the status of Pawnee? I didn't really destruct it, did I?

Also, how is Joe Biden?

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Leonard “Bones” McCoy and James T. Kirk
WHERE: Out on the town with the other folks from space
WHEN: BACKDATED Friday night, 8 March 2013
WHAT: The evening’s beginning to wind down
RATING: Mild language
STATUS: Complete

And what’re we toasting to this round, Jimmy? )

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

Stark, Potts, Hill & Fury

A few of us were wondering if there was a record of how many people were currently residing in Potts Tower?

Thank you,
Kathryn Janeway

[info]chilledtothe in [info]thedoorway

Strange Things That Happened To Amelia Bones Today:

1. There was a chocolate chip scone left at the bakery when I popped in this morning before going to work. This never happens. I was rather dumbfounded as I enjoyed my chocolate scone goodness as I walked to the Ministry of Magic.

2. My mum cancelled our lunch. This also never happens. I'm not complaining, however, as I was not ready for yet another talk about how I'm a spinster and I ought not have multiple cats as it sends the wrong impression and why do you wear your hair like that and honestly, Amelia, just let me set you up with [Insert Name Here]'s son, he's really quite nice for a kleptomaniac serial arsonist. Some of that may have been a hyperbole.

3. I was working on leaving the Ministry when instead I was sucked through an odd blue box that plopped me in America, thirty-six years in the future and in a universe where I exist only as a character from some book. That might have been the oddest, believe it or not.

I mean, seriously. What the bloody hell? Oh, wait, sorry -- are there children on here? Children, don't say those words.

Anyway, hello. I'm Amelia Bones, I was told that there were others here "from my universe", and I'm somewhat certain that I'm using this machine right.

[info]fiestyisabel in [info]thedoorway

Oh no, not Dick. I was really starting to get to know him. I'm actually a bit depressed about the fact he's gone!

filter: Jason Todd
I'm so sorry, Jason. Are you alright?

[info]nick_miller in [info]thedoorway

Jess, did you buy drugs instead of tea? DID YOU DRUG ME? Why else would I be in the middle of a summer blockbuster? I knew I shouldn't have downloaded it online. I knew piracy would come back to haunt me, but I didn't expect it to happen in a drug induced after school special. At least it's not Transformers. Damn you, Michael Bay. Damn you.

[info]lilyluna in [info]thedoorway

I just spent the entire day watching something called "A Very Potter Musical" and then something equally amazing called "A Very Potter Sequel" and all I can say is that while some fans out there are completely bonkers, some are completely brilliant. Completely not factual, but that's basically what makes it great.

(And the first person that gets sassy with me for finding a parody of our world entertaining is going to be glared at like they've never been glared at before.)

[info]helpmeobwan in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

You will never see this because you're gone. You've gone back to our time, to the future that we both hoped might not come to pass if we remained here. I remain and I wonder if you will remember these past few weeks. People who have gone and come back say that you won't but if there is the slightest chance that you might see this, I want you to know what this time has meant to me.

I thought I had lost you. You had become someone else, someone who frightened me, someone that was you yet not you at the same time. I blamed myself but I told you that. I should have seen what was happening but I didn't. We've talked about all this and we made our peace. For a few short weeks I had my best friend back again and I will cherish that time for as long as I'm here because if what they say is true, I won't remember that I saw you again. The Anakin that I loved as a brother, one of only a few people with whom I would trust my life.

I will miss you here. I'll miss playing Jedi mind tricks on unsuspecting tourists, our sparring matches in the basement, the two of us training your son in the ways of the Force but most of all I will miss you. Your laugh, the way you would tell me to lighten up, just the mere fact of your presence. Those I will miss the most.

Farewell my friend.

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

I was wondering if there might be anyone here that has been pregnant that might have some suggestions on how to sleep. I am almost eight months pregnant and I'm finding it harder and harder to sleep at night even on the nights I actually want to sleep and it's becoming very hard to deal with. I either cannot get comfortable or he starts kicking and moving around as soon as I am and I've tried pillows and changing positions but it never works. Is there something else that I can try or should I just assume that I won't be sleeping again in the next month?

Also my back is hurting all of the time and people think it's okay to ask me when I'm out of the apartment all these questions and some people touch my belly and it's weird and everything I eat gives me heartburn it feels like and I really just want to have Everything else seems to be doing okay though.

I'm very sad to see that Ben is gone though. He was very kind and I hope that he is happy back at his home.

And thank you again for the cake, Peeta. You're very sweet.

[info]knocknocknock in [info]thedoorway

» If you don't hear from me by midnight please call the police and ask them to look for my body
» If Leonard or Wollowitz or Koothrappali show up here, tell them I was murdered by Nick Fury
» They'll understand that, even if you don't

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

It's nice having a traditional weekend break here-- I can't remember the last time I had two whole days to myself to do as I please-- but it really does make Mondays terrible. Like a swift kick to the pants.

[Filter: Jim Kirk]
Hope your hangover wasn't as bad as mine was.

[Filter: Christine Chapel]
I still owe you a date for your birthday.

[Filter: Kitty Pryde]
You're still a fan of probing conversations, aren't you?

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

Who: Fingon & Maedhros
What: Drinking wine and trying to cheer up.
Where: Fingon's room.
When: Shortly after this.
Warnings | Status: It might be a tear jerker | in progress

half cousin in blood, full brother in heart )

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

cut for length )

Whew. Also, I found another use for our knitting needles.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jack Harkness & Ianto Jones
When: Sunday, March 10, after Jack goes to visit the Doctor (Nine) - Backdated
Where: Their flat
What: Insecure Ianto is sulking & faking sleep. Jack comes home from seeing his doctor
Rating: PG-13/R - It's Jack.

Quote )

[info]wheezes in [info]thedoorway

If you're going to take me out on a random date, Tess, the least you can do is buy me a greasy order of chips. I'm absolutely famished from traversing across time and galaxies.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sheldon Cooper]
You free?

[info]luxan in [info]thedoorway

Placeholder for long overdue Vicki/D'Argo thread.

[info]behindtheline in [info]thedoorway

There are days when there are simply not enough bath salts.

[FILTER: Inhabitants of Floors 7 & 8]
Hello, you lot. I'm sorry I've been gone for a few days. If you have any needs, please feel free to contact me right away.

[FILTER: Stephen Dedalus]
Mr. Dedalus, I'm sorry I was not available for tea. I was detained.

[FILTER: Steve & Howard]
Tell me about all the male posturing that happened while I was gone.

[FILTER: Nick Fury]
Sir. If I can be so bold. What's the next step?

[info]luxan in [info]thedoorway

Does someone know why someone just called me Jax?

And whether that's a good thing or not?

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

I feel very...old here.

[info]partlighter in [info]thedoorway

You know when you make some drastic change and you hope that people will notice it, and they start noticing you, but apparently, it's not for the same reasons you were thinking? (You know, like, going for a dye job over the weekend because your sisters mentioned that you went brunette again and then you realized you missed being a brunette, and so, there's the story about your decision.) And then you ask if there's something wrong and you get an absolutely different response from what you were expecting. I think I've been called a bunch of names.. most of the time it's Rose or Paige or Cherry Darling (really don't like that one), but I've heard a new one today. Now, who is Cora?