July 2016




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May. 10th, 2016


I'm so glad everyone could join us for our impromptu pool party with a special thanks to Storm for bringing the warm weather.

One pool party down and I definitely feel like it feels a little more like summer.

Any weird stuff on patrols I should know about?

Apr. 30th, 2016


Network Post; Buffy Summers

May means spring with summer well on its way. And in celebration of this, and also because Johnny did this superhuman thing of finishing his netflix queue, we're going to have an impromptu pool party at the pool here in Stark Tower on Sunday afternoon.

Everyone is invited, but to get in you have to bring food or drink or something along those lines. So cookies, chips, brownies, soda, delicious cider or ale that I can't actually drink myself but I'm sure someone will enjoy?

Hopefully we'll see some of you on Sunday.

Apr. 19th, 2016


Network post; Buffy Summers

I am so excited about pulling out summer dresses again.

[Filter: RSTF & Interested parties]
All right, so, this is where I say, hey, welcome to the crazies.

So, we're going to have pizza at Widdershins on the 24th. We'd do it Friday night, but I figure Full Moon, not such a great plan? So. Come Sunday night, have pizza, and we'll talk about patrols and various things that we need to do to keep the vampires off the streets.


[Filter: Caroline Forbes]
You know, it's not like we were best friends exactly, but I really miss Sam.

Apr. 18th, 2016


The trees make patrol a whole lot more interesting. Not so sure about the extra inhabitants of the city though.


network post: merlin

Uh, hello? Is this thing working? [...] Is this thing on? I don't even know how this strange and metallic item works but someone here told me to push its flat surface on a certain spot and speak out loud, and that it would help me talk to people on something called a network. I've also been told that I was here previously and that I might know people. [...] I feel like I would remember that.

Anyway, I'm in space. SPACE! At least, that's what I'm told to call it. The planet I can see out the windows is apparently the same one I was on this morning. I can't tell if it's the same one from up here, but it's a nice view. I'm apparently restricted to this place called a space station.... weird name.... because of an event on the planet that's preventing any travel to and from it. At least, that's what I was told.

Oh, right. I was meant to introduce myself. [...] Hello, I'm Merlin.

Apr. 17th, 2016


Has anyone else seen this website? You can make yourself as one of those Powerpuff Girls.

check it out )

Someone should make one for Matt.

Mar. 24th, 2016


network post; Oz

My Easter tree turned out really pink...

cut for image )

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Tonight's a full moon.

I wish I was a werewolf.

Mar. 20th, 2016


To: Rick Jones
Cc: Gwen Stacy
From: Oz 0z@pottstower.com
Subject: The Bill Baileys
Attachment: MrCat.img

you have 1 new message )

Mar. 10th, 2016


So, I got a cat at the beginning of the month from the Barking Lot. I wasn't sure he'd be okay with me, but he doesn't seem to care, which is great. He sleeps in my guitar case, which is unfortunate for the guitar. I think I might take him to work with me, because a magic shop needs a black cat, right?

I haven't named him yet, can anyone speak cat? If he already has a name, I don't want to give him another one he won't like.

[Claire Novak]
Not sure if you'd be interested; but we have a Task Force that keeps an eye on the supernatural things around the Tesseract. Currently recruiting.

Mar. 3rd, 2016


Network post; Buffy Summers

[Filter: RSTF]
So... just so everyone knows, I made some changes to the patrol schedule. Not a lot, but like, we've lost a lot of people, and this was just to even out some of the nights.

If there's one you can't work for some reason, then let me know.

Also - like - are there people you know of that we could recruit? Cause... numbers are a little thin here.

And I think that's all.

Well, maybe pizza tomorrow at Widdershins for anyone who wants to show up and help with inventory?

Feb. 26th, 2016


I guess I should probably say that Dawn disappeared this week.

[Filter: Oz & Faith]
So I guess it's just us three these days.

Feb. 12th, 2016


network post: oz

Still no sign of my shadow. I hope it doesn't turn into a wolf by itself

Did you see? We got a Superman.

Also, it's about time to decorate the tree for Valentine's if you still wanted to?

Feb. 11th, 2016


Network Post: Claire Novak

Shouldn't be surprised. Good things don't last long around me.

So this is New York. Never been here before but no complaints so far.

I'm Claire, by the way.

Feb. 8th, 2016


I would like to announce to the world that Gwen has named our (Oz, Gwen, and I) band.

We are The Bill Baileys.

Gigs to follow. We just formed. Give us a second.

Feb. 3rd, 2016


Network Post; Buffy Summers

Well this is new and slightly disconcerting.

Does anyone else have problems with their shadows? Like, not doing what you're doing? Or... more oddly, just doing their own thing?

Feb. 2nd, 2016


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say randomly losing your shadow is something that probably happens here. And I'm not so sure if I want to be corrected on that if it isn't.

Jan. 24th, 2016


One thing I never missed about living in this part of the country was the weather. Time's like this, I really wish I was back in Cali.

Jan. 19th, 2016


Oz and I want to start a band. We need a drummer. Apply within.

Jan. 15th, 2016


Feels like Winter could actually be on it's way. I guess I should go buy a coat.

[Rick Jones]
Thanks for letting me jam with you the other night. We should do it again sometime. If you'd like.

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