July 2016




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Jun. 22nd, 2016


cut for gif )

[Star Lord]
So when do I get my ride?

Jun. 12th, 2016


[Filtered to Violet Parr]
Hey I don't think we've really talked before, but I'm Skye.

Jun. 10th, 2016



Well. That was noticeable.


Where have the avengers fallen in all this?


You liked the helicarrier, right?


The world is going to need you to stay as SHIELD's eyes on the outside.


Everyone's life is made out of choices.

Right now you have one such choice ahead of you.

There isn't a right or a wrong side here. But there's a side I'm going to need to be on, and it's not the side that puts us under the thumb further of a government we can't trust when it comes to vigilantes. They've come after some of our own today.

So you've a choice. You can follow me, but it means leaving it all behind. Or you can stay with Coulson. Try to keep the peace here while you can. Neither's wrong. Neither's right. But that's your choice, Agents.

Jun. 9th, 2016


So the next time Peter goes out of the solar system, I'm tagging along. Maybe then I'll actually miss stuff like what's going on right now. He needs to come back alrea

Jun. 8th, 2016


network post: ben grimm

My prayers go to everyone who lost someone, and to everyone a part of the ongoing situation.

May. 31st, 2016


[Filtered to Peter Quill]
Hey, I saw you were talking to Thor. Leaving town for a while?

May. 19th, 2016


network post: peter quill

I'll miss you Wild Wild West. And New York, try to get up to some other shenanigans now, why don't ya? Can't let other places steal your thunder.

May. 18th, 2016


Yo, they blocked off Ninth avenue today, just for walking!

May. 6th, 2016


network post: natasha romanoff

Would you like to play a game? What's your favorite game?

Filtered: LEOPARD
Would I like to play a game? Why quinjet I would. Fellas, we have a backseat pilot on this one. Current course should take us over the Mediterranean, but we should be ready to disembark and play whenever. Barnes, you and I are taking point. Sitwell, you're on comms. Make us something the quinjet cannot overhear. And one we're playing, see if you can erase our guest from the computer systems.

May. 4th, 2016


This explains everything! )

Apr. 29th, 2016


Network Post: Phil Coulson

Now that the dinosaurs are gone, it's time to concentrate on the important things.

Baseball season.

Apr. 4th, 2016


I was gonna post a gif on April Fool's, but then I decided that was kind of expected, so this month's comes a little late:
Cut for gif )

Mar. 15th, 2016


Cut for gif )

Anyone know where the good Saint Patrick's day parties are at this year?

Mar. 12th, 2016


So while you were in there, anyone find a beanstalk?

[Filtered to SHIELD Black Team]
If everyone's done playing fairy tale princess, let's talk Europe.
[Filtered to Jess Drew]
Now, let's talk real estate

Mar. 6th, 2016


So who isn't stuck in apparently some fairy tale forest?

Mar. 4th, 2016


[Claire, Sue, Darcy (All MCU)]
So I may have done something incredibly stupid last night...but I had fun doing it. So in the long run - yay?


This is a warning, you pudding brains at SHIELD or whatever the hell you call yourselves - you have absolutely no idea how dangerous that Tesseract is! Locking it away in some room guarded by baboons with guns isn't going to anything. It has the potential to rip entire fabric of reality apart! If you think you can harness its power or weaponize it, like you moronic military types usually do, I assure you the results are going to be catastrophic! I've seen you humans do this sort of thing before. You think you have it under control. You know who I am, your data base pulled up the Doctor, so you know that time and space vortexes are my thing. I'm possibly the only one on this planet remotely qualified to examine it.

Mar. 1st, 2016


Happy March!

Have a gif. )

Feb. 11th, 2016


Text to Skye

>>I need to talk to you.
>>I think I was affected by the mist.
>>Because I can sense things now. Like when people are nearby and if they're dangerous.
>>I can also read thoughts, not everyone's and not always exact thought but their intentions.


[Filtered to Ward]
You've been quiet lately.
[Filtered to Anne Weaver]
Hey, so - you said something about maybe helping with control.
[Filtered to Sue Storm (MCU)]
Any big plans Sunday?

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