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Oct. 3rd, 2013


[Filtered to Kingsley Shacklebolt]

Well Lois has been gone almost a month. We almost had another friend. I almost

My leg's been hurting more than usual


Remember that lazy idiot I work with? Mike? He gave me three tickets to that Comic Con thing. Said I should go. [...] Should we go?

Sep. 6th, 2013


oh no oh no oh no

I know there are people here who are dead back in their home world.

How do you handle it? I don't think me curled up in a corner breathing in a paper bag is going to last long.

[ooc: will be triggers maybe in comments for character death]

Sep. 3rd, 2013


[Filter to Moody]
The sailing books had arrived after all. They were sent to a Ms. Chapel and she was kind enough to tell me. They're in my room if There's not any need to cal

I also bought you a few things just now. [...] No, it isn't more cats.

Aug. 16th, 2013


Backdated to August 15th.


Right. How accurate are these ghosts?

[Kingsley Shacklebolt]

My dad's stopped in. He makes a mess of things every now and then, but don't worry, it's not one that needs cleaning.

Aug. 9th, 2013


Filtered to Don Draper

Haven't tripped over you in the hallway in a while. Still alive?

Filtered to Lois Lane (smallville)
How are yo


Text to Kingsley Shacklebolt
» Do you remember when we saw the phrase YOLO but were too
» nervous to look it up and see what it meant?
» I just found out what it meant


What the frell is yo-low? Some young ruffians came running up to me in the street, sat on my lap in my hoverchair, and took a picture. They screamed that as they ran away. Is it some strange human mating call? Were they trying to steal my soul?

Crichton, explain this!

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Give me your tired, your hungry, your no muss no fuss thoughts on tv dinners.

Bonus round: Kid Cuisine.

Jul. 27th, 2013


They could have at least taken note of the fine quality of wood the cane is made out of.

Kent, are you really made out of steel, or is that just another idiotic nickname people gave you?

Jul. 14th, 2013



We've had a massive increase in heat signatures around the country.

These bombs are human beings, and they're burning hot enough to vaporize anyone near by. Containment is our top priority to minimize civilian casualties. This is not a take the target alive mission. Take them down to prevent further damage.

Cell 3-Washington, DC (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 4-Boston
Cell 5-Chicago (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 6 and 10-Los Angeles- Trainee Carter, Blythe (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 7-Philadelphia
Cell 8- NYC (Multiple Signatures)- Trainee Bond

These people are extremely dangerous. You've all seen the damage that they've done in person. I want those with powers at the forefront and I'm working on getting you the support you need otherwise outside of the resources SHIELD has at its disposal. The people of these cities don't know they're counting on us but we're going to make sure they can. So handlers, keep us updated and show these idiots why we don't tolerate going after innocent targets.

*[OOC: SHIELD trainees can request assignment, they'll be assigned as needed]
[Filtered to Non-Shield Superheroes*]

There are people that have turned themselves into high powered bombs about to go off around the country. My agents are being sent in but this is bigger than just the attack on New York. I believe that you've all been sent here for a reason, whether you want to think it or not. People needed you back home and the people here need you now.

My agents are being sent out. Most of them have no powers to speak of but they do believe in protecting the civilians of this world. So I'm asking you for back up. I want to bring as many of them home as possible.

So far the hot spots we have are:
Washington, DC- Mercenary, Dr. Strange
Boston- Wolverine, Kitty Pryde
Chicago- Wasp, The Next Avenger Team
Los Angeles- Banshee, Rictor, Aqualad
NYC- Dark Devil, Spider family.
Philadelphia- Storm, Runaways
Detroit- Trainee T'soni
Houston- Starfire, Robin, Buttercup, Bubbles and Blossom possibly.
San Francisco- Avengers Academy
Las Vegas- Moody, Shacklebolt, Jason Todd, The Kanes, Trainee Tachi
Minneapolis- Frost, Phoenix, Spinnet
Denver- Castiel, Faith, Bennett, Kent.

*[OOC: Filter is a catch-all for heroes. However these are the extremis individuals. They vaporize normal people and some of them will be detonating. So having some kind of powers is preferred because, well, dead is not an agreeable state of being really.]
[Filtered Hill and Natasha (616)]

I've a signature in Detroit. We're going. Suit up.

Jul. 11th, 2013


Ugh. This city smells. Like, really smells. I didn't realize it until the heat set in, but I swear there is just body odor rising up from those subway grates. Please... please bathe. I've been having to fly everywhere because I can't stand the stench of you all, and do you know how hard it is to find places from above? Plus, people get all freaked out even though I'm like HELLO, there are superheroes everywhere? Why is a flying girl still a novelty? I swear, the next person who I see pointing when I'm flying is getting their finger lasered off.

[Warded to Powerpuff Girls, Steve Rogers (MCU)]

WAIT WHAT? Jay-Z performed for six hours yesterday at a museum for free and we missed it? People got to touch him. TOUCH HIM.

I'm very disappointed in all of us for not knowing about this and going.

Jul. 6th, 2013


I've found a construction job. It's nothing glamorous, but the people are welcoming and it's nice to be a part of fixing and building. Apparently there are still some repairs to be made from an attack that occurred over a year ago. It's nice to be a part of progress, even if it's in a small way.

Jun. 24th, 2013


For goodness' sake, doesn't anybody else find something innately rehearsed about expressions of

I'm having lobster tonight. Nothing like getting to know dinner before the inevitable.


I need a new hobby. I've mastered a number of different hobbies over the years, but I need a new one. Any wild crazy ideas out there?

Right, mad man, yeah they seem to have a habit of popping up no matter what world it is.

Jun. 23rd, 2013


Well it's great to fucking know that having crazy assholes with way too much power is what ultimately gives all these worlds common ground.

With the possible exception being that magical neon colored pony bullshit I've been seeing all over the internet. If I'm wrong on that, don't correct me. I don't fucking care.

Jun. 16th, 2013


Hello, I'm Clark. I've been accused of being a lot of things, but never a character from a movie. The man who did my processing complained that my film went on for too long. Sorry about that. If I had known people were watching I would have picked up the pace.

Jun. 9th, 2013


TEXT TO NAME: Alastor Moody (backdated to Saturday around noon)
» Are you ready? You should sit down and start laughing.
» Because I know what I'm about to tell you
» you'll never let me live this down as if I haven'
» I'd rather that you get the laughter out away before
» I ask for help.

» I'm stuck in voluntarily stuck I think I was designated baby-sitter I'm in Las Vegas and I don't

May. 26th, 2013


I wish I'd never found this. I've been able to resist the allure of cat macros as a way to waste time and youtube has nothing on my ability to prioritize. However, I just don't know how I'll hold against cats and music.

[Filtered to Nick Grant]
Cut for flist )

If you don't think that this is part of what's right on Earth, we can no longer be friends.

May. 25th, 2013


Does anyone have any idea for new hobbies? I've tried a few new things but I have room to learn more.

I'll also assume that the movie left outside our door without any note was meant for me and Alastor. If all of the security spells that Moody puts it through doesn't melt We'll make sure to leave a review after we've watched it.

May. 21st, 2013



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