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Feb. 27th, 2013


Twelve weeks down. It's amazing to me how different this pregnancy is from my last- with Luke, I hardly knew I was pregnant for the first trimester, but this time I feel completely rundown. But it will all be worth it in the end.

I'm sorry I've rather dropped off the radar- I've been tutoring and working a little, and other than that I've been trying to take it easy.


Would you be interested in dinner or lunch sometimes soon? Just you and me, I promise.

Feb. 13th, 2013


I was thinking about putting together a scavenger hunt around the building for next month. Would anyone be interested in playing along?

texts to may castellan )

text to reyna )


Log: Luke, May, and Hermes

Who: Luke Castellan, May Castellan, and Hermes
When: Wednesday, February 11, a little after 8 p.m.
Where: May and Hermes's apartment
What: Luke gets the big news
Rating: G

Your mother has news, Luke. )


[Text Message to Luke Castellan]

>> I've baked some cookies today
>> Would you like to come over and have some later?

Feb. 9th, 2013


Who: May Castellan and Hermes
What: Discoveries! An announcement
Where: Their apartment
When: Saturday, 9 February
Rating: PG?
Status: Logged, Complete

Um. You know how I've been sick lately? )

Jan. 30th, 2013


So I'm thinking that one of the things I really need to do to understand this world is to understand the pop culture. The books, the television shows, the movies...the music. And I really have no idea where to start. I went to the bookstore today and there were just so many books...I felt rather lost.

I would love suggestions, from anyone, on what might be good books for me to read, or good things for me to see. Or good music for me to listen to.

I haven't really seen or read anything in the past three thousand years, so any recommendations would be lovely.

Jan. 25th, 2013


I've been in bed the last few days, laid up with what I'm pretty sure is just a stomach flu. Is that still going around? It really is annoying. I'm hoping some rest this weekend will help and I'll be back on my feet by Monday.

To my French students, I am sorry, but I won't be able to meet with you tonight.

I haven't left the apartment tonight, but I've seen the weather reports. Please stay safe out there, everybody.


Loving the snow, super excited about the Compitalia games tomorrow, and stressed the hell out because getting those two things to work together is going to be a little bit more excitement than I was planning on.

But never fear! The games will go on! The only events in danger of cancellation are the footraces, since coming up with an indoor solution for the longer ones may be outside our abilities right now.

[Filtered to Thalia]
Wanna come with me to pick up the lambs for roasting? The snow just made that drive to the butcher in Queens a lot longer. Leaving in about an hour.

Jan. 23rd, 2013


[Text to Hermes]

>> Do you think you can pick up some soup on the way home? And bread for toast, maybe?
>> Please? I'm still laid up in bed
>> I think I've caught some sort of stomach bug.
>> Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Jan. 16th, 2013


» It appears I am taking our son to a sporting event on Sunday.
» I have been able to procure tickets to the Patriots/Ravens football game on Sunday night.
» We will be taking the train up Sunday morning and come back very late Sunday night.
» I hope this is a good time for us, and goes some way to repairing relations between Luke and myself.

Jan. 11th, 2013


Who: May and Hermes
What: A chat!
Where: An Italian restaurant in the city
When: Backdated to the day after this
Rating: G
Status: Logged, Complete

I don't think that's what I expected to hear. )

Jan. 8th, 2013


[Text to Luke Castellan]

>> Hey, love. I'm sorry we haven't spent much time together lately.
>> I just wanted to let you know, though, that I've moved apartments.
>> I'm now in 213 with your father.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


[Filtered to Luke Castellan]

Did you enjoy your holidays? I am glad to see that you have many friends here. You deserve that.

[Filtered to May Castellan]

Come to dinner with me, tomorrow night. To that place you like in Midtown. I have several things I would like to discuss with you.

Dec. 25th, 2012


Who: May Castellan and Hermes
What: A talk and such
Where: Hermes' apartment
When: Morning, 25 December
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Logged, Complete

But let us live for the moment, and find joy in each other. )

Dec. 21st, 2012


[Text to Luke Castellan]

>> Hey. I know it's kinda late but
>> I keep forgetting to ask.
>> Do you have plans Christmas Eve? Or day?
>> I was thinking you and I could do dinner or something.

Dec. 18th, 2012


Everyone's going to end up thinking all I do is repeat myself, but with so many damn people here now, enough people missed the last time I talked about the bar that it's necessary. Think there's more people in this building than in all of Bon Temps now, and I could use a day off.

I'm Sam Merlotte, and I'm the manager of, you guessed it, Sam's Bar & Grill. We've got good food, good drinks, a couple of rooms you can reserve for private parties (for no rental cost, just the cost of food, alcohol and gratuity, which is a deal you won't get anywhere else in the city, unless you do all the work yourself), open mic nights on Fridays, football on all the televisions. All I ask is that there's no fighting, and you keep the dancing to a minimum and not hog the room.

Now, to the important things. If anyone's in need of a job and has experience working in a restaurant or bar, I'd love to talk to you.
-Host/hostess - 17+
-Bouncer/security - 18+, must be able to physically remove people from the premises if necessary, because I don't want to have to get Thor every time I need that done.
-Bartenders - 18+
-Waiters/Waitresses - 18+
-Cooks/food prep - 17+

These age limits are there because we serve alcohol, so if you're under 18, you can't handle it whatsoever. Not bending on this one. Blame the law, not me. And for the love of God, please don't try to lie to us and get a drink if you're under age. It won't go well.

Dec. 12th, 2012


» I am making dinner tomorrow night for the two of you.
» Six-thirty.

Dec. 11th, 2012


I have been told that there are other gods here, but I have not yet met you. Are you from my world?

And I know that there are demigods from my world here. I have talked to my son, but I know that there are others.

And I hear there are some here from the Roman camp as well?

Greetings to you all, and Salve et bonum salutem to the Romans.


[Text to Luke Castellan]

>> I had lunch today with Thalia.
>> She said you didn't know your birthday?


Who: May and Hermes
What: Making up. Arguing. Making up. Sort of.
Where: May's apartment
When: Backdated to evening 10 December
Rating: PG-13 for some snogging/fade-to-black stuff?
Status: Logged, Complete

I want you, as selfish as that makes me )

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