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Apr. 16th, 2013


[Filtered; Glorfindel]
It would seem that the man whose child I watched has departed. And with him the babe. My time has suddenly become less occupied as such, and I might endeavor to take to the wilds with you and Legolas after all.

It will be good to get away from the city, I think.

And also my brother.


He is intent to belittle me, and I am half certain he doesn't do it on purpose but his words are never filtered. Or particularly thoughtful. I should like very much to smother him with a pillow. The laws of the Eldar forbid it, but it would make me feel better.

Apr. 11th, 2013


My wife drowned. A little over five centuries ago she and a fraction of our host fell through ice into the waters below. I failed to save her, and truly [...] I'm certain she let go so that I would go for our daughter instead. There's not a day that passes that I don't think of her, but I'm afraid she wouldn't recognize me now. Five centuries is not a lot of time but a lot has happened since then.

I miss her every day of my life.

She wouldn't recognize me and it would break her heart to know me now. I am glad she hasn't come through for that reason, though I would give the world to see her.

I thought of her today, as every day, but I saw a woman who reflected that same beauty as I was walking along 18th street. It stopped me cold and I'm afraid I made a bit of a fool of myself by staring. Elenwë was not the most beautiful elf-maid I have ever seen but she was the only one I could ever love. Or ever want.

She had long golden hair that went to her waist, blue eyes and a mischievous look about her. I always knew she was going to do something ridiculous when she got that glint in her eyes. Her ears betrayed her too.

Her spirit.

We had a millennium together before she died. It will never be enough.

Anyway I don't actually have a purpose for writing other than to remember. I feel it best to commit my thoughts to paper but I have no heart for it today. I am rebuilding the model home I wanted to make her when we wed. When I return to Taniquetil I hope to give it to her then.

Apr. 6th, 2013


I need some advice.

What do you do when you miss someone? I mean I've never actually missed anyone before? And how do you avoid people coming to you on the streets and bitching you out for something you haven't technically done?

Apr. 1st, 2013


my brother showed me how to use this

but it is very strange and I am not good at things like this

are there people out there

where are you

why do we simply not meet and speak instead of using such things

i am makalaure


Mar. 31st, 2013


[Filtered; Tolkien-verse]
Ai! My brother is here! My brother Maglor! By Eru's blessing I have called him and he has come! Kanafinwë Makalaurë.

Only, by Man's design they have let him go in the city.

They have let him go on his own and I need now your help to find him else he will be run down by an automobile or taken by Mandos in some other way. I know him well!

I have begged only twice in my life, but I humble myself now before you a third time.

Please, aid me in finding my brother this night.


This morning, I was invited to one of the local stables after assistng a young woman whose horse was spooked by the sirens of an emergency vehicle. I find it strange to consider keeping any animal where he cannot enjoy some measure freedom beneath the open sky. The horses are clearly loved and cared for, but unless they are taken out of doors by their keepers on a lead or under saddle, they are confined to stalls and arenas within the walls of the stable building, where artificial light must be used to supplement what little sunlight may pass through the windows. Even in a great city such as Minas Tirith, there are more provisions in the free lands of Middle-Earth to allow the horses who reside within a city's walls to enjoy the open air.

Mar. 25th, 2013


Faica umbar, melda heru! Aiya astaldir atar - aiya vorondo alcaryatar. Namárië Atar. Namárië.

Whither you go I cannot follow, father. Whither you go [...] you go to death. We were not strong or fast enough to save you then and I have failed to save you now. But I remember your dying words well and to my Oath I hold, until the ends of the world. I so swore it.

Eru guide you to the Halls of the Slain where I will see you again.

I do not know how or where to fill out the 1411-TR. I would be grateful for any who aid me, you will be rewarded.

[Filtered; Don Draper & Elizabeth Burke]
I seek to ease your concern that my father has disappeared. I have access to the smithy and his storage in which his jewels reside, as he made sure I took care of those petty details from the start. They are all, as you say, in my name.

We will proceed with our plans.



And that's what saved middle earth.

Mar. 18th, 2013


Dying of grief seems to take quite some time.

Mar. 14th, 2013


Do many of you have children that are not here with you now? How do you survive without them? I find it difficult to reconcile my presence here with the desire I feel to be near my daughter. She is a woman grown, and wed now but some months ago and even so always my child no matter the years that pass us by.

I miss her. The light and life that is inside of her.

Itarillë she is called in Quenya and Idril in Sindarin. 'Sparkling brilliance' in both tongues. She's blonde, like her mother before her. She likes to go barefoot through all her journeys, though nevermore than when we lived near the sea.

I miss her wisdom and her laughter. I miss her happiness. In some profound way it was tied to my own. I think, perhaps, because I did everything I could to see her smile again after the death of her mother.

And truly, she fought hard to see me smile too.

