July 2016




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May. 20th, 2016


network post: xavin

Lets have some fun. Want to prank your coworker? Lover? Child? Friend? Talk to me here (filtered if they're on here), and I'll do it within a month. Just long enough they may forget about the possibility.

May. 1st, 2016


network post: xavin

I will either stay inside or go Voldemort today. My nose is too sensitive for this shit.

Apr. 27th, 2016


So uh. Does anyone know what baby raptors look like??

Apr. 25th, 2016


Network Post: Ezra Bridger

I kind of miss the dinosaurs. I've never seen anything like that before.

Apr. 22nd, 2016


network post: xavin

Barbecue in the park at 2pm today. I'll be roasting a whole pig until then. Everyone welcome. One enormous hog goes a long way. Bring sides to share.

Filtered: Thor
Would you bring mead? You have the best.

Apr. 14th, 2016


network post: commander shepard

Heads up, team. The Staten Island ferry has been attacked by a pack of goblin sharks. We need to mobilise immediately. The people on board the ferry and the island need to be evacuated as quickly as possible. We will need to coordinate with another team in order to speed up the process, so I've invited the Fantastic Avengers to join us.

My team-mates and I are heading out to evacuate the Staten Island ferry and whoever's stranded on the island still. Would you all like to join us? The more people there are, the less time it will take.

Apr. 1st, 2016


I can't find my sister or Peeta.

How do you find people here?

Mar. 27th, 2016


-- Hey. Is this a good time for me to come over and hunt?

Mar. 15th, 2016


I think Finn may yell at me if I take apart something else in our apartment. Does anyone happen to have one of those cars I can take a look at, and possibly take apart? I'd like to see how they work.

Mar. 12th, 2016


network post: xavin

Has anyone considered whether or not Donald Trump is human? He could be an AI gone rogue.

Filtered: Molly Hayes
Are Charlie and friends still here? If so, they will now need the dinosaur park.

Mar. 5th, 2016



Image )



When I thought about living in the forest, I didn't expect it to be inside an apartment building in the middle of a big city.

I don't trust it.

Do you think it's in here somewhere? Did it do this?

Feb. 16th, 2016


Kate's gone and everything sucks.

I can't sleep and I'm reaaaaally bored. Anyone wanna come see Kung Fu Panda 3 with me?

Feb. 4th, 2016


network post: xavin

I worked out this morning.

Cut for large photo, not filtered )

Physical goals - check.


Hold up. You can buy girl scout cookies online?


Feb. 2nd, 2016


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say randomly losing your shadow is something that probably happens here. And I'm not so sure if I want to be corrected on that if it isn't.

Jan. 28th, 2016


Before I hit Craigslist and the newspapers, is anyone looking for a receptionist? A personal assistant? A police-sketch artist? (Okay maybe not that last one).

Jan. 21st, 2016


There's always something about this time of year that fills me with a desire for a hearty stew. Thinking I just might try my hand at one this year. Of course, this implies I'll need a wide batch of people to test it on to see if it's any good. Any volunteers?

Sharon and Bucky )

Jan. 19th, 2016


Okay I'm done complaining about the cold. I want snow. Lots and lots of snow. Gimme.

And I know this is super late but PRIM! Thank you for the unicorn! You're the best! :)

Screened to Wanda [echo] )

Jan. 17th, 2016


network post: commander shepard

It was wonderful to be a judge for the Avengers Costume Contest and all of the children had such fantastic costumes. There were several that I was unfamiliar with but the kids were more than happy to explain what their costumes were, and it was lovely to see how excited and animated they got during their explanations.

Of course, I can't forget my excellent fellow Avengers who also attended. Captain Rogers, Mr Stark, it was a pleasure to spend the day with both of you as well.

Can I dress Charlie up for a costume contest next year?

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