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Mar. 6th, 2014


Network Post; Byron Sully

Realized this week that it's been near a year since I arrived here and I've more or less made sense of the changes from my time and this. In the time I've been here I've done things I never even imagined I'd do at home from ridin' vehicles that don't need horses to make them go, to flying up above the clouds to visit my home. I talk to folks by typin' the words in on a screen that makes them appear somewhere else - this still don't entirely make sense to me but if I think of it a bit like a telegraph that helps a bit. Foods so easy to come by here - the berries in the middle of December - not that they're anywhere as good as the ones we grow out in the rockies in July - but they're here and you can get'em if you want.

And it's been a good year. I've sold beds, tables, and chairs, and I've met folk that are the same sort I know from home - good folk with others interests in their heart.

And these are all good things even if I don't know quite why I'm here. Why me and not Michaela, or Matthew or Colleen or Bryan, or even Cloud Dancing. I miss the folk from home but I've got friends here I'd miss too, so I guess that's sort of what it's like when a new place begins to become home too. Never thought I'd say it, but this world might have a taste of it.

Feb. 25th, 2014


Hi guys! I just took over the housing assistant position for 11 and 12 and I wanted to introduce myself. My name's Angelica. I'm from the other world with the Avengers and I lived in New York there too so I know my way around. Let me know if you need help with anything! Or if you just want to hang out No that sounds

filters to anya, rikki, kitty pryde and jessica drew )

Feb. 24th, 2014


Apparently the movie of me 10 years in my future comes out in 2 weeks.

I really don't know how I feel about this.

For those of you who have found source material of yourself from far in the future, did you...did it help? Or was it just weird? For me, until now, all that was available was a year later. That was bad enough, but the closer this movie gets, the more I seem to get anxious.

Feb. 13th, 2014


Network Post; Dawn Summers

So my apartment is eerily quiet after the cacophony of the last few days. Willow, I'm thinking maybe we should spend some time cleaning appliances and maybe then they'll stop glaring at me.

And I think I may go out to get coffee because I feel like the coffee maker still would like to cut my head off.

Did you survive the cylon revolution?

how are the memor

Feb. 12th, 2014


I'm an imaginary character on a television show, based on a set of movies, which are based on a set of books. And I've been taken to a universe in which Captain America and Iron man exist as real people and I've been interrogated by SHIELD to make sure I'm not completely crazy. Pepper Potts got a tower with her name on it and I'm supposed to live there with Harry Potter, Princess Leia, and about a hundred other characters. And I'm supposed to believe this isn't all an elaborate hallucination caused by my being lobotomized.

Have I got that about right?


Does anyone know how to treat what looks like a fairly minor burn?

My tea kettle just shot a huge blast of steam at me for no reason.

Feb. 11th, 2014


ooc: may be Teen Wolf spoilers in comments

A query!
1. How many of you watch your source material if it exists here?
2. What reasons do you have for watching it?
3. For you supernatural experts... what does your universe (because apparently everything differs from each book or show or movie) say in regards to folklores about banshees?

Failed Filter to Allison Argent (Public):
I don't suppose I could use the excuse of electronics going haywire as a reason why I ended up watching last night's episode, right?

Stiles I

Feb. 10th, 2014


Is it normal for a tea kettle to have a mind of its own? Its saying I drink way too much tea.

Feb. 2nd, 2014


I may not totally understand the idea of American football yet but the Puppy Bowl was actually really cute!

Are the games always this one sided in terms of scoring?

Jan. 29th, 2014



Dying is a whole lot different than I thought it would be. Kind of thought that would be the end of it, but I'm not complaining.

Not much of a welcome wagon, though. Last time I really hurt myself, there were nurses. What sort of afterlife sends a bunch of guys with clipboards to greet a fallen soldier?

Bucky Barnes

Jan. 24th, 2014


If I am from a book, or one of the other entertainments that are offered in this world, how might I go about finding out? And how might I go about discovering the history of the world since 1824? There's so much I don't know and I hate feeling ignorant, especially when those around me know so much.


As of next week I shall be starting to work at the Youth Center as a childcare worker. It's been many years since I have done so but I did always enjoy it. Just very different from being the Secretary of Education then the President... Still I am looking forward to starting. Besides Clara, who else works there? I'm afraid I haven't met many of you yet.

On another note, what books would people recommend? I'm a fan of mysteries though I will sometimes indulge in a romance novel. I've discovered the Kathy Reiches novels after watching the television show but other than that I haven't found much yet.

It's surprising just how much I miss Colonial One and the Galactica. I never thought I would say it but those two ships have become home. Billy and Bill I miss the most though. Since talking to Beverly I've been thinking about him a lot, not that I hadn't before. He might not have been my son by blood but he was as good as. Bill, was a fantastic friend and I suppose in some ways Obi-Wan reminds me of him though the differences are quite pronounced too. It's reassuring in some ways.

I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to this place though between people randomly disappearing and appearing, sudden memories returning of events you haven't experienced... It's far to odd. I will miss Lee though I'm not all that sad about Caprica, from what I had gathered if ever so little was that she was different but then there is so much that I don't know yet. So much I don't know if I want to know...

Jan. 20th, 2014


I don't wish to be a bother to anyone, but please I need help. The charming woman who brought me here told me that most everyone here is quite nice and helpful, but I'm afraid that my capacity for remembering how to operate this box in the kitchen is rather beyond me, at the moment.

Jan. 17th, 2014


Being able to help last night was the most useful I have felt in ages. The need to defend those in need does carry between time periods.

But I have to know just for my own peace of mind: I did not hit anyone with arrows that was not supposed to be hit?


We'll that was a right ole time then. I'm glad I was able to help out in the defense of the House of Life. Quite remarkable place. Even though I think they had some charmed furniture. I'm pretty sure something wooden hit me from behind at one time. It was amazing to see so many different people and how they fought. Nothing like I had ever seen before.

Jan. 16th, 2014


So, I have a question for those of you who actually know your way around this place?

Are there any good shooting ranges near here. Preferably a place I can practice archery as well as marksmanship in general. I don't want to get out of practice.


Help! S.O.S!!!! Crazy people attacking the House of Life! Got past initial defenses!!!!!


Hm, well. I seem to have been afflicted with a case of insomnia. I don't suppose anyone has milk, whiskey, vanilla, sugar, cinnamon and a touch of nutmeg? Assuming anyone else is as awake as I am, of course.

Hello, Potts Tower. I'm Beverly.

Jan. 7th, 2014


Am I the only person sitting at the class listing beyond confused? Because while I want to prep for exams to enter university I'm also still trying to understand and learn what I can about this world and time period.

But archery as a class just lifted my spirits as well.

Anyone have insights?

Jan. 3rd, 2014


My show starts back up in a few days. I know I'm probably alone (although Kate too) in looking forward to it returning, but how else am I supposed to keep up with what is going on at home?

[Floors 22 & 23]

Happy new year! How is everyone doing? Remember if you need anything, I'm here to help.

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