July 2016




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May. 4th, 2016


This place is awesome!

I just Force summoned the remote control.

It had fallen to the floor and I didn't want to get up because I was seriously getting my lazy on so I reached out and pretended to Force summon it like Luke does with his lightsaber in that cave on Hoth and it went smack into my hand.

Okay, it went smack into my face and I have a blood nose and possibly a black eye but I totally Force summoned that sucker.

Apr. 30th, 2016


Network Post; Buffy Summers

May means spring with summer well on its way. And in celebration of this, and also because Johnny did this superhuman thing of finishing his netflix queue, we're going to have an impromptu pool party at the pool here in Stark Tower on Sunday afternoon.

Everyone is invited, but to get in you have to bring food or drink or something along those lines. So cookies, chips, brownies, soda, delicious cider or ale that I can't actually drink myself but I'm sure someone will enjoy?

Hopefully we'll see some of you on Sunday.

Apr. 28th, 2016



This box has my name on it...


TEXT TO Raleigh:
-- I have a surprise for you.
-- Look out the window.

Apr. 22nd, 2016


New Hub mascot??

I know, I know, I'm 98% certain it will get a lot bigger since the smallest sauropods were about twenty feet long. I made the mistake of giving it a banana.

Apr. 20th, 2016


This day just keeps getting better and better.

Stuck in space, not the first time so I can deal with that, but are there really dinosaurs on Earth right now?


The Cherry Blossom Festival was so much fun! I'm sad that it ended a few days ago, but I am still having fun exploring the city. There's a lot to do here and it's so pretty too! I do wish that I had come the past couple of years for the festival and so I'm going to plan on coming back next year for the entire festival, that way I can go to all the events that I missed this year.

Apr. 19th, 2016


Network post; Buffy Summers

I am so excited about pulling out summer dresses again.

[Filter: RSTF & Interested parties]
All right, so, this is where I say, hey, welcome to the crazies.

So, we're going to have pizza at Widdershins on the 24th. We'd do it Friday night, but I figure Full Moon, not such a great plan? So. Come Sunday night, have pizza, and we'll talk about patrols and various things that we need to do to keep the vampires off the streets.


[Filter: Caroline Forbes]
You know, it's not like we were best friends exactly, but I really miss Sam.

Apr. 18th, 2016


network post: merlin

Uh, hello? Is this thing working? [...] Is this thing on? I don't even know how this strange and metallic item works but someone here told me to push its flat surface on a certain spot and speak out loud, and that it would help me talk to people on something called a network. I've also been told that I was here previously and that I might know people. [...] I feel like I would remember that.

Anyway, I'm in space. SPACE! At least, that's what I'm told to call it. The planet I can see out the windows is apparently the same one I was on this morning. I can't tell if it's the same one from up here, but it's a nice view. I'm apparently restricted to this place called a space station.... weird name.... because of an event on the planet that's preventing any travel to and from it. At least, that's what I was told.

Oh, right. I was meant to introduce myself. [...] Hello, I'm Merlin.

Apr. 15th, 2016


At least Godzilla hasn't rocked up.

Want to watch movies all weekend? Maybe invite Claire up?


It's been kind of fun getting around the city the last few days. Because apparently I still have to go to my job and work. I swear, Ralph would open the bodega even if the zombie apocalypse had arrived.

Wait, I probably shouldn't say stuff like that, should I? I might give the tesseract ideas.

Apr. 14th, 2016


I don't like them.

Apr. 3rd, 2016


No. Nope. Not good. Fun fact: kitsune super hate word games and you can confuse them just by saying hello twice when you pick up the telephone. That's why Japanese say "moshi moshi". That is how dumb kitsune are.

What the hell travels the world but stays in one place? Once I figure this out if you want to see me until this is over you're going to have to come visit.

Apr. 2nd, 2016


Looks like I'll be teaching both Japanese and self defense through the ESD. If you're interested, you can sign up here. If you have any questions about either of the courses, please let me know.

Mar. 27th, 2016


I was walking down the street and found a plastic Easter egg.

There was $20 inside it.

What should I do with it?

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Network Post: John Winchester

Nice to see a bit of warmer weather. Hopefully it sticks around for a while.

[Sam Winchester]
Haven't seen you around much lately, son. Been busy?
Too busy for your old man? Or should I book an appointment?

[Mary Winchester]
Don't worry about cooking tonight. You deserve a night off. My treat.

[Dean Winchester]
How's Baby? Did the touch up work?
I'm going to talk to Sam like we talked about. Will let you know how that goes.
No luck on the car front. How reliable is the internet a place to buy cars?

Mar. 20th, 2016


-- Meet me at the park
-- It's the first day of spring.

Feb. 24th, 2016


[Private to Ororo Munroe]
Hello. My name's Raleigh Becket, and when was the last time I applied for a normal job?? I was wondering if there's any room for a Japanese class in the division. I know it's a little late in the game, but I drafted up a lesson plan if you're interested in taking a look. Either way, I noticed you need an instructor for self-defense, and I was told to get in touch with you.

[Private to Mako Mori]
I guess there really is a first time for everything. No one's ever bought be flowers before.

Feb. 25th, 2016


I had all but forgotten what the world could be like without the constant kaiju incursions. Peaceful, certainly, but also more fractured.

Feb. 4th, 2016


Hold up. You can buy girl scout cookies online?


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