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Oct. 16th, 2013


Banksy is in New York. If anyone, who is interested, is like me and somehow missed that fact.

You should come with me to see his work.

Oct. 8th, 2013


You know that kid on the Magic School bus? I think his name was Arnold. He always wished he'd stayed home 'that day'?

I suddenly know exactly how he must have always felt.




How can anyone logic this away

I'm not ever going to be a woman, that'd be ridiculous. How

I think my brain is breaking

I'm going out on a limb here and take a wild guess. Just another normal day here in the Tower?


I can't count the number of ways that this is unfair So much for going to work. Because I've tried and I can't come up with a plausible reason for looking like this. No o Aside for the truth.

Recoge tu teléfono. Dios Esto es So. [...] I'm pretty sure it goes without saying that you can't anything. I mean anything. However, I'm shaving your face.


Network Post; Fox Mulder

Well this is different.

[Filter: Spock]
Please logic your way through this one for me.

[Filter: Christine]
I seem to be Spock. I'm guessing he is me. I'm half thinking that the tesseract has a deep seated sense of irony here.

[Filter: Dana Scully]
I'm Spock. No it isn't Halloween early. I'm pretty certain this falls under paranormal happenings. Etc. Somewhere twelve year old me is thrilled.



Deadpool if you're doing anything bad with my robots and not including me I WILL END YOU!

Oct. 6th, 2013


Um so I just opened my bathroom door and walked into someone else's bedroom. Freaky. Anyone else have anything like this happen?

And uh... sorry to the person I walked in on getting dressed or... well, whatever you were doing.

ooc: feel free to be the person Willow walked in on

Oct. 5th, 2013


I know I'm enjoying the break from being screamed at by protestors but I am also seeing another bright spot. The people outside also have ordered a ton of jewelry since I got asked about the Butterbeer cap necklace of all things. So time to find more bottle caps among other things!

Plus in spite of basically having to repeat 7th year I am not losing hope in being in university by the end of the holidays if all goes to plan.

Hestia: How did you know I was getting a bit homesick! The treats and Butterbeer totally made my day. :)

*Filter: Anyone from HP and Elementary along with Dawn Summers*

The mystery lingers but I have confirmed my father having a face twin in this world. Does the name Rhys Ifans ring bells to anyone?

Oct. 4th, 2013


I have a question for those of you who've been here longer than myself. What sights would you recommend to a first-time visitor to New York? Or restaurants? Anything you can think of. I'd like to explore the city while I have the chance.

Thank you, for the pastries and butterbeer. I'm not imagining that, am I? It was very kind of you.


It's time to bust out a Tales from the Crypt marathon. Can't wait for that guy's terrible puns. They were killer.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Okay, when you tell someone you can drink them under the table, they better back it up. I kicked some ass. Now it feels like my head is detached from my neck. Oh well, I have some aspirin.

Sep. 24th, 2013


[Filtered to Andrea Rojas]

My camping worked.

My camping worked.



What do I say to him?

Sep. 11th, 2013


Well, I found a gig. It's not permanent, but at least it pays and gets me out of the towers.

[Private to Oliver Queen]
And it comes with something you might find handy.


Other day, when I say it was good to be Remy? Shoulda known I curse myself. Ain't ever gonna enjoy 80s pop music again, that for certain. Why nobody tell me Deadpool was here, and I don't even wanna know how he turn my restroom to a livin room.

Rifle guitar was a nice touch, and I seen worse, but not much. Put on a shirt, mon ami. For all our sake, neh?

Sep. 10th, 2013


So. [...] [...] Yeah. No. That's all I've got right now. My head hurts One of the doors in my apartment is defunct. Anyone else having a problem? Aside from all of the people Again. I am so sorry


Apparently there is something quite important involving pumpkins this time of year. They seem to be advertised everywhere as part of food or drinks or just as decorations. Though I have to admit the coffee drink I tasted was delicious.

The clinic is still under construction but we have most of the debris cleared out. Most of what's left is rebuilding what has been left behind. Though I'm not sure entirely how we will get all the money to fix everything. It's just me right now for full time staff, though I'm looking at perhaps involving local people who wish to help out. Ill have to come up with another charity drive idea in the meantime. Honestly it was easier running a clinic on the repossessed ill gotten gains of bandits.

Sep. 3rd, 2013


» I'll get to come back to the Tower soon, my room will be done.
» To celebrate, you want to do a thing with me?
» There's a thing. A show. I'm too old for this I guess Kathleen Hanna has a new band? If you don't know who she is, I need to school you.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Just when I thought I was getting comfortable with used to the place. That was some curve ball.

[Filtered to Steve Rogers MCU]

Up for the drink now, if you're not busy saving this world at the moment.

[Filtered to Andrea Rojas]

Are you alri

I know you're super strong but


You okay?

Aug. 25th, 2013


Okay, can we just take a moment to talk about what the hell Miley Cyrus was wearing tonight? Because that was Not Okay.

At least The Smiths seemed appropriately appalled, because if Will Smith doesn't approve, you're obviously just not doing it right.

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