July 2016




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Apr. 11th, 2013


Did you know there's online job carts? Huh.

Anyway, wish me luck!


[Filtered to Whoverse & Friends of Jenny]

If you haven't seen the notice today, Jenny's gone back.

Apr. 8th, 2013


I haven't spent a whole lot of time around the Tower so far this month. First, it was the rotten eggs smell (which surprisingly isn't the worst food-related thing I've smelled, but it's close), then there was that laundry room disaster.

A lot of my time has been spent familiarising myself with the city. Getting the hang of my immediate surroundings was fairly simple, but I just hadn't found the time before now to actually explore. Actually, that's a lie. I had plenty of time, I just never bothered. I like New York. It's similar to home but different enough that things are throwing me off and keeping me on my toes. I'm almost used to cars being driven on the wrong side of the road. Almost.

In honour of Larry I went to the SoHo Film Festival on Saturday. Well, at least I tried to go to the festival. A pillow fight and more kilts than I've seen since my holiday to Aberdeen in grade nine kind of became rather hard to ignore distractions.

I'm trying to think of a way to end this, but I'm not really sure what else to say. I've been here a month already, and I'm not cripplingly lonely or perpetually bored, so I suppose those are good things. I'd still rather be back home, but I suppose most of us feel that way.

Oh, also. My roommate has vanished. She was nice enough I suppose. Does this mean I'll get a new one?

Apr. 7th, 2013


While I would not go so far as to say that my decision to research the alternate universe was made in error, it did not yield the type of results that I had anticipated. The film containing this exchange, in particular, has perplexed me.

Subsequent attempts to satisfy my curiosity have only raised more questions. Primarily concerning the logistics of time travel using this slingshot maneuver, the enterprise's fitness for whale transportation, and the danger of introducing an extinct species into a new and unfamiliar ecosystem.

But perhaps the greatest question that arose was a moral quandary: if successful travel back in time can be achieved, and if saving a whale is a valid application for this technology, then why has this technology not been used to prevent other instances of far greater devastation? I understand that the Prime Directive and other policies regarding non-intervention in the affairs of others would undoubtedly come into play, but this would not apply to civilizations that have already achieved warp technology. And given that a time traveler was responsible for the destruction of Vulcan- How does one determine appropriate use?


Happy Tartan Day! And a grand day it has been, let me tell you. Never have I had a happier accident than stumbling over the tartan week celebrations today, except perhaps meeting the Doctor. I was surrounded by all that is good and great about Scotland and its people and some of them even knew me! I had a chance to listen to some fine pipers and pipe bands and I was even given a grand set of pipes as a welcome to our world gift.

I'll be off next week on a little trip. To a place called Nashua, for a Scottish Festival. I'll even be playing in the solo piping competitions. I think I have a fine chance there. We were bandying about the names of songs we can play and I think I know a few that have been lost in the mists of time. Shame that, they're grand pieces but they'll be my advantage in the competitions before I teach them to the others afterwards.

Apr. 6th, 2013


So my magical duel partner sort of disappeared. Well no really duel, more like practice. And I mean Mister Xavier is still here but I mean it's not really exactly the same. Sure no one else uses Egyptian words of power or... any Egyptian magic outside me and Bast, but it was still pretty neat. Plus Molly was way better at invisibility than me or Carter so there's that.

Also I think I need to find a place to buy wax.

[Filtered to Bast]

Just because there's no House of Life here doesn't mean there couldn't be one like... founded or something, right? There's more than enough chaos here, even if it's not Apophis. The House of Life did way more than that.

[Filtered to Mindy]

So, this whole fighting crime thing. I think that there are a few other kids like us that could probably be pretty good at it, given where they're from and all.

I mean we can't be the only ones that feel like we're not being used at all, right?

Apr. 7th, 2013


I'm actually watching the show and I've actually got a question.

Where are my eyebrows?

Apr. 4th, 2013


I was right relieved to find a place in this city where I can get some decent clothes. I've never been one for these trouser things. A man needs a good healthy breeze round his privates else he might get sick. But I found a place where they'll make the kilts by hand, even a great kilt, which I haven't had access to in far too long. They even have the proper linen shirts, sgian dubhs, pins and sporrans. And they could point me in the direction of a man who makes bagpipes. I'll look like a right dandy when I'm all outfitted and they gave me a good price if I'd be their representative at these ren faires. I'm right glad to do that. I got to see their work and it's fine indeed.

Apr. 3rd, 2013


So after... maybe six hours of reading Garfield Minus Garfield, I've decided that Jon Arbuckle might actually be the most depressing fictional character in existence, and I grew up with him every morning with the funny papers.

So that brings me to the question I pose to you: Who was your favourite Comic Strip Character and Who would you least/most like to be?

