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Feb. 26th, 2013


[ Group text; Annabeth Chase, Hazel Levesque ]
» Advice needed
» Regarding my roommate

Feb. 22nd, 2013


Text to Hazel Levesque

-I probably don't say it enough.
-Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you.
-Being in my life...
-And everything else.

Feb. 18th, 2013


[filter to: Hazel, Matty, Cap'n America, and Miss Peggy]
I made some pancakes. They're sorta small, but there's butter'n syrup 'en you should come have some with me. 'En then I have to tell you sumthing, but I don't want you all to get mad at me 'en maybe you should, but it 'ent violence or none of the sort. Well, I suppose I'll tell you here 'en if you don't want pancakes then you don't have to come get 'em, but my name 'ent Leena, it's Lyra, 'en I'm sorry for lying to you about it, but someone from the Magisterium mighta come through 'en I didn't want to give 'em an easy way to find me, but now there's an angel here, 'en I know she'll protect me if someone comes through, 'en Lyra's my name, so I'd like to be Lyra again now. 'En I'm sorry again for not saying something sooner, 'en I understand if you can't forgive me any for it, but sometimes there's a lot to be afraid of, 'en there's a lot I'm still afraid of.

Feb. 17th, 2013


Filtered to Roman Demigods

Hi everyone,

I wanted to invite you all to lunch on Monday. It's a holiday here, and I thought it would be nice to get together. Maybe bring a dish? Something small and quiet so we can be together.

Feb. 14th, 2013


I'm making breakfast! I tried for heart shaped pancakes, but they didn't turn out real well. They still taste nice, though!

» Happy Valentine's Day!


Somebody left me an awesome hat. I want to wear it, but I'm also from a place where mysterious gifts are usually cursed and invaders could be hiding inside that really cute wooden horse that you just brought into the city.

So for the sake of me being able to wear this marvelously knitted hat, let me know if you're the one who gave it to me, or know who did.

Feb. 13th, 2013


[Filtered from Piper McLean]

Valentine's Day is terrifying.

Like...seriously. This is my first Valentine's day with a girlfriend, and I have no idea what to do. I mean, there's the traditional stuff like you see in movies. But because you see it in movies I'm afraid it's a little over done, you know? And she'll think it's cheesy.

I could come up with something creative, but all I can come up with is something to do with swords and climbing rocks. There are museums and movies and dinner...but all of that sounds like regular date stuff, and shouldn't Valentine's day be special?

I'm going to fail, and she's going to make me pay. I just know it.


This afternoon I decided to take a look at all the big websites these days - tumblr, facebook, pinterest, twitter and youtube. While I can see the use of them I have to say I got the most distracted on Youtube especially after I discovered The Guild. Has anyone else seen it or now of it? Does anyone else use the other websites as it is? From what I can tell they would be best with other people added so it seemed slightly pointless joining at that particular moment. Still they look rather interesting.

I have also been looking into the television shows, movies and books that have been published and aired since my time. I have tried to go with the top ten of each from each of the years but even then that is a slow process with everything else that I am undertaking. That and I'm not al that interested in some of thing. What is up with that 50 shades series anyway? I took one look and ran the other way.

Individually filtered to Elaine Mallory, Harry Potter, Hazel Levesque, Lily Evans, Toruun, Loki, Mindy Macready and Cassie Lang
Good evening,

I'm wondering how you are finding your classes so far? As I mentioned at the beginning of the course, this is the first real experience I have had teaching students and I am trying my hardest to teach to a level you would understand at. I would like to ensure that if you ever haveany questions or I'm progressing to quickly that you can let me know. Also if there's anything specific you would like me to cover I'm happy to do so as well.

Thank you and I hope you are having a good evening.

Daniel Jackson

Thank you for Saturday, I have to admit that it was a lot of fun. I do hope you enjoyed yourself? I might try and visit you during one of your shifts in the next few days if that is acceptable?

Feb. 12th, 2013


[Filtered to Youth Center Staff]

I will not be in the office tomorrow, or perhaps for the rest of the week. If you need to contact me, I will be available via e-mail - octavian@pottstower.com, or via text or phone. Please do not attempt to contact me unless it is an emergency, as I am not currently well.


If I have, in any way, made it appear to anyone that I do not respect the Youth Center and its mission, then I am profoundly sorry. I have only ever wanted -

It is useless.

This place is no better than New Rome.

Feb. 8th, 2013


It's very lonely here I hope we get lots and lots of snow, I do love the snow ever so much.

Filter to Guinevere
Can we go to the stores again? I'm tryin' to add pockets to this dress, but I might be doing it wrong, 'en after we go to the stores, can you help me add the pockets right?

Filter to Finrod
Is Maedhros still mad? Does he hate me? Can we read like you said earlier? All out loud and stuff?

