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Mar. 12th, 2014


It has been a thought-provoking week.

I do enjoy the time I take to walk around the city and take tea at various establishments. I invariably end up in discussions that are highly interesting.

Mar. 9th, 2014


Things I never thought I'd see in my life time: actual Hulk-smashing.

Filtered: Whoverse
That was not how I expected my graduation from SHIELD training to go, but it's cool and I'm a full-fledged agent now. I know we talked about all going out to celebrate and I'm still for it when you lot are free.

Mar. 10th, 2014


For someone who has timetraveled before this is an unusual situation that I find myself in. It isn't something I appreciate either as I had duties I must attend too back home - severely important ones as that. Still I have been told that I should introduce myself - I'm Captain Jonathan Archer.

Mar. 8th, 2014


Who: Radical Edward (Narrative but open if anyone gets worried and goes looking for her)
When: Saturday Evening post raid and Hulk aftermath
Where: Going from SHIELD HQ to a dive bar within the city then back to the tower.
What: Radical Edward is not in a happy place after today's events.
Rating: PG-13 (mostly since she's drinking at one point and just to be safe)

Duty calls, 3 o’clock tea! )

Mar. 6th, 2014


I found myself watching Captain Reynold's series over the weekend and this just stuck out to me:

"After the Earth was used up, we found a new solar system and hundreds of new Earths were terraformed and colonized. The central planets formed the Alliance and decided all the planets had to join under their rule. There was some disagreement on that point. After the War, many of the Independents who had fought and lost drifted to the edges of the system, far from Alliance control. Out here, people struggled to get by with the most basic technologies; a ship would bring you work, a gun would help you keep it. A captain's goal was simple: find a crew, find a job, keep flying."

Keep flying. I think there's so much contained within those two words. It's not just about keeping the ship up in the air and running. It's about taking care of your crew, assessing risks and acting in the best interests of the crew. A ship without her crew is nothing. She won't fly herself.

I've been spending a lot of time out at the ranch. It's been useful, to just focus on that. There really is nothing like hard labor to clear your mind of things. I suppose that's why we push the cadets so hard at the beginning. It allows you to focus. And really, when you slip in mud (or manure), it certainly jerks you out of your thoughts. And a week of mucking out stalls and remembering that no titles or ranks get you out of that can be a good thing. It's useful to settle down into the rhythm of the ranch again. (It doesn't hurt that the past few nights have been gorgeously clear and there's something about just staring up at the vastness of the stars (and what lies beyond) is incredibly calming.)

I've set up a workspace there - well, two. One where I can work on writing my history (histories?) of Starfleet - and I still need some more collaboration on that to make sure it's a well-balanced approach because I don't want this to just be one Captain's perception. - and the other as more of a tinker space. Mal had talked about getting Kaylee's copter up in the air and I haven't devoted much time to working on it. It's a bit of 'ancient' technology, coming from my time, but I've found some manuals, and it'll be an interesting challenge.

Mar. 4th, 2014


Dear SHIELD science: if it isn't your petri dish, don't touch. Those are just, I think, the rules of collaborative lab work? Perhaps even the rules of feminism?

[Doctors {10 & 11} + Fitz]
Bad girl shenanigans!

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Oh. Badge duty still. Awesome.

Nick Fury (616)
Soooooooo what do you want me to do, Boss?
Looks like most of the people who were joining me on Badge duty or lunchroom duty etc got their field jobs back.

and I am still on badges..

Natasha Romanova(616)
When you're back around I'd love to harass you for some training, if only because I might lose my head sitting here at badges for the rest of my career otherwise.

Feb. 26th, 2014


Can someone give me NASA's phone number? I want to call them and tell them to get their shit together. I mean, if it's a lack of leadership they're suffering from....

I've got a Vulcan I can lend out.

Feb. 25th, 2014


Network Post: Alec Hardison

Now that it's not Skynet version 2.0 anymore, I am back up and running and getting everything going.

Oh, and BitCoin - Mt. Gox? $300 mil possibly hacked. Hmmmmm. Which one of you pulled that? Because if it was me, which I'm not saying it was or wasn't... that is some major money.

Parker, don't even start asking, because I'm not telling. At least not yet. But I did get a possible hit on Old Nate. When you're up for it, let me know. It's not too far.

Filtered specifically to any Hackers on the 'net
I'm thinking we combine our powers Voltron style. Do some off-books work?


