July 2016




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Feb. 25th, 2016


I had all but forgotten what the world could be like without the constant kaiju incursions. Peaceful, certainly, but also more fractured.

Feb. 11th, 2016


As much as I appreciate the evidence this provides to support the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, there are other places I would rather be.

Newton? This had better not be your fault.

Aug. 11th, 2014


Just a friendly reminder that the ESD will be resuming courses on September 4. For all refugees under 18 this is a mandatory requirement following the laws of the State of New York and the guidelines set forth by the New York Board of Regents. However, it is somewhat more casual and flexible than attendance at a New York City Public School. You have been assigned an Advisor who should be contacting you briefly and will be able to help with registering for classes and planning for the future.

ESD classes are also available for audit to adult students, in modern culture, education, and technology for those from radically different times, and we offer preparation for the GED as well as a high school diploma.

If anyone is interested in teaching with the ESD, we offer full-time paid and part time volunteer positions. Classes are small, often 3-10 students, and meet 2-3 times per week in a seminar style. We are flexible about lesson plans and are eager to accept new courses based on unique areas of expertise.

At this time, we are particularly for classes whose professors have been returned through the Tesseract:
Aircraft and Flight Procedures, Algebra I and II, Anthropology, Archeology, Astrophysics, Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, French, Geometry, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Human Mythology, Linguistics, Magical Defense, Modern Dance, Music Appreciation, Spanish, Trigonometry

[Filtered to Jan van Dyne]
Thank the Tesseract, but I may be a bit late to tonight's training.
[Filtered to ESD advisors (Rachel, Ororo, Mary Margaret, Pietro, Pike, & Logan)]
Kitty was taken back, with classes starting up again in less than a month, we don't have a lot of time to regroup. If we could meet this afternoon-- perhaps 2:30 at Edible Complex. Hopefully today's will be short, but we'll need to have more later this week and I'm hoping today's can focus us all on the action points necessary from which to move forward.

Also, Logan will be stepping in to cover Kitty's advising group, and Mary Margaret will be joining us, providing a solid bridge between the PTYC and ESD.

Please communicate with your advisees regarding signing up for classes in the fall.
[Filtered to ESD professors (previous)]
If everyone would be so kind can you please confirm that you are able to teach the classes you offered last term or are interested in offering anything new.


Has anyone heard from Mako today?

Jul. 10th, 2014


I like this ThinkGeek site. I bought this, this, this, this and this.

Though I will have to upgrade that last one with an actual targeting laser. I suspect upgrading it to shoot bullets would be going too far. Pellets perhaps?

Jun. 27th, 2014


[Filtered to Pacific Rim people]
It is official. We're getting a sequel.

However since it is not due to come out until 2017, we have ample time to prepare. Or hope that we get taken home, whichever is your preferred option.


Jun. 14th, 2014


Wait have all of this worlds avengers disappeared or become traitors? Did someone finally decide to off their doppelgänger?

Jun. 9th, 2014


I can't tell if I'm horrified or if it's just a case of art imitating life.

I might have liked the robot seal

[Filtered to Stark Resilient]
I think AIT's warming up to our pitch. How does late July look for schedules?

Jun. 5th, 2014


I was reading rumours that they're working on another Pacific Rim movie, and it made me realise that I'd rather see myself in that damn 50 Shades movie than have another one from home.

At least I'm not the main character.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


[Filtered to Pacific Rim people] )

May. 29th, 2014


[Filtered to Stark Resilient]
Why is there a monkey in my office?
[Filtered to Herc Hansen]
Do they have monkeys in Australia?

May. 21st, 2014


Does anyone have a 3/16" slot head screwdriver and a pair of wire cutters?

May. 16th, 2014


Just saw Godzilla.

It wasn't that great, Pacific Rim was better. Buuuut, the main character looks like Billy. Insert wolf whistle here.

May. 8th, 2014


network post: sasha kaidanovsky

My 7" Cherno Alpha has arrived. I cannot fit inside, but I have Cherno again.

Cut, not filtered )

Delivery to Mako Mori
From Russia, with love )

Delivery to Herc Hansen
From Russia, with love )

May. 6th, 2014


Without any upcoming events, I feel lazy.

Did you ever get much further on my suit?

Apr. 23rd, 2014


Today is my birthday.

I almost forgot.


I have been asked a number of times whether it would be possible to build a jaeger here in this world. This world obviously has the same access to resources and people to create the infrastructure required to do so. That only leaves the subject of money. Disregarding the lack of any real need for a jaegar - other than, as one questioner put it, because it's 'cool' - I estimate, based on the cost of building Striker Eureka as well as the original initial start up costs of the Jaeger Program and taking into account the lack of urgency here that would increase certain costs but decrease others, that to build a jaeger in this world would require close to $200 billion. So the answer to the original question is yes but only if you have $200 billion to spare.

Apr. 13th, 2014


So apparently there are prom ballots to be filled out?

I am nominating Hermann Gottlieb for prom king. And math as his queen. We can make this happen people!


I got Thai for you to try tonight.

Apr. 9th, 2014


[Colonel James Rhodes]

Colonel Rhodes, I'm Major Carol Danvers with SHIELD. Recently I've been placed in charge of a project code named SWORD, The Sentient World Observation and Response Department. My department is tasked with the data collection and reaction to possible extraterrestrial threats to Earth. I'm aware that you are the military liaison for Stark Industries and that you are also Iron Patriot. Personally I'd be interested in opening up military ties for SWORD to increase our ability to be ready in the incident of another alien incursion onto this world.

If you would also be interested, I have a proposal drafted that we could go over.

[Filtered to possible SWORD consultants]
[You are included in this filter if you would like your character to be involved in SWORD either as a consultant or a full time recruit. So if you want in, let Carol know]

Hello, I'm Major Carol Danvers with SHIELD. I'm also know as Ms. Marvel. I'm contacting you today because after looking into you I thought you might have interest in helping with a new division that SHIELD has implemented. The Sentient World Observation and Response Department, or SWORD, observes the galaxy and works to put a stop to extraterrestrial threats against this world. I'm personally looking for outside talent to help with our ranks. You would not have to officially join SHIELD, though if you have an interest I can easily get that started. The more agents I have the better suited we will be to protecting against large scale threats.

We are a small division but given the amount of attacks on this world in the past few years, one that is entirely necessary for the continued safety of civilians.

Thank you for you time and let me know if you have an interest.

Apr. 5th, 2014


prom invite, no filter, visible to all )

Any questions, concerns, suggestions?

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