July 2016




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Apr. 10th, 2016


I like it how that even though I don't have a TARDIS, the time travel still comes to me.

By the way, I speak dinosaur, and every dinosaur I've spoken to is a little confused, but as long as they have something to eat, they're alright. Then again, they have puny, reptilian brains, so they're not capable of feeling any complex emotions. Even the predators seem cool. So, as long as they're not provoked, I think we can all get through this without incident. I wonder if that's asking too much from you humans?

Everybody's going on about dinosaurs, but nobody's mentioned how all our technology has become primitized. This devise now looks like it's made of bark and stone and stuck together with dried tree sap, and you wouldn't think it would work, but it does, just as it should. I find that much more fascinating.


I can't be the only one wondering if there's a nest around here somewhere with baby dinosaur eggs in it, can I?

[Filtered to Natasha Romanova (616)]

Hey, it's been a hot minute since we trained together, but I can tell something seems off with you. Is it anything I can help with, or should I quit the 'concerned little sister' act before you decide to kick my ass?

Apr. 9th, 2016


It's like the Tesseract decided I needed a belated birthday present or something.

Apr. 10th, 2016


Oh. My. God. Well they're a lot less aggressive than the last dinosaurs I met.

Mar. 29th, 2016


I think this is pretty much a rhino.

What a let down.

Mar. 24th, 2016


Network Post: Jaina Solo

Taking a survey here. Rey's post made me wonder.

Am I the only person around here that doesn't like Peeps?

Mar. 16th, 2016


The internet is so much cooler than it used to be. I don't even know how people do this stuff but Marco would love it.

Mar. 15th, 2016


I kind of miss the forest. But at least we can get out now, because you're all making me hungry and you can't get pie and milkshake in an enchanted forest.

Mar. 9th, 2016


network post: kanan jarrus

Say, has anyone just tried going out their window? To leave?

Filtered: Abigail Brand & Carol Danvers (EMH)
I will be using some of my vacation days, but as always, you'll be able to reach me if something comes up.
Filtered: Ezra Bridger & Sabine Wren (Chopper can read)
Hey folks, I'm helping someone figure out free will vs. fate, as much as that's possible. Chopper's staying here, so he'll bother you, and you'll likely bother him right back. There's enough food in the fridge and cupboards here for far longer than you'll need. Even frozen pizza.

Mar. 5th, 2016



Image )


Mar. 2nd, 2016


Network Post-Veronica Mars

So I've been here a couple weeks now and I still haven't heard back from the people at Columbia to see if I can at least not fall behind in law school. Feeling restless. Anyone have leads on some part time jobs for a sassy girl who knows how to sling joe and solve mysteries?

Also, been having one of those days. Who wants to send me pictures of penguins/unicorns and/or puppies?

Private to Sam

Hey. I wanted to give you space for a little bit since everything was so...intense. But I watched the video. It helped me understand some things, even if it gave me more questions. I won't ask you them, not yet at least.

But I would love to do some sparring. Of the verbal or physical kind.

Private to Mara Jade

Uh hi...I have some questions.


Feb. 25th, 2016


Here we go...

Well. I see Jawas are crooks in every universe. Nice to see that some things will never change.


Network Post: Claire Wise

I realized this morning that I have gone 6 months without sharing images of baby animals with any of you. 6 MONTHS! That's unacceptable.

That being said, meet Oscar Pollack, the newest member of our family. Felix and Milo are just overjoyed that they now have a little brother that they can boss around.

cut for image, not filtered )

Feb. 20th, 2016


So I've been thinking about how school sucks but apparently I need more education to get an awesome job furthering my education and was told about the ESD. Any current students or teachers got any recommendations on what classes I should take? Also, am I too late for sign ups or whatever?

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]
Look at me being studious. You proud?

Feb. 11th, 2016


I think the only thing I like about February is that my birthday is next month.

Feb. 10th, 2016


It's still hard to believe this place is real....I want to, but...it's hard. I don't know why.

Feb. 9th, 2016


So I think I forgot about Valentines, because it was a bit of a surprise to see so much of it when I took a trip to the store. It's a bit of a hard one Nate woulda done something silly, for the both of us but Shaun didn't really know about it so I filled him in. He said he got something, but I'm not gonna know until the day. I also think he's tinkering, as I'm down a few things. I don't really mind though, he seems to be happy with whatever he's planning.

I also heard there's classes to take. It's probably best I go to try and get my law degree up to speed. I don't think it'll count here, or that there's the same kind of laws here. Is it better to wait for new classes to start, or do I just jump in?

Later edited: [Foggy Nelson]

Hello Mr.Nelson,

a friend of mine said you were a lawyer and are teaching one of the classes here. I was wondering if it's best to wait for next semester or if I could catch up. The reason I'm asking is because I do have my degree, but as it's from a different place and world I don't think it means much here, plus there's probably different laws here. Please do let me know at your earliest convenience, and thanks for your time.

Feb. 5th, 2016


Wow. This is a little... big. I don't know how much is because it's New York and how much is being in the future.

I don't What I'm Cassie.

May. 21st, 2013


Cut for picture; not filtered )

Ugh, the stamp could have come out better but.. not bad, I think. I hate white nail polish. It's nothing but streaky and you have to apply it like 10 times before it actually looks completely solid. (On the bright side, I've learned to be ambidextrous when it comes to applying nail polish.) But I've missed applying nail polish. Or, you know.. just being a normal teenage girl, but that's only sometimes. I still miss fighting more

And speaking of which, considering I died before I got to experience my own, prom fucking rocked. Couldn't my writers have killed me at 21 or something?

May. 14th, 2013


I made the mistake of caving and reading the first few books in the series and now I'm

I really need to stop thinking that I can live on pizza and ice cream.

I'm feeling melancholy and homesick. Not really for home, but California. Even with the weather perking up here, I miss the west coast.

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