Turns out the electronics revolt did leave one problem but thankfully a fixable one, some of the coding on Mini Tomato went a little haywire. But its nothing a bit of reprogramming can fix!

But note to self: make a stop by Best Buy tonight for some spare parts.

For now back to recoding.

*Filter: Daisy*

Still ducking and for now slipping under the radar. But am officially getting sick of the drama.

Feb. 24th, 2014


As much as I find it interesting to have an active example that the theory of multiverses is indeed correct, this was really not the time to be kidnapped in such a way. However given the reality of this apartment building, I will assume that no one yet knows how to get us home.

And I am certain that this is somehow your fault, Newton.

Feb. 14th, 2014


This monetary compensation is considerate, but also unlikely to provide me with a sufficient amount of sweets to last a week. That is a shame, because I am no longer a detective of the same acclaim. I am only a completed story.

I am depressed again.


Feb. 12th, 2014


I'm an imaginary character on a television show, based on a set of movies, which are based on a set of books. And I've been taken to a universe in which Captain America and Iron man exist as real people and I've been interrogated by SHIELD to make sure I'm not completely crazy. Pepper Potts got a tower with her name on it and I'm supposed to live there with Harry Potter, Princess Leia, and about a hundred other characters. And I'm supposed to believe this isn't all an elaborate hallucination caused by my being lobotomized.

Have I got that about right?

Feb. 11th, 2014


ooc: may be Teen Wolf spoilers in comments

A query!
1. How many of you watch your source material if it exists here?
2. What reasons do you have for watching it?
3. For you supernatural experts... what does your universe (because apparently everything differs from each book or show or movie) say in regards to folklores about banshees?

Failed Filter to Allison Argent (Public):
I don't suppose I could use the excuse of electronics going haywire as a reason why I ended up watching last night's episode, right?

Stiles I


Text via Temp Phone to Charlie Bradbury

Grab the gear and get out of the tower! I only ran back for my tool belt and its getting worse, this screams Brain Scratch among other things.

You think all the tech types are out?


Well this is incredibly awkward.

please don't make my apartment eat me JARVIS, I'll be a good little super spy? PROMISE

I made the mistake of telling my appliances if they didn't shut up and let me cook my dinner that I'd head to my apartment a hotel room. I'm pretty sure if they could get up and barricade me in they would have.

As it stands my electronic locks are telling me to obey and my phone keeps auto correcting to "I will obey my robot overlords"... I might hurl it down the garbage disposal.

Feb. 10th, 2014


Let's just add insult to injury today.

Ongoing work drama is bad enough but my fridge decided to revolt a la chew me out, took over an hour for an attempt to get a bottle of Pepsi and left me with bruises. Simply gave up and went to 7-11 instead, the way today is going I needed my fuel.

Fingers crossed my computer bay and scooter decides to behave, its already a bad enough day.

*Filter: Ginny Weasley*

Today feels like insult to injury, been shoved into retraining. Let's see how demeaning to my intelligence this becomes.

Sorry, I'm just beyond ticked off.

Feb. 8th, 2014


I am not treating this like a vacation. I hit the ground running. I'm already teaching classes for us refugees. So if you're in any of these, you'll see me:

  • Basic Math

  • Modern Dance

  • Aircraft and Flight Procedures (with a Miss Moya?)

  • Hand to Hand Combat (with HOLY SHIT CHRISTOPHER PIKE?? Mr. Pike).

  • Women's Studies

I added Women's Studies in because I felt it was needed. So far there's only one person signed up for it. Hand-To-Hand Combat should be fun, I learned Krav Maga from none other than Wolverine himself, kiddos.

And if anyone needs any extra help with anything, I can tutor you. If anyone from further back needs help with new technology, you just gotta holler at me. I'm your IT friendo.

Feb. 5th, 2014


That was an unexpected experience to say the least. Usually its me doing the brain picking.

Only thing that'll cure it, greasy food and a night of video games.

*Filter: Ginny Weasley*

You get dragged into an interrogation? Because right now the not so happy feeling is off the charts and never leaving my lair when things do get better is looking better than usual.

Fries and venting outside the tower?

Jan. 30th, 2014


I'm pleased to report that Operations is now back online completely. All communications have been reestablished.

Data is still missing from databases, but indicators are that the data is there, just heavily encrypted. This will be problematic for decryption. We will need to begin algorithms and decrypt keys, however, estimated time until decryption can be anywhere from 100 minutes to 100 years, depending on how many keys have been used.

I leave content checking in Ops to Agent Hand.

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