Filter to Maedhros
Are you mad? Do you hate me? Look, I 'ent got nobody from my world here, 'en I'm glad that you do, cos it's really lonely here by myself, even if I do have Pan. It 'ent the same as having a real person or witch or bear from my world though, or even one of th'angels, 'en maybe something happened in your world that you hate all of mankind, but I 'ent them, and I like being around you, but if you're going to hate me, then that's your choice, I guess, 'en you should just tell me now, since that's the honourable thing to do, answering fair questions, at least, that's how I was taught, maybe you was taught different. 'En I'm sorry I was rude and went in on your conversation with Finrond, that wasn't right of me.

Feb. 3rd, 2013


i be a beest


gimme all yor food

Jan. 30th, 2013


[Filtered to Demigods and other PJO-verse people]

Hello...I have been shy in messaging you, but I fear I am being rude if I don't. I've heard and read about you on the network, and apparently you, too, know about my world? I understand if you don't have time to speak to me, I understand completely. The life of a demigod is of course far more important than mine. But I should love to speak to any of you, since perhaps you would understand both my world and this one?

Jan. 26th, 2013


Well. Isn't that interesting. Apparently, old me will be on the telly tomorrow. Well, young me. Well, old me young me who's younger than me but looks older than me.

Jan. 25th, 2013


I haven't seen this much snow since Alaska. Everyone be real careful if you go outside. I'm planning to stay right at my kitchen table with some art supplies and apple cider.

Do you want to come eat brunch with me and my friends on Sunday? It's like breakfast and lunch all at once. It'll be fun.

Jan. 24th, 2013


Filtered to Demigods

Hey everyone. I know there was talk about getting together for a meal or something. I know it's short notice, but I'd love to make brunch on Sunday for those who aren't busy. Nothing crazy, just a relaxing thing. And of course you can bring people, I just need to know how many are coming. Oh, and any dietary restrictions... like lactose intolerance or stuff.

Jan. 20th, 2013


Today, Captain Rogers and I went to the courthouse and we were married. You have permission to be happy for us.

There will be a nice party at a later date to celebrate. You will all be invited.

Jan. 17th, 2013


Well OK. I gUess I can skiip the den ial part of this procesS, since I am very obvi--ously in the future.

This futuristic typewriter IS so

o much m ore diffIcult to type wi th-

Oh, but you can just go back and delete your errors? Well, isn't that ducky! Sure saves a lot of time. I'm still going at a snail's pace here, since I don't use the typewriter very often, but when I did, it was hopeless mess. I think I'll just leave those at the beginning for humor's sake.

Really though, wow. It took me hours to figure out this network thing, and it will probably be another hour by the time I'm doing writing all this out. Nevermind the stuff outside! Some things are familiar, but others look positutely out of this world. Even the lemon squeezer seemed different. A lot smoother, actually, I have to admit.

It's nice to be in New York still, but I don't know. Even with all these whosee-whatsits, it just seems like it's missing its edge. I am way too young though to be gabbing about the 'good old days'...well I guess I'm technically too young. I'm technically 17, but that's not what my birth certificate will tell you.

Oh, anyway, I'm Evie O'Neill, and I don't know from nothing what's going on. I sort of suspect I might have gotten myself into this pickle, but then, I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHY YOU ARE ALL HERE TOO, SORT OF LIKE I DON'T KNOW WHY ALL OF THE LETTERS ARE SO BIG ALL OF A SUDDEN- HOW DO I MAKE THIS STOP?

Jan. 15th, 2013


This place and the people who live here are becoming more insufferable by the minute. What I would give to be back home in New Rome where my services are appreciated and I receive at least a bit of the respect I deserve.

Yes, yes, I am sure that there are some who are very sad that Rachel Dare went home today. I was actually growing rather fond of her myself, despite the fact that she claimed to be a prophet when she was only so in the Greek sense, ergo, not at all But to act as if I had something to do with it, or am somehow to blame for their loss is ridiculously immature. Of course, I suppose I should not be surprised at that.

At least being business manager at the Youth Center gives me something vaguely satisfying to do. I don't know what I'd do if I had a great deal of extra time in this place. Despite the enormous population of this city, I doubt more than two or three of the people here would be even a tiny bit worthwhile to get to know.

Jan. 14th, 2013


I have an extremely insipid song replaying itself in my head and I cannot rid my mind of it.

[Filtered to Jason]
In happier news, I am starting an apprenticeship at Red Rocket Tattoos. They like my artwork.

[Filtered to Deirdre]
I haven't had the chance to thank you for your present; I hope you forgive the delay. The ice climbing weekend sounds intriguing. Would you care to join me?

[Filtered to Susan]
I have reviewed the education course list and selected the following classes. What else do you recommend I take to receive a recognized education in this world?

Combat with Supernatural Beings
Human Anatomy
Small Firearms


I met a very charming young man yesterday by the name of Matty.

I wonder...who is watching out for him?

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