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Aug. 8th, 2014


network post: xavin

Filtered: Nico Minoru
When are you returning? Gert has left again. And I was not surprised when she left in front of me.
Filtered: Young Avengers & Fantastic Avengers & Aracely
If you would like to watch 2 Fast 2 Furious movies tonight, you are welcome to come over. There is popcorn. The Rungalow is Room 408, Potts Tower, New York.
Whomever thought we could die only once was wrong.

Aug. 5th, 2014


Filter to Fantastic Avengers
Hey, team. So I guess we should talk about what we want to accomplish. But, you know, we're Avengers and believe me that's probably one of the coolest things you can be.

In any case, you know SHIELD's gone, so it's up to all of the teams to sort of step in where we can to take care of the things while they're gone. So we'll go on patrol, see what comes up, fight some bad guys, eat pizza. If you're Starfire, drink mustard. We should also do a little bit of training, see how we do together.

My birthday was in June. Hell. You know, calling a drug "candy" never ends well.

Jul. 18th, 2014


I need to get more sleep. Or at least better sleep. I look like shit.

Still having weird dreams?

How are you doing?

Hey. You still want to go to LA?

Jul. 12th, 2014


Jesus Christ, Loki, that isn't fucking funny.
Anyone else have any stupid dreams?

Jul. 3rd, 2014


I would have liked to stay in Asgard. NYC is so gross.

Jun. 29th, 2014


» So Kate Bishop showed up today
» And she wants to know if we'd like to be Young Avengers.


Are we one hundred percent sure that Clint Barton had nothing to do with this? It reeks of his kind of car crash: he showed up at the same time I did, and says he has no idea how it happened. That's, like, three for three.

Alternatively, if we are sure, then uh.... where did you send us, America? Kinda looks a little familiar.

Jun. 26th, 2014


Things like this make me really worry about the future of the human race.

Jun. 22nd, 2014


Ah goodness. I don't know what I'd know what to do with my life if there wasn't a tracking device somewhere in me.

Jun. 21st, 2014


In light of the news today, I've done my own digging to figure out how this location data was being tracked. I've found that there's a small implant in the upper arm of the refugees, where the medical inoculation was administered upon your arrival. I've got medical knowledge enough to know how to remove these trackers, if you need.

Take it out now before someone figures out the frequency to track you. If they haven't already

Jun. 20th, 2014


Sooo Potts Tower is kinda on all the news networks. There are like so many cameras point at you guys.

I've some spare rooms at the House of Life is a couple people want to come over here portal style and avoid that. I don't think they've found us yet.


I miss you. Please don't leave too. Please be okay.

Jun. 12th, 2014


[FILTER: Runaways, Teen Iron, X-Babies, Spider-Squad, Young Allies, Young Avengers, Avengers Academy & Teen Titans. ]


Billy and Loki made We have a problem. There's a giant mongoose on the loose and we can't get him ourselves. The adults can't see him. He's pretty dangerous, America already tried to get him and if she can't, it's a big deal.

Can we get some help?

Jun. 2nd, 2014


Ken Mack has gone back through the tesseract.

Nothing ever good happens when you fucking runaways show up
So. Talked with Zemo lately?


I would say sorry about your car but it's not like I melted anything in it or even could since, you know, it's like an undead car or something.

But I did freak you out this morning and that was probably uncool.

Thanks. For helping. You didn't have to do that.

[Avengers Academy+Bruce+Pepper's Office Crew]

Something else happened.

Jun. 1st, 2014


So hitching a ride to LA with a guy I just met is probably a bad idea, right? Just double-checking.

[ XAVIN: ]
You ok?


When's school out?

Okay, Nico. I think I'm ready to try that cross-country thing. I just need to make sure that Gabe's not sitting there waiting for me. I should have done this ages ago
[Pretend this is before sundown. Because.]

May. 29th, 2014


Staying in my room all day is just too tempting. I have to get out of the house. But I can't do touristy things now that I live here. What do locals do for fun in NYC?

I heard you were here through the grapevine. Are you

Hey, Ghost Rider. Make it to LA?

May. 27th, 2014


[Filtered to magical community + extraplanar entities (aliens, gods, demons, angels, etc)]
Translation spells. What does this group have to work with? I have stumbled across a language I cannot decipher.
[Filtered to Sanctum Sanctorum residents]
There's a golden door with an apple tree off the third floor stairwell. It's new. For the time being, it is closed and shall remain so. I would encourage everyone to keep that in mind.

May. 25th, 2014


Well that's the second SHIELD detainment facility I walked out of today. I must be the luckiest unlucky person alive.

Sep. 4th, 2013


How are our memories tampered with? I see that I've introduced myself, that I've interacted with people on the network, but I don't recall it at all. I need answers.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


[Avengers Academy]
Right, that sucked. I know we're all reeling from whatever the hell that was, but I wanted to say that as always I am proud to be a part of this team. No matter what is thrown at us, we can handle it. No amount of training could have prevented that, and no one is responsible for what they did while they were under that stuff. When some of us are out, the rest of the team has our back. No matter what.

[Sunday trainers and trainees]
I know quite a few of us are recovering, but I will be there next Sunday and every Sunday after if anyone wants to join me. No rush. It's clearly important that we keep training up since the portal is a dick. Please remember there is no pressure and to take your time until you feel up for it.

As weird as the last week has been, I still feel like things are more normal here. That's probably pretty messed up, huh?

How are things with the Runaways?

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