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Aug. 21st, 2014


[Young Allies]

We've got something to move on.

There's a shipment coming in this weekend. Jon and I have narrowed down some locations that it could be ending up at. If we can take out this shipment, it'll slow them down at least a little bit while we keep working on trying to track down the guy behind all this.

So far all that keeps coming up is "The Chemist" which is super vague.

Aug. 6th, 2014


Network Post; Lily Potter

I'm very much in the mood for films and popcorn tonight, but has anyone else noticed that Netflix gives you the most bizarre suggestion in the 'you watched this, so how about watching this?' category? So, I'll take recommendations from the network... we'll see which one of you knows me best.

[Filter: Dorcas]
What are you up to these days?

Aug. 1st, 2014


The thing is, I'm not a hero. I was always the one who ran or hid while the hero battled evildoers. Back then, though, I was helpless. I'm not helpless any longer. And if I can't escape my fate, I want to go to it doing what good I can. And I can do a lot.

Jul. 3rd, 2014


Filter: MCU!Steve's Friends
Alright. I have an important question. And it requires complete honesty.

When is Steve's birthday?

Jun. 28th, 2014


This world is...interesting, to say the least. I am learning quite a bit already.

How safe is it here, to go exploring? I would like to venture more around, now that I don't have walls keeping me in. Is there anything that I should be aware of?

Jun. 27th, 2014


[ FLOORS 11 & 12: ]
Hey guys! I know things have been totally crazy but I hope you're all settled back in now. If you need anything at all just let me know.

Also, if you took your SHIELD tracker out yourself, I'd really recommend going to the clinic to let them check the wound to make sure everything was done properly and that it's healing well and without infection. There are people at the clinic who are refugees just like the rest of us and they're only interested in your well-being.

Dr. Malcolm, I know you've been here a few weeks now, but if you'd still like me to come over and do my new arrival spiel now that things are a little calmer I'd be glad to.

Rachel offered me a job with the ESD. Would it be really weird if I was teaching at your school? Too weird?

Did you guys ever catch that mongoose I can't see because I'm a housing assistant or should I be getting worried?

Jun. 25th, 2014


Network Post: Rachel Summers

I'm really going to miss the anonymity some of us have had here as people dig into those dumped files. Most of you were fictional to this world, some of you had a counterpart here, and then there were those of us who were only "known" by our faces. Thanks a lot, SHIELD I'm worried about what this could mean for mutants certain populations when anyone puts it together that there are these populations.

On a happier note, students, congratulations on making it to the last day of another crises-filled semester, and don't forget the pool party tomorrow! Enjoy your summer!!

[Filtered to Kitty and Ororo]
Do you think the Stark charity that funds the Tower would take over funding the ESD? Not exactly the SHIELD Educational Services Division any more...

Jun. 24th, 2014


Does anyone have tips for the final exams here?

Other than using a pen I guess.

Jun. 21st, 2014


Network Post; Inara Serra

I'm not quite certain that I understand this world at all yet. I very much enjoyed spending time out of the city, but upon my return there were more guards, and now this snow. Unless I am very much mistaken it is summer and not the proper time for snow?

[Mal & Zoe]
I am very glad we chose this past week to visit the ranch. Is it always like this here?

[Christopher Pike]
I wish to thank you for your hospitality. I enjoyed myself tremendously.


I'm glad the Potomac River wasn't frozen.

Well, I didn't give up.

Jun. 19th, 2014


[Private to Remus Lupin]
Remus...I understand that you are currently in a two bedroom flat on your own. I find that it's rather lonely being in a one bedroom, especially so many floors away from everyone I know. Even though I'm meeting many lovely people, in light of the incidents that have been happening lately, I was wondering if you might be open to having a roommate?

If...if that is okay.

[Private to Angelica Jones/Firestar

Hello Ms. Jones. My name is Hermione Granger, and I'm quite new to the tower and your floor. I hate to be presumptuous, but I was wondering if it would be possible to change accomadations and perhaps room with someone from my own...universe. Mr. Lupin is currently alone in a two bedroom flat, and if he is agreeable, would it be possible for me to move in with him? With whom should i speak regarding a possible move? Thank you so kindly for any advice.

Jun. 6th, 2014


So, a funny thing happened to me today.

TW: blood donation ) Anyway, afterwards I wander around some, see a pair of trousers I like at a shop. Go in and try them on in the change room -- they look fine, so I take them off and bring them to the clerk to pay.

It's only then that I realise that I've left my wallet in the change room. In the pocket of my trousers. I had tried to check out in my boxers. Which makes the cashier's comment: "You're pretty desperate for these, aren't you?" make more sense than I initially realised.


Network Post: Claire Wise

It's shocking the things that people blog about. The last 24 hours have been eye opening.

[ooc: So, Felix Blake assigned Claire to find out who within SHIELD has a tumblr account. If you have a SHIELD agent/scientist/engineer and want them to be on that list hit up Claire's drop box in her journal. If you wanted to give me an example or two or three of what they blog/reblog and the types of blogs they might follow that would also be grand]

Jun. 4th, 2014


Network Post; Lily Potter

I don't much care for these protesters. That sort of hate directed at other living beings never turns out well.

[Filter: James]
Maybe we should use some more vacation days.

May. 28th, 2014


This raccoon is me, and I am him. At least, I am today!
Cut for animated gif )

May. 23rd, 2014


I have a problem.

... not a sing-y one.

May. 20th, 2014


So, I've been turned over like a rock someone found in a shoe by a bunch of men in suits, pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, possibly numbered, then told to sit here and introduce myself to a mass of people on the internet. This is the strangest dimension that I didn't have a hand in.

So what next? I'd really rather not be institutionalized, even if it is by a very angry herd of bureaucrats.

Though I think I have a good idea why I'm here.

Apr. 26th, 2014


Now I remember why I never wear high heels. Owww, my feet.

Apr. 24th, 2014


This sucks.

My husband isn't here (but there's a guy that LOOKS like him, no fair, universe).

Everyone is all happy and stuff about the stupid prom. No, I'm not going. I don't want to be around a bunch of smiling, dancing people.

And a dog pooped in my shoe.

Apr. 17th, 2014


So the Captain America exhibit was pretty cool.

[Young Allies]

So anyone going to join me for patrol instead of going to prom?

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