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Jun. 4th, 2015


[Filtered to Laura Roslin]
Hey! Last night was good, right?


Jun. 2nd, 2015


Robin Hood
Hello, I don't know if Regina has mentioned me but I'm Laura Roslin and I consider Regina to be a good friend of mine. Back home, we had something known as a baby shower and I was wondering if you had anything similar here or had planned anything? I don't want to overstep my boundaries but I do think that not only are they useful that they can be a lot of fun too.

I apologise in advance if I have overstepped.

PTYC Staff
Good morning,

Since we've had a number of people join us recently I thought we should do a get to know each other thing? I don't know about you but I always do enjoy knowing the people that I work with.

I'm Laura Roslin and along with Sue Storm, I'm one of the people who run the PTYC. Back home I started out as a Kindergarten Teacher before going into politics. Various events led me to becoming President for awhile. I was still President when I arrived here though in my future I no longer am for a brief period of time. While I never had children myself, I have always enjoyed watching them learn and develop. There is nothing quite as wonderful as seeing children blossom and knowing you had a hand in doing so, especially when they go on to succeed.

If you ahve any questions, please don't hesitate to talk to Sue or myself.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Perhaps the greatest lesson any of us can hope to learn is that we never stop learning. There are, and will always be, mysteries. There are, and will always be, that which we cannot hope to entirely understand or accept.

The second a person believes they know everything, I think, is the same moment they should instead just admit that they've failed to see the universe for what it truly is.

[Anakin Skywalker]
There is something that we should

There's been a development that you deserve to be made aware of.


With the weather improving I've been thinking it might be nice to go out of town for a day or so, visit parks and zoos and the sort. Would anyone be interested in joining me?


Whoa, this place is so not the border worlds, let alone Pandora. Too clean and neat. And boring. I've been here for several hours and no one has shot at me or thrown an axe at me or tossed dynamite at my face. Okay, that last one was just Tina and I totally deserved it.

So, I'm Axton.

May. 18th, 2015


Hey, has anyone on here ever had a fantasy about taking a married woman as a date to a wedding? Because now is your chance. I could make your dreams come true.

May. 13th, 2015


I know what they said. That this is all caused by some cube and somehow I'm a fictional character.

But I'm still not entirely convinced that Revan didn't somehow cause this. This sounds exactly like the sort of thing he'd be behind.

May. 10th, 2015


Just a reminder that the PTYC Baking Club is meeting tomorrow at 1pm on the 13th floor to cook Pizza Stacks with Sue my wonderful co-leader and head of the Baking Club. New members are more than welcome to come if you wish too. Then on Wednesday from 4pm we are having our weekly youth night with the theme of Virgin Mocktails with the Hawkeyes.

I hope to see a lot of you there.

Also if you are interested in assisting we have a lot of roles still open. If you wish to apply for any of them let Sue and myself know here

Sue Storm-Richards, Jamie Moriarty, Charles Xavier, Billy Kaplan, Brandon Sharpe
I just thought I would reach out to all of you to thank you for the wonderful work that you have been doing lately with the Centre

How are things going with you lately?


So what's this I heard about snow in Brooklyn?

Looks like you've had some fun.

Um, I Hi.

Decided on whether to get a pet?

May. 9th, 2015


Network Post: Christine Chapel

For those of you who knew him, Christopher Pike is gone. I know he was here for a while and had a lot of friends so I got some of his things that were here in the Tower before anyone came to get them. You're welcome to come over and look to see if there's anything you'd like to have. I know he'd want people he cared about to have them.

May. 4th, 2015


Storm & Logan

I saw this post on the network and it had me wondering. We don't have any deals with the Colleges here to help people attend and get accredited for their skills, allowing them to work here?

I apologise if you aren't the two who I should have filtered this two but as you are in charge of the ESD I imagined you would know.

Thank you,
Laura Roslin

May. 3rd, 2015


[Filtered to 35+]
College tuition is practically criminal in this country. Columbia is twice as expensive as Oxford for non-Europeans and nearly twenty times as expensive for International students at elite schools in Africa.

Any ideas how to get 51,008 USD by August. Every year for the next four years?

Apr. 26th, 2015


network post: padmé amidala

Thank you, to everyone at Potts Tower, especially to those who also ran in this election. It takes concern about others to run for office, and it's made Potts Tower a better place. If you voted, thank you very much. If you did not, I ask that you consider doing so in the future. I welcome you all to reach out to me at any time on issues concerning us. If you would like my phone number, you may have it, and I will come to your assistance if it is needed. We have more control over our own lives. I am honored to serve you and commit myself to it.

Filtered: Laura Roslin, Erik Lensherr, Loki
It was an honor to run in this race with you. Our debate was a spirited and refreshing place to hear all kinds of voices. I'd love to hear further input on what you believe our most important issues are. Don't be strangers.
Filtered: Jaina Solo, Inara Serra, Jamie Moriarty, Violet Parr
Good evening, ladies. Tonight I'd like us to get to know each other and to brainstorm what issues we'd like to tackle, both in the short term and over the long term.

Any questions you have for me, ask away. Anything you'd like me to know about you, I'll hear from you. I won't look into your source material unless you want me to.
Filtered: Anakin Solo
How are you doing? I'm proud of you for running in this election. And perhaps you'll even run for my seat next time.


Presidential Candidates
I wish all of you the best of luck during the elections. I do hope that no matter who wins that we will all be able to work together in one form or another.

