July 2016




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Mar. 2nd, 2015


Go Go. Next up after kimchi, Baymax Ramen. Ramax? Baymen? What the heck?? Except it's kind of weird to eat my own bot. I think I'd rather float in ramen too.

Feb. 28th, 2015


There are many new people here. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. Hiro mentioned I should see if anyone needs aid. Are you ill?

Feb. 27th, 2015


  • I was pretty impressed by the snow tunnel Bostonians built. Really, it's just a matter of using what you have on hand. I'm almost curious to take a field trip to see what 100" of snow looks like. Not really something we experienced in San Fransokyo.

  • I may be tempted to start making my own kimchi. Someone save me.

  • Would anyone be interested in robot wars?
  • Feb. 22nd, 2015


    I am Baymax.

    I read that many of you are distressed. On a level from 1-10, what is your stress level? What assistance do you need?


    I do not understand all of what is happening. I only know that people seem to be in trouble.

    [Filtered to Big Hero 6]

    Wasabi thinks it is a good idea to meet to help everyone. Please reunite at Hiro's apartment as soon as possible.

    Feb. 15th, 2015


    There is something quite wonderful about discounted chocolate. It's always fascinating the way this world is similar to mine but different at time. At least chocolate is the same. But I haven't found Japanese food as good as what we had in San Fransokyo.

    Also, anyone looking to hire a mechanical engineer?

    Feb. 6th, 2015


    [Filtered to Big Hero 6]

    Just so you know, I love you guys.

    Tadashi's gone.

    I'm not gonna do anything crazy. You guys can't either, unless you take me with you.

    Feb. 1st, 2015


    Baymax and I might've brought too much food to our Super Bowl Party/Bots Bowl Bash. Anybody else like hot wings? Baymax delivers -- just tip him with a hug.

    Jan. 31st, 2015


    So, I wanted to make something like this out of the snow, but I'm not sure my Mech E skills transfer over that well. I think it needs an artist's touch. At least for the design aspect. What I'd love is to build a working snow-cycle. Maybe if we had some more snow and I could figure out a propulsion system that wouldn't run too hot.

    Jan. 28th, 2015


    First order of things...

    Cut for picture, not filtered )

    Yes, you're all invited, and that being said, New York, I'm back! And I am pretty sure that Oxford is about twenty degrees warmer than you right now. But it was great. The professors are great, the labs are awesome and I guess the country is amazing too. And spending New Year's there was some experience. Even though it was 90% work with little play and little breathing room and I come back to more work (hello, Spring semester), I'm still glad I went.

    Second order of things. Is catching up. What did I miss?

    Filter: David Alleyne
    Good to know you and the city are still here and not in the water.

    Jan. 23rd, 2015


    Filter: Big Hero 6
    Okay, so we're all here except for Fred (who needs to hurry up), so we can't not do something for Superbowl weekend.

    Pizza, drinks at.. whoever has more apartment space?

    Jan. 19th, 2015


    Gigi (aka, Adventure Kitten) seems to have found a new hiding place. If you hear mewing in the walls, please let me know.

    Jan. 14th, 2015


    Headed for an automatic door. It didn't open automatically. What's the right way to stop a nosebleed?

    Jan. 8th, 2015


    Filter to Algebra I and II, English Composition, Women's Studies students, and Delta Advising Group
    Hello! I'm sorry that I'm posting this so late in the week, but as you're probably aware, it has been quite a busy week for everyone as we settle back into the halls of learning and begin the process of truly readying ourselves for the Regents Exams at the end of the school year. As a reminder, my classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and my office hours on those days will be 8-10 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I will try to make myself as available to you as possible, but please remember that I am also a co-director of the PTYC, and so may not be in my office all the time on those days. If you have any questions or need an adult to talk to, please, please, please do not hesitate to come to me! My cell number is [number], and I live in room 2501. Any and all of you are invited to text, call, or visit me at any time!

    To my advising group: I would like to set aside a time to meet with each of you individually within the next week or two, to go over what you've done so far, and you still need in order to advance to the next level of your education, or to graduate. Please get in contact with me, or you will find me bugging you.

    Filter to Steve
    Is it too early to begin planning a vacation away from New York for this summer?

    Dec. 30th, 2014


    Filter: Big Hero 6 gang and friends
    Has anyone made plans for New Year's Eve? Because I have a list of possibilities!

    Dec. 23rd, 2014


    Hello, I'm Wasabi, and I don't know how I feel about it being this close to Christmas already. So I guess since I'm apparently stuck here according to the welcoming committee, might as well ask: is there any place I can work that employs lasers and physics??

    Dec. 22nd, 2014


    Who: Tadashi, Hiro, Gogo, Honey and Baymax, but open to others: new friends!
    When: Not long after his arrival last Friday
    Where: Tadashi's new apartment shared with Hiro and Baymax
    What: Reunion
    Rating: Probably G.
    Warnings: Extreme amounts of fluff? Possible references to Tadashi's death.

    ... )

    Dec. 19th, 2014


    Christmas Gifts.

    Who: The whole game!
    When: Leading up to Christmas
    Where: Under tree. Delivered with bows. Handed to a person. Whatever!
    What: Christmas presents!
    Rating: Who knows!

    Because this game is massive, and even if every character just sent ONE package to anyone, it would end up being so many posts that it would overrun the game. So to save our friends lists from imploding, we the moderators are asking that you fill out this form and reply HERE. It'll make it easier to find (Control-F is a lovely thing!) and we won't have to abuse our scroll button.

    Here's how we're going to do it. You will post for one character with everything that they got for their friends/family/etc. Make sure to tag your character and all the characters that yours gave gifts too as soon as you get their information up!

    Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


    Thank you Tesseract. Thank you thank you thank you. ThankyouthankyouthankyouforTadashi. I don't need anything else for the Holidays, but I'd get you something if I could. I mean, I know you're some incorporeal blue glowy light, but hey that never stopped you from doing your thing. So just thanks for now-- for my brother. He's the best thing that ever happened to me.


    Now that finals are over and things are settling in for the holidays, I wanted to take this moment to congratulate all of you on a semester well done!

    When you've got time, let me know when you'll be at your apartments. I'd like to drop off your Christmas gifts!
    Hello, Katniss. My name is Ms. Burkle, but I usually let my students call me Fred.

    I noticed that you've only been here a few days, so I thought we could sit down and have a discussion about your education. Firstly, I'd like to ask how you're settling in?


    Hello, my name is Tadashi Hamada and I am a nerd.

    But it sounds like I'm not the only nerd around here, so you're probably used to us. Oh, and you might know my brother here - Hiro. You'll probably see us together a lot. Hiro, he... hasn't seen me in a long time. As far as little brothers go, well, he's the best.

    I created Baymax, too. Well, the original Baymax. I hear he's learned a lot since I've been away, and I'm sure he's helping out here, too. New York City is pretty different than San Fransokyo, but I've been told there's some great people around here. I look forward to meeting you.

    Gogo and Honey? Hiro said you guys were here. You too, Baymax.

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