July 2016




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Jun. 17th, 2016


Assuming you've seen the announcement. Whatever choices are made, I'm staying. In short, not much to go back to. From what I know, I do what I need to. Not particularly fond of being one with the Force, not yet.

This is a good place, a good home. Going to make the best of it.

Jun. 12th, 2016


[Associates & Friends of Stephen Strange, plus Stephen Strange]

Greetings, my name is Meetra Surik. I am trying to get a hold of Mr. Strange in order to discuss the recent law and perhaps to see about perhaps registering. If any information regarding his whereabouts can be known I would appreciate it. Mr Strange, if you read this I wish to talk and see where any differences regarding the law might be and if we can work this out.

[Associates & Friends of Garret Hawke, plus Garret Hakwe]

Greetings my name is Meetra Surik. I am trying to get a hold of Mr.Hawke in order to discuss the recent law and perhaps see about registering. If any information regarding his whereabouts can be known it would be appreciated. Mr. Hawke, should you read this then I wish to talk and discuss any differences regarding the new law and if perhaps we can reach a middle ground.

May. 4th, 2016


Seems a lot of people have gained access to the Force. Might be something impermanent but it's never a bad idea to get a handle on it. So if you need a hand, happy to offer it.

Apr. 28th, 2016


Kind of hoping next month is a little less filled with odd animals, but then again last time I said that it decided to do the opposite. Here's hoping my luck changes.

Apr. 9th, 2016


Just because I said that the previous escapade reminded me of Dxun minus the animals does not mean that everything should turn into Dxun with the animals.

[Revan, Johanna, Obi Wan, Duncan]

A friend of mine was send home. Bit paranoid so let me know if everyone's still around.


To the cast and crew of Little Shop, I'm so proud of everybody. The production was fabulous, and I enjoyed working with every one of you. Plus, Audrey II didn't come to life and eat anybody for real, which is a big plus.

I'm going out of town for a while. The Tesseract took back Wanda. Wanda Maximoff, from my universe. We were dating for over seven months. She left a couple days ago. I didn't say anything before, because 'the show must go on', but I'm not in the best headspace right now. I was going to take her to Paris once Little Shop was over, to make up for barely giving her any attention these past few weeks. I was busy directing. And now she's gone.

I want to go to Paris, the way we planned. In her memory. Maybe spend some time in Germany. I'm going to miss her, I'm going to miss the relationship we had. She was always worried that she wouldn't be accepted, because of her past in our universe. I hope I managed to make her feel loved while she was here.

I'm not sure when I'll be back. Probably later this month.

Apr. 4th, 2016


What does one buy a tiny Jedi baby?


I am happy to announce the birth of Abigail Padme' Danvers-Skywalker. Abby was born at 5:30 PM on Friday April 1 on board the SWORD Galactic Observatory. She weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces and I can't remember how long she was but apparently people ask that so I'll get back to you with that.

Mother and baby are doing well, thankfully aside from having blue eyes, she looks like Carol and not me. We're a little sleep deprived but otherwise okay. We'll be up here for a few days to make sure everything is okay and then we'll be back. If you'd like to come visit, just let us know.

And thank you to everyone who helped us get through the birth. Beverly, Jane, and Pam especially. We didn't plan it but it's kind of appropriate that she was born in space.


I love you, you're beautiful and I'm really sorry that I proposed right in the middle of a contraction. I don't know why I did that. I mean besides the obvious reason so you don't have to take me seriously, I mean that was really bad timing.

[OOC] )

Mar. 16th, 2016


Thinking I should expand on my skills a bit. Maybe train to fight with two blades rather then one. If anyone knows something about that, happy to take the help.

Mar. 5th, 2016


Of course things get weird when I'm back. Thank the Force I don't go anywhere without my saber these days. But as long as this isn't like Dxun, I think I'll be okay.

Mar. 4th, 2016


Kinda nice being home. Bao hasn't stopped yelling at me for leaving him, but I'm bribing him so we'll be okay. Gifts incoming once I'm adjusted to this timezone again rested.

Mar. 3rd, 2016


Network Post; Mara Jade

[FILTER: Jade Team+Bobbi Morse]
We've got wings up in twenty minutes.

Good job everyone.

[FILTER: Bobbi Morse]
We'll get you debriefed upon landing. Thanks for your assistance back there.

Feb. 25th, 2016


Network post; Mara Jade

[Jade Team]
We're heading out to Madripoor at 1400. Please report in and be ready to move.

You should have a full mission report via secure transmission, but our basic objective is to try to return to SHIELD certain assets that belong to them, including agents, and some research. We've had reports of a Private Military company recruiting to HYDRA and we're going to get in, try to find out what they know, and shut down recruitment in this area.

If you have questions, let's get them out there.

[Filter: Luke Skywalker, Sam Winchester, Jaina Solo]
I'm out of town for a bit. Jaina - can you water my plants while I'm gone?

[Filter: Nick Fury (MCU)]
We're going to Asia, when I come back, we're decorating a nursery.


[ Friends]

Going to be out of the country, unsure how long. Bao's at Barking Lot so he'll be fine there.


We spoke a while ago, at the speed dating event. I'd be glad to continue the talk, if you like? Fair warning though, I'll be away for a bit. So, maybe when I get back?

Feb. 17th, 2016


I'm going to go ahead and pretend yesterday didn't happen.

(OOC: If anyone wants to have had Meetra flirt with their people (badly) that would be awesome)

Feb. 2nd, 2016


Is it possible to take things off of the internet? That people write about you, about events that never happened?


Don't really understand the whole politic thing, but then again I'm also astounded at how quick the pink hearts are taking over. Gotta say, couple of those giant bears are cute though.

Feb. 1st, 2016


[Filtered to Jedi]
After a lot of consideration, I would like to go ahead and accept the offers I've received to learn about the Force and how to use it. But I don't want just one teacher. I'd like to learn from all of you who have offered, if that's okay?

Jan. 31st, 2016


There is far too much light pollution in this city. Even on a clear night, it's impossible to see the stars. It's strange to think about that, really -- being blinded by so much constructed, artificial ... Light.

Nothing about any of this will ever be easy. How are you holding up?

I am moving to Minnesota. Good-bye forever.

[Anakin Skywalker]
I'm sure you have more willing questions than I have willing answers.

Jan. 24th, 2016


If history is any indication I should be waking up in my ship having only missed 3.5 seconds of my life.

Any minute now.

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