July 2016




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Feb. 7th, 2015


Filtered to Myka Berring

That Fez and Bowtie are definitely cool.

Thank you.

Feb. 4th, 2015


Delivery for the Eleventh Doctor )

Jan. 23rd, 2015


Who: Rose Tyler and The Doctor (11)
What: Rose welcomes the Doctor back!
Where: Doctor's room.
When: Friday, January 23rd.
Warnings: None!
Status: In Progress



Well, isn't this exciting! Interdimensional travel in a blue box. Wrong blue box. But, still seems familiar. If painful. That's not familiar.

Anyway. Hello. I'm The Doctor. I hear I'm here already. Hello me!

Aug. 28th, 2014


Is it Thursday? Is it actually Thursday?

Aug. 15th, 2014


Filter: Friends
It looks like I'll be Recreation Lead at PTYC. I should be happier about it but I still really miss Clara.

Now it's up to me to think of fun things for everyone to do.

Aug. 12th, 2014


I can't find Clara. She was here just a moment ago I'm certain of it.

And I don't recall agreeing to play hide and seek.

Aug. 9th, 2014


An entire hospital if people just disappears? Well that sounds like the beginnings of a fairly terrible ghost story. I wonder what happened to them. To just disappear overnight...

Aug. 4th, 2014


So, I have discovered that the worst of myself comes about when I'm lonely and bored. I mean, I'm fairly certain I knew that anyway, but it's all become much more startlingly obvious in the last month. I may also have an odd idea about havoc. I'm just saying, River bored is River creating lots of issues for anyone who might cross her path. Expect that to keep happening, if you've been a part of it so far.

In other news, who wants to go out and do something boring and pedestrian? Movies are an option. So is a bar. I'm not promising I'll behave, but I can promise to try! Also, I do make an amazing friend if you can help me keep amused. (Clearly, I need to get out more)

Jul. 25th, 2014


[text messages to the Eleventh Doctor]

> sometimes I hate how melancholy I can get
> mostly I hate how much I miss you
> we hardly ever called it love
> but it was. Once.

(a few minutes later)

> oh ignore me. I'm being stupid.

Jul. 10th, 2014


It's with a heavy heart that I have to announce that Mako Mori, our beloved Business Manager, will be leaving us soon. I want to take this moment to wish her a very fond farewell and so much luck in the future. She was with me in the early days after I took over the Youth Centre, and she was such a tremendous help that we would not be where we are without her. I have appreciated her dedication, hard work, and friendship so much that this was a difficult memo to write.

Let's make her last few weeks the best we possibly can!
There's a bunch of hearings going on. They're on the telly. I'm not sure they're all that interesting. No one seems to be telling anything that isn't already out there on the web.
I miss scarf weather. Can we go somewhere a little chilly this weekend?


Well, if I'd known it only took a Sonic Screwdriver sword to defeat the Daleks once and for all, I would have modified it sooner! That's brilliant!

Jun. 30th, 2014


Filter: Housing Assistant Floors 22 & 23 (Richard Castle*), Housing Assistant Floors 9 & 10 (Bruce Banner) and Helena G. Wells
Good evening, Mr. Castle and Mr. Banner, my name is Myka Bering. Mr. Banner, my partner and I, Helena Wells, are currently in a two bedroom apartment. 1009 to be exact. We spoke about and agreed upon moving up to the 23rd floor if there is a one bedroom apartment available, which is why I’ve added Richard Castle onto this filter. Neither of us were sure what steps needed to be taken for this move to be possible. I’d like to reassure you that our decision to move into a one bedroom on another floor has nothing to do with you as a housing assistant. We both were looking for a change of scenery and to be closer to friends.

*OOC: Dee, while its technically a filter to Castle I don't see any reason why Kate can't answer as I'm sure the two of them share the responsibility of housing assistant in some way. So if you wanted her to answer I say go right ahead

Filter: Eleventh Doctor
Helena and I talked and came to the decision that we would move higher than the 17th floor. If this move goes through we’d still like to have you over for tea sometime.

Filter: Helena G. Wells
With everything lately I forgot to mention that I may have found someone willing to be our assistant until she passes her licensing exam

Jun. 29th, 2014


You know, not that I'm ever going to be sad about not dying, but I was kind of in the middle of something. This is probably the better alternative, even though it is New York.

I'm River Song, Archaeology Professor let's just underplay the fact that I'm also a time traveler. Good job, River. This day is giving me a fucking migraine. and all around frustrating person to be around, if the people I know and love are correct, which they probably are.

Jun. 23rd, 2014


I don't know what I was expecting -- more laundry tossed around, broken tellies -- but what I got with the inspectors wasn't it. I gave them all tea and biscuits to-go. Sorry, Doctor. You're going to have to run out and get more chocolate digestives.

You picked a hell of a time to be out of the country.

Jun. 11th, 2014


Since it's getting late and I haven't yet gone to bed or found something else to amuse myself with, I propose a contest of sorts!

A spooky story contest!

As housing assistant, I will be the judge of appropriate spooky levels. Spooky, heebie jeebies, and having the willies are all graded categories.

Participants get candy! Winners get significantly more candy than participants!

You know what is brilliant though? A ghost story with a happy ending.

Jun. 9th, 2014


[FILTERED: Whoverse/Friends*]
Duty calls, in case you missed Ianto's announcement. We're off for at least a few days, possibly longer. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone!

Found the most brilliant scarf today.

(*For friendship, feel free to assume!)

Jun. 8th, 2014


Filter: The Doctor (Tenth)
Last week was amazing! How do you manage to hold all that information in that brain of yours? There's a theory that when you gain new information you lose something else.

So for those of you that are regulars to the youth center, I have a question for you! If we haven't met yet, hello! I'm Rose Tyler and your new Hospitality Lead for the PTYC! Part of what I do is plan welcoming events to newcomers and I would like your input! We were all newcomers once and I'm sure there are ideas swimming around in that head of yours. What do you think would make the newcomers feel more at home and relaxed about their sudden resident change? If you have any comments or ideas, please feel free to contact me.

May. 22nd, 2014


I just thought I'd let you know that if I'm not as chipper as I usually am, it's because Gale's been sent back. One moment, we were talking, the next he disappeared. I wish that I could say he's gone back to a better place, but we've all read the books. I have no idea what he's going back to, except a lot of regret and unhappiness.

I think I'm going to take tomorrow off work and be a vegetable.

May. 21st, 2014


Gale's gone. We were talking about the centre, and then he was just gone. He's gone back to that terribly lonely life and there's nothing I can do. I didn't even get to say goodbye!

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