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Mar. 9th, 2015


My dear Midgardians! I find myself with a spectacularly free set of days. This really cannot be acceptable.

[Thor and Sif]

Just making crystal clear, we are sticking around for the end days yes?

I'd hate to make plans to keep, oh, living.

Mar. 4th, 2015


Network Post; Abigail Brand

Following the transfer of the artifacts, and due to the fine work of our communications teams, SWORD will be meeting with SHIELD and heads of state to discuss the oldhamite tablet that was uncovered among these artifacts.

These meetings will encompass most of today and SWORD will be taking a leading role in helping to prepare our military forces around this globe for what we may be expecting in the near future. Operations, Communications, and Science Tech will have individual meetings in twenty minutes - report to your individual departments for that.

Summers, Picard, Organa, Skywalker, Blake you will take point in explaining what we have found in the script of this tablet.

[Danvers, Blake, & SHIELD Leadership]
SWORD will be meeting with heads of state today in regard to an artifact discovered in a meteor crash that was recently transferred into SWORDs possession. Made of Oldhamite and covered in a runic script, our communications agents have uncovered evidence that this tablet seems to be from an alien race that believes themselves in a position of judging earth.

We have no indication that the judgement will involve the lion laying down with a lamb, and more indication that it will be of the Dante's circle variety.

Agent Blake has a report that can fill you in on details.


Has anyone seen Kaidan?

He was supposed to meet up with me today for breakfast.

Mar. 3rd, 2015


I know that most of you are familiar with SWORD in the tower. We deal with extraterrestrial phenomena and incidents relating to the tesseract.

It would seem that there's the beginnings of an infestation in the tower of creatures called tribbles. Agents are being dispatched to Potts Tower.

We would very much appreciate your help. Volunteers who are willing to help SWORD agents collect the tribbles to be properly removed from the tower contact me directly. I will put you in contact with an Agent.

Thank you for your understanding as we attempt to handle this.


I'll take volunteers first.

And if no one volunteers, I'll take whoever I decide to assign.

Feb. 28th, 2015


How are you handling frak all?
You feel up to getting drunk tonight?

Feb. 18th, 2015


Does anyone know if Sam Anders was sent back?

Feb. 13th, 2015


Sharon didn't tell any of you that she was going somewhere, did she? One minute she was in the apartment, now she's not.

Feb. 2nd, 2015


Shame I never studied up on my old sports trivia. Otherwise, I could have made a killing on bets yesterday. Looks like I'll just have to wait and see if I'm around in 2024. Boy, was that a year...

Glad to have you back, Major Danvers. Wasn't the same without you.

That was some party.

Feb. 1st, 2015



I know that I have been out of commission for almost three months now. Given the issues with my health, Director Brand has stepped up above and beyond the call of duty for this organization. As have all of you. These are not circumstances that any of us could have predicted and with still no clear answer to the White Event you are truly the hardest working organization in this world.

I've been released from medical and will be returning in limited capacity this month. It's a decision we don't take lightly, given the difficulties I have had. Director Brand is still entirely in charge while I'm working to get back up to speed. Given the situation it may take a few months or even longer, we will have to see.

But I think Han mentioned something about a welcome back party? I think we've all earned a party.


Not to disrupt anyone's super bowl plans. Which apparently today is the super bowl. I'm not even sure who's playing.

But I've been given my release from medical today.

Jan. 30th, 2015


There's nothing like watching your kid discover new things. Snow is a favorite so far.

Have you all been settling in okay here? We should all have dinner soon. All of us.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


What can I say? Life's good. Married life's good. I'm thinking of doing some droid-run poker next month. Fair, unbiased, no potential for cheating?

Yea. I'm not the type of guy who likes to update the network on his life. Where's Threepio when I need him?

Jan. 14th, 2015


Do you guys always celebrate shows ten years after their pilot?


Network Post: Caprica Six

I've noticed that some of the plant-life on the thirteenth floor isn't looking its best. One tree, in particular, seems sick or undernourished. Does anywhere in the area sell quality gardening supplies? I can't just leave it like that.

Jan. 13th, 2015


There is still much about this place that I don't fully understand but in many ways, it is enough like home that it isn't a problem. That doesn't mean it is easy though. I have spent most of my time here watching this television show that I come from and I admit it is rather an eye opening experience. Majority of people from my world seem to come from the end of it which was one of the reasons why I chose to watch it. The other? I don't like being left in the dark. I never have.

It wasn't easy though, far from it. I'm glad though that we reach Earth even if it was thousands of years into this Earth's past.

Also, does anyone know of someone called Sharon Raydor? I have been mistaken for her on ocassion.

Anne Blythe

My name is Laura Roslin and I believe you are in charge of the Youth Centre here? I don't know if you are looking for people to work for you, but I'm wondering if possible I could meet with you to discuss employment? At home, I used to be a kindergarten teacher so I have plenty of experience working with children before I left the classroom to head into politics.

Thank you,
Laura Roslin

Jan. 8th, 2015


Earth has changed a lot since yesterday.

Helo said I should probably introduce myself on here. And that there were some others from home here as well.

So, hi. I'm Sharon Agathon.

Jan. 7th, 2015


So, only a couple of days off a month here and things are most definitely changing in what I'm told is the right direction.

I think this is the point where I could do with socialising outside of my family.

I'm just not sure I remember how that works beyond, go for drinks and talk about the vaugest of topics.


I've been avoiding you. I can't deny that.

But you deserve to know the whole story. Will you meet me?


Mara's suggested I look for work with animals. Thing is I don't know if I can. If that's something I'm even really capable of anymore. Could you maybe help me? 

Also I considered a longer conversation with Obi Wan. Though I feel it might be unwise. I think we'd disagree on many things

Jan. 5th, 2015


So as earths go this one is infinitely less nuked than the one I was just on. Score one for this reality I guess.

Anyway, Sam Anders. I'm told I might know some people from home around here

Jan. 2nd, 2015


I still can't find any information on whether there were any warning signs before the second cataclysmic event on Galia-9. It could be a coincidence, and it's been quiet here too, but I can't get it out of my head.

[Renee and Ashley]
I still can't believe you'd pick me for something like this, but I'm really excited. Do you know what your timeline for the next steps is?

2015. Can't believe it. I'll be -136 this year.

Dec. 28th, 2014


Thank you to everyone who's helped my daughter and I out since we got here. It's meant a lot to me to have people willing to help strangers like that. We're pretty lucky, all things considered.

How many people here have kids too? It'd be good for Hera to get to make some friends her age for a change.

She's been carrying the puppy with her everywhere she goes. I think it's safe to say she loves it.
You thought about work, yet?

Dec. 18th, 2014


Network Post: Caprica Six

I'm here-- "again", apparently. This has happened before. I have no memory of it, but it's happened twice now. I saw the data evidence of it.

Why is our memory of being here erased?

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