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Jun. 25th, 2014


Who: Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers
What: Hanging out, catching up
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Ramona's apartment
Status: Closed | In Progress

Scott just had to hope there were no evil exes here )

Jun. 24th, 2014


Texts to Ramona
--Where are you
--We should hang sometime?

Jun. 16th, 2014


Does anyone know what's going on here. I mean, not that this is an awesome city and all. But ending up on wherever I was and now being here, I'm certain something's up. Unless my mind is playing mind tricks on me.

Jun. 12th, 2014


I think I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

Jun. 11th, 2014


Preeeeettty sure this wasn't where I was headed when I stepped out the door after being effectively fired. I'd say my night couldn't get weirder but now I'm not so sure.

I guess I'll play nice, I'm Daisy Johnson.

Aug. 16th, 2013


Network Post; Fox Mulder

I'm just going to leave this here.

Along with an 'I told you so', and a 'Cold War Spy planes', my ass.

[Filter: Scully]
I keep seeing Samantha.

[Filter: Christine]
It seems my sister may have finally shown up. But not in the usual way.

Aug. 12th, 2013


I marathoned Orange is the New Black over the weekend.

Cut for mild spoiler image )

I would never look good in orange.

Aug. 9th, 2013


What the frell is yo-low? Some young ruffians came running up to me in the street, sat on my lap in my hoverchair, and took a picture. They screamed that as they ran away. Is it some strange human mating call? Were they trying to steal my soul?

Crichton, explain this!

Aug. 8th, 2013


I am happy to report that Barnabus C. Klangsington is alive, well, and not as of yet plotting revenge against me for removing his man-bits.

He does however have a fondness for whipped cream in a can and I am worried it is the beginning of a Huffing addiction. Lord Tubbington totally started small, Tic Tacs were his gateway drug.


Yeaaah, we're totally just going to stay here.

Cut, not filtered. )

Seriously dudes, there's elephants and rainbows everywhere. Notttttttt sure it gets any better than that.

Aug. 7th, 2013


I delivered a package today to someone who looked like Bill Paxton. Or Bill Pullman. I always get those two confused.

Shit are people still moving? I forgot to mention I can go through the subspace highway. It's like teleporting only ehhhh not really. I'll only charge you like, dinner, or something. And I'll eat at Little Caesars or McDonald's, it's no thing.

It was so hot today and now I have all this boobsweat. Yeah, you needed to know that. #Bloglife.

Aug. 6th, 2013


On today's edition of "will it blend," we have "the ring someone accidentally dropped in the blender while making a smoothie."

Answer: no.

No, it will not blend.

The ring is okay, though. Bit nicked. Thank god it was just the band, and not the good one.

A hawk did it.

He came out of nowhere.

I'm almost done cleaning it up. Tried to use magic. Did not go as planned. There might be a small portal to another dimension in the garbage disposal but I'm roughly 80% sure that I closed it? Just... don't stick anything you like down there. A good rule of thumb in general, really.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Network Post: Meg

Oh, holy balls.

Help! I'm lost in IKEA.

Image under cut. Not filtered in-game )

I've been wandering for like an hour.

Trying to find an employee. . .

Aug. 2nd, 2013


[Filter to Ramona, Bast, Santana, Kurt, Michael, The Red Haired Cat Girl (Willow)]

I'm at the hospital with Barnabus C. Klangsington. I finally got him to come out for some Tuna and it's no wonder he's so cranky because he had a huge infection or something and they just finished operating on him. They also apparently did something with his boy parts and I think he'll be really mad at me about it but they said it's for his own good because then he won't get into fights anymore and I'm probably going to have to buy him a switchblade to make up for it.

He doesn't even have Will.I.Am.Care.

And I know we just met but I really care about him and I want him to be okay. They're letting me make payments but I think I'm going to have to sell my ovaries.


Alright, I saw that. People urgently in need of clean clothes, drop them off.

I can't sleep anyway.

Jul. 30th, 2013


TEXT TO "Brittany/Weird Cat Girl":
» Hey is this the chick who wanted a cat friend?
» This is Ramona Flowers

Jul. 27th, 2013


So I might need to rethink my positon on humans.

Jul. 15th, 2013


Maybe, just maybe, I can find my place in this world.



This money is going to go a long way. Most of my wardrobe was in my purse. Note to self: buy cat food for Gideon. And for self. Not cat food. Regular food.

So... um. I'm Ramona Flowers. What's up?


Even though Lord Tubbington and I were having a turf war, I really miss him.

So I'm going to be holding Auditions for Lord Tubbington 2.0 starting today.

Cats who have not staged a major comeback will be considered because everyone needs a second chance.

I miss him alot.

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