Mar. 12th, 2013


I am angry. I am angry and I have been for some time. I came here against my will as all of us have and I did not fuss or weep or demand to be returned to my home. I have sat here complacently waiting for something to happen that would validate this turn of events. And for nigh on 6 weeks I have done so.

And I am tired of it.

I am tired of pandering to your laws and your customs. I am not of the Atani. I am not mortal and my time in this world is not so short in years. I am called Nelyafinwë Maitimo Russandol and I am the eldest son of Nerdanel and Curufinwë Fëanáro, Crown Prince of the Noldor.

I am of the Eldar Race.

And I refuse to lose anymore of myself in name of assimilation. In name of adapting. For what have you done to aid me or my brothers and cousins to ease us of our upset? To what lengths have you gone to understand our plight or our sorrows, or our histories?

I admit that you have given us much in name of charity for a place to sleep and for that I shall be grateful.

But you demand of us to get used to this world because where we come from no longer matters. You demand we change ourselves and become like you instead of learning of us. You provide us lessons to learn of New York City and this 21st century but where are the history lessons of our people? Of the other people who come here? You demand of us to lose ourselves for sake of your nation's benefit. And for what?

That we might shut up and sit down and not cause you problems? I am tired of being told to behave and to adapt to your world. I'll not become one of you for the sake of the protestors on the streets.

To the Void with you! May the Everlasting Dark take you all.

And aye, may it take you swiftly! So that my brothers and I might clean this world of the filth you littered it with.


Would anyone like to learn how to sail?

Mar. 7th, 2013


I was thinking last night that it would be nice for the Elves to get to know people around here better. I know there have been some misunderstandings, and harsh words and things like that are most easily solved by people getting together, talking, and really coming to understand where the other person is coming from.

So, in the spirit of conciliation, I would like to propose a get-together. I'll take care of food and drink, and I'll find the place, depending on how many people want to come. It's open to anyone, of any kindred.

Anyone interested?

People Attending

1. Molly Weasley II
2. Dr. Sheldon Cooper


I saw...The Hobbit in the theater today while my friend was helping his dad in the smithy.

Hobbits and Dwarves are silly little creatures, aren't they?

And who was the Elven King who refused to help the Dwarves? Seemed quite wise, to me.

Mar. 6th, 2013


It's rather strange, sitting in front of this screen and writing something in the hope that someone reads it - but this is what they told me I should do, and that it is a common way of communicating in this world. And I suppose it's no more strange than using the palantirs - not that I tried them much.

So if anyone really reads this - this is Galadriel speaking, Galadriel of the Golden Wood. If there's anyone from Middle-earth out there, I'd like to get in touch.

Oh, and some of you would know me better as Artanis. That's what I used until Celeborn named me Galadriel.

Mar. 4th, 2013


So glad I am that they did not try to make a movie of my life.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


Who will be attending the bacon festival? This sounds like an amazing thing. I hope that they have some of these...or this, or even any of this.

I remember when I was but a young boy still, in the Havens of Sirion, I would often awake to the sound and smell of it frying, and these breakfasts are memories that I still savor.


Haymitch! I have found you a friend. He is the most marvelous creature imaginable - and by that I do not mean me, of course though I am quite wonderful if I might say so myself. I named him Aicasse or 'pinetree' in the high tongue as it was the only word I understood of his terrible speech. He is quite vapid in nature but I am sure you will do well together.

Be advised that you ought not feed him tacos. I'm fairly certain he'll die. Speaking of which, please do not eat him. It would be tragic and I think he would taste bad.

I had..

I had a story to tell. Only that I cannot now recall how I wished to begin it. Or indeed what I had fully planned to say.

I think I'm dying. Eru's green earth sickness has assailed me!


I am prepared now to share stories with you.

Mar. 1st, 2013


International Refugee Festival

Friends! The Displaced, the dispossessed and refugees all. I beg your attention for one moment that I might share an idea.

We have come from all different walks in life, alternate worlds, and in that way are we unfamiliar with each other beyond brief scatterings of knowledge found in printed, published or other media. And so I would like to take a moment to suggest an idea to change that.

My cousin and I propose an event for our Springtime season to promote knowledge, understanding and acceptance of our cultures and our worlds. I would like to design an international festival for all of us here so that we might come together in one place and show each other the pieces of our world that we the people feel represent us.

Have you any objects, items, lore on your person, in your rooms, or in your minds that you would share with us on one day then I bid you, join me and my cousin in planning this. I We would dearly love to learn of you. And I we should dearly love to share my our world with you as well.

It would be good, I think, to span universes and expand our knowledge of each other.

We welcome all! Large, small, old, and new.. to friendship and peace.

Feb. 27th, 2013


[Filtered; Fingon]
Eärendil has the Silmaril.

[Filtered; Glorfindel]
I require your presence, Captain.

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