And I dedicate this post to Jon Arbuckle, who like literally deserves a medal or something. Knighthood. Or -- maybe just someone to buy the poor fellow dinner.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Positions as a biology, chemistry, Mathematics and computer science, Mathematics and Astronomy instructor. That's what I'm qualified for.

Hm. Doctor, what do you think? Jenny? Anyone?

Apr. 1st, 2013


My dads are children.

Anyone fancy a pint?

[ooc: trigger warning for talk of mass death, patricide, matricide, all kinds of -cides due to the time war]


Something just occurred to me as I was talking to the -- Tenth Doctor's hand clone. When I was a kid growing up, my favourite Doctor was, actually, Peter Cushing in the Dr. Who and the Daleks film. Peter Cushing did not -- in my 'world' also play Sherlock Holmes, for obvious reasons but I can't help but wonder if that's why I liked him so much.

But then I got to thinking -- I know I'd already realised it with me being the interpretation of another source material, but Cushing was supposed to be within the same continuity. He was just the First Doctor -- does that mean there might be another "Doctor" entirely? One unconnected to the others?

...or is Peter Cushing Doctor the Doctor that brought us Hugh Grant Doctor?

Thoughts? Trouble with your own spin-offs? Maybe a round at the bar for attempting to follow Who-timelines?


Stop changing clothes! We don't change clothes! Well, we do, but not like that. Or we haven't. Not for a long time. When do we start switching coats after we've found a perfectly good one to wear?! Honestly! Something clearly went horribly wrong last regenertion.


I'm engaged. Not sure when I'll be able to stop grinning, but I don't think it'll be today.

So, Martha agreed to stand up for me. And is going on and on about a bachelor party.

You know my brain is already starting to spin on the logistics side of things. Oddly, given the disaster of Gwen's wedding, I don't feel the need for a big hoopla.


Hello! I'm The Doctor.

I sensed a Time Lord the minute I got here. Well, I was worried about the tear and then I sensed a Time Lord. Well, I said 'Oi' first. I don't like weapons.

Mar. 29th, 2013


[Filtered to Rose and the Doctors]
I've got some good news for you. Brace yourselves!

Ianto and I are getting married.


[Filtered to Rose]
Got something to ask you.


Mar. 24th, 2013


Thank you everyone that helped me celebrate my birthday! Even if I was daft and forgot about it.

I also think I might be coming down with the cold. Hasn't gotten too bad yet, so I think I'll stick around my place as much as I can for now.

Filter: Amy Pond & Rory Williams
Hello! Look um [...] I know there's some tension going on with the Doctor. Well, the Ninth Doctor (as fans call him) but I wanted to keep the both of you updated.

He's trying to figure out this whole tesseract mess. It's driving him crazy that he can't examine it, I don't know what he plans on doing but I know he's going to try and figure something out. I don't want you to feel that you aren't included, I mean I still think of you two as friends. Hope that's all right!

I just want to keep you two informed. Even if he is being stubborn.

Filter: Jack Harkness
Somehow I forgot how incredibly stubborn the Doctor can be.


I have had a headache since I arrived here.

Filter: Metacrisis
Oi, Amy and Rory. Are they yours? What happened to them? Never mind what happened to them, why on Earth do they see fit to hold it against a version of me they've never met? I'm not perfect, you're not. We've done terrible, horrible things, and dismissing the one who says that guns are bad simply because a future version of that one may have done something you disagreed with is beyond moronic. We're not in the habit of taking on idiots for companions. So what happened - or is it beyond you?

Filter: Metacrisis, Rose, Setsuna, Donna Noble, Jack Harkness, Albus Severus Potter
Added later: Martha, Ianto, Usagi, Ricky Micky

Feel free to suggest anyone else for this filter: I'm dubbing it Team Time, because team names are fun, and time is wrong, and you lot are the brilliant ones that are going to help figure this out. I can't tell if reality is collapsing, or if we're simply trapped in another dimension. What doesn't make sense is the not-remembering that we've been here and being returned to our exact same spot in real time. That's the biggest lot of bull-crap I've ever been fed by men with guns, and that says a lot. More likely, time is falling apart.

This fictional aspect is also highly disturbing. This shouldn't be happening, and it's happened before. SHIELD's not going to let me or Metacrisis near the Tesseract, which is a mistake, so we're going to have to figure out how to make it right on our own.

Mar. 19th, 2013


I've lived without internet, cell phones, television, digital watches -- and I missed them, sure. All of them. Internet was especially hard. It took me about a year to stop referring to the library as "Google."

But...but none of that compares to how incomplete my life has felt until this moment. This moment rediscovering Starbucks.

I could cry.



I also used some of my own special brand cunning to go to kickstarter.com and set up an account there. If enough people donate, we can all go to Hawaii to buy shirts.

Even you, Mal. Isn't that kind of me.

I even included a picture of me to prove that it was genuine. Don't I look pretty.

I might go for a Mexican look permanently, Zoe. I feel good in this.

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