Apr. 23rd, 2015


And would you look at that, I finally went and found my way back to my own room. Maybe if I keep going, I'll find a door that opens back to my own universe, but until then, guess I better introduce myself for those of you I didn't wander in on.

I got a handle on what's going on here. S'far as being thrown into a new universe by a cosmic cube. That seems, I don't know. Basically reasonable and far from the weirdest thing I've had happen to me this week, so - sure. I can roll with this.

It's Sam Wilson. How y'all doing?

[Anakin Solo]
And an extra hello to you.

Funny story. I used to teach swimming lessons, way back when I was a teenager. So I was in the store at the check-out and one of the kids I taught he just looks at me and starts chatting, see he recognised me. And the kid's mom just got this look on her face like she had no idea who I was. Then it dawns on her and she says: I didn't recognise you with your clothes on!.

So see, you me and Rikki should get together sometime. So this doesn't end up happening to us. You wear a shirt and I might just have no clue.
[Outstanding Avengers: Wanda Maximoff, Oliver Queen]
Hey -- Looks like I'll be stepping in to take over for the Steve Rogers who left you hanging. Don't worry, I'm used to picking up his slack, old habits die hard and all that. But I'm thinking, much as I dig this whole "Dynamic Trio" we got going on -- you think maybe we should try and recruit some for the ranks?

Apr. 19th, 2015


Who: Deadpool + Potts' Tower Community Association Presidential Candidates + YOU
When: 8 pm April 19th
Where: Edible Complex, First Floor, Potts Tower
What: A presidential debate and chance for campaign Q&A
Rating: probably fine
Status: IC/OOC

Now how many ponies -are- you promising us? )


Sundays always make me feel so spiritual. I mean, Brunch is pretty much a religious experience.

I gotcha a present.
[Laura Roslin]
Good Morning, Madame President.

I saw that you just took over for Anne Blythe and Mary Margaret, with the Potts Tower Youth Centre, and I was wondering if you needed help with that. I pretty much care for a small fleet of children -- and sometimes Spider-Man -- back home, so I have some experience dealing with kids of all kinds, unruly or otherwise. So. This is me volunteering to help you with that stuff.

So say we all?
[Ben Reilly]
Hey buddy. Sun is shining, sky is blue. Looks like a good day to go to Queens for me, if it does for you?

Aw hey. It's poetry.
[Tony Stark (616)]
The Red Skull used Professor Xavier's... soul? spirit? Unclear. To infect the Avengers, basically using brainwaves to turn them all into assholes. You weren't affected, we both know why. Anyway -- to stop the Red Skull's plan, Wanda and Stephen decided to try and invert who had control over Red Skull's body? Because Xavier basically inhabited it? In doing so though, in bringing Charles to the surface, they accidentally flipped any superheroes or villains in the blast zone. Carnage got all self-sacrifice-y. Victor went all, focus-on-democracy and you -- well. This time it got you. You started selling Extremis to people, started drinking again. So we're still dealing with the incusions and you're off doing your best impression of Kanye West.

So you chew on that for a while. I'll be here when you need me.

Apr. 14th, 2015


With both Mary Margaret and Anne Blythe, leaving us it seems that I have stepped up into the lead position of the PTYC. I will promise to try my best with it. For now I'm going to continue with the plans that they had come up with but I'd be interested from hearing from all of you too, especially if you regularly use the center.

Please do keep an eye out for any announcements that I'll make via this network

Apr. 13th, 2015


Network Post; Byron Sully

Sometimes I ain't really sure why I'm here. Friends seem to disappear and I'm still here.

[Carol Danvers (EMH)]
I don't mean to bother ya, but I don't suppose ya found a small wooden trunk in Penelope's things?


Good morning,

Some of you may know me, some of you might not. I'm Laura Roslin and I thought I should do my best to at least get to know many of you as possible. Here, I work as the Education Lead for the Potts Tower Youth Centre, working closing with Anne Blythe and Mary Margaret as well as all the other staff members. I believe in educating everyone to their best and know that everyone learns differently and therefore different learning methods need to be embraced and adapted for each and every child as not one child - or person - is the same as another.

Back home, I started out as a Kindergarten teacher on the planet Caprica, one of the twelve colonies before a friend convinced me to join the campaign for Richard Adar who was running for Mayor of Caprica. From there, I have worked in politics, going on to become the Secretary of Education for the Twelve Colonies which involved standardising the education across all the planets while adapting them to each planet as each of them are different. Caprica for example is very much the based around the Arts as well as Politics while Taurus for example is very much a farming planet. I worked as Secretary for a number of years, undertaking tasks such as helping end a Teachers Strike in a way that was beneficial not only for them but for the Government as well as well as implementing computers in all classrooms and networking many of the older ships of the Colonies Fleet.

After the destruction of the Colonies by the Cylons, which I managed to shake due to an off world mission to decommission the Battlestar Galactica, I become the President of the Twelve Colonies and was in charge of looking after the well being of the 50,000 survivors of the attack in search of the fabled 13th colony, Earth.

I did all of that while battling terminal breast cancer, which due to a miracle has now gone into remission.

I believe in working together for the better treatment and well being of everyone no matter who they are, where they are from or their place in the world. Everyone is unique and everyone has the opportunity to work with one another for the betterment of all of us.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, I have decided to run for the Potts Tower Council. I have put my name down for President but I am willing to help in anyway that is needed. I just want the best for all of us.

PTYC Staff Members
Has anyone seen Mary Margaret or Anne? I'd like to talk to them about something but I can't get a hold of them.

Are you thinking of running? I think you would be good. You certainly have experience in running a town so this can't be that different.

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