July 2016




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Apr. 7th, 2015


Just now as the power flickered, I thought I saw something in the doorway.

I know better than to just ignore things like this. Most will say that it was my imagination, or a trick of the light as the electricity wavered. I know what I saw.

Nothing good can come of this.

Apr. 1st, 2015


Network Post: Myka Bering

Filter: Helena G. Wells
I've been thinking. And I know how much you love when I do that. Do you want to know what I've been thinking?

Mar. 28th, 2015


I have not found a decent cup of tea in this time or place. Does anyone have any recommendations? I would be happy to read your tarot in exchange.

Also does this body switching thing happen often around here?

Mar. 26th, 2015


Whoa mama. Look at me. I'm so sexy and tall and muscly. A girl could get used to this. A guy. Someone with a You get the idea. It is true. That is a second brain.

How are you feeling?

Mar. 10th, 2015


People have started to fall into comas from this flu. So far, I feel fine. What about you?
Any of you ladies feeling down and out?

Mar. 1st, 2015


Being away from home for a week, it turns out, means that the a good portion of the food in one's refrigerator will be well past its date when one returns. I spent a good portion of this afternoon replenishing my pantry. The result is that I am now prepared for the coming week, always a good feeling. While I was out today, I was reminded of my desire for a pet when I found a small, furry creature in a box outside of Potts Tower upon my return. It's very small, and a brindle colour, and it purrs madly.

I believe I'm already a little bit in love with it, although I have yet to come up with a name. Any suggestions would be quite, quite welcome.

Feb. 24th, 2015


One, when Niagra Falls freezes over I think we can all agree it's time this winter came to an end.

Two, it may be for a good cause but I still cannot wrap my head around this. Why in frigidly cold temperatures would you go swimming in the ocean?

Can we try and not have a repeat of you disappearing and being sucked into our tv anytime soon?

Feb. 23rd, 2015


Filter to those who were in Penelope's dungeon
Thank you. You are, all of you, the very best of friends. I believe that quite literally, were you not there and providing me the support you did, I would not have exited from that place. Perhaps it does not seem like much to you, but knowing you were coming for me, seeing your words of outrage on my behalf, and reading your words of comfort and encouragement -- you bolstered me when I most needed it. Allowing me to stand on my own against Cressida -- against myself, but feeling you with me with the knowledge that should I falter you would step forward and enter into battle. Thank you. Thank you.

Filter to Tony Gates
I hope you will forgive me, but I believe that I am taking this entire week away from the City, so I won't be able to be at the reception area.

Filter to Sully
Thank you. I was afraid that your words whilst in that place were a mere figment of my imagination. I was never so happy to see someone than when you entered the ballroom.

I have told Dr. Gates that I won't be in for my usual shifts at the clinic's reception area this week. Do you suppose there will be room for me at the ranch during that time? I'll be able to keep up with my schoolwork from there just as well from here.

Feb. 21st, 2015


I always expected that if I were to return home, I would leave all of my modern trappings behind. And yet, my phone, in my reticule, finally working. I'd forgotten how I sometimes took refuge in the ladies' powder room at the theatre.

I only hope that one day I return to New York. Even though I won't remember it.


Who: Penelope Featherington & Sully, Lydia Martin, Laurie Juspeczyk, Howard Stark, Helena Wells, Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde, Tony Gates, Mary Margaret Blanchard, Fandral
When: Beginning at midnight.
Where: Inside the bubble dimension that contains her dungeon.
What: IC/OOC! Penelope caught in her own dungeon. Will her friends save her?
Rating: Eh, middling, probably? Mostly for language, I guess? IDK
Warnings: Trigger warnings for bullying!

Welcome to Penelope’s life before New York )

Feb. 16th, 2015


If I were at home in London, it is at this time of year when myself and my mother and sisters would start looking towards the beginning of the social season that surrounds the spring session of Parliament. We would be planning the first of our trips to our modiste to choose dresses and patterns, and those who chose to spend the winter tucked away in the country would begin to trickle back into town, and Lady Whistledown would again have more than enough fodder for her thrice-weekly newsheet. I've sometimes thought how interesting it would be to start a modernised form of that scandal-sheet, but then I remembered the existence of TMZ. It would appear that the market for such writings is taken.

Filter to Sully
Thank you for this weekend. It was perfectly lovely, especially with the snow. I don't remember having spent a nicer time in the country during winter. My chest has already found a place amongst my belongings, and is sitting half-filled with those treasures of mine which I hold closely to my heart.

I believe my favorite part was sitting, bundled up, next to you as the sleigh flew across the ground, the wind whistling in my ears. Yes, I was freezing at the end of it, but it was a magnificent use of horse, sleigh, and snow.

Filter to Henry Jekyll
Thank you for the flowers and the chocolate, Henry. The chocolates were exactly what I needed when I returned from my weekend away. Are you doing well? Holding your end of the bargain with Edward, so that he may hold his?

Feb. 15th, 2015


[Filtered to Women in Science (Are you a lady? Are you in science? CONGRATS! You're invited to this filter :D)]

Hello all, my name is Lucy for those that I haven't met. I'm one of the co-founders of MIND.

Some time ago I attempted to gather together a reoccurring group of women in science that could rely on each other for mentoring, advice, and simply just support in a world that is not always supportive of us. The tesseract being what it is, many of us have been returned to our home dimensions. But there are far more of us now that have come through in the past few months.

For those interested, I am willing to organize a weekly Sunday brunch for us to get together and get to know one another. I still believe we can be a valuable resource to each other.

Feb. 8th, 2015


Today's so-old-it's-new-again lesson in the fundamental principles of science: correlation does not imply causation. Rotting meat doesn't spontaneously generate maggots. Rising ice cream sales don't cause violent crime. Vaccines don't cause autism. Genetically modified crops don't cause allergies.

And the arrival of a large community of displaced and, admittedly, often rather unusual individuals does not cause the arrival of violent giants of mysterious origin.

Some of us came here on bikes.


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Is there any particular reason we have picket signs outside of our front doors once again? I really did not miss having them.


After being here for a couple of weeks I think I'm starting to finally wrap my head around all of this.

Now I just need to find a source of income. I do hate having nothing to do. I worked with computers back home - I was a hacker essentially but I also did work as a PA. Any suggestions?

Feb. 6th, 2015


Rose the dog now responds to Rosie. I am happy to get that confusion out of the way, and not so surprising, she likes the Doctor way more than she likes me.

So if anyone around here has a little dog, maybe we should set up a play date? It seems like she should get to play with other dogs.

Filter: Doctor (10)
Valentine's Day is coming up, you know. Now I'm not expecting some grand display or anything, but I thought it'd be nice to go on another trip? What do you think?

Filter: Doctor (11)
So, Doctor, how are you settling in? I imagine you're uneasy with the fact that you can't get your hands on the Tesseract, right?

Feb. 2nd, 2015


Network Post: Myka Bering

Filter: Helena G. Wells
I've been thinking...

Jan. 25th, 2015


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

I would like to thank everyone who came yesterday to my reading of "The Discovery of the Future," as originally written and intended to be delivered, on the 103rd anniversary of its heavily edited reading by my brother. I wasn't there for it, but it's my understanding that he didn't quite do it justice in its voicing or in wording. It was a pleasure to get to share it in the way I'd wished to share it.

If you missed the live reading, the venue has put it on Youtube.

[OOC: Full disclosure, I haven't actually read it so I can't discuss it in any detail XD ]

Jan. 23rd, 2015


Well, isn't this exciting! Interdimensional travel in a blue box. Wrong blue box. But, still seems familiar. If painful. That's not familiar.

Anyway. Hello. I'm The Doctor. I hear I'm here already. Hello me!

Dec. 27th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

There are two things that I simply must share. The first is that it is Myka's birthday today, and though I'll leave it to her whether or not she shares her age, I wanted to be sure everyone knew to give her well wishes. Happy birthday, Myka.

The second is that on Christmas day, Myka proposed marriage, and I accepted. Nothing has been settled yet as far as the details, only that we will someday be married.

[Filtered against Myka]

I would greatly appreciate any recommendations of jewelers.

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