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Mar. 23rd, 2015


This constant need to assure others that the unseasonably cold weather is not my fault does get terribly old after a while. One little flurry, and the fingers immediately point to the queen in the ice dress.

I can understand the reasoning, but honestly it is not me. Not intentionally

Also, why is there such madness in March? I've gathered that there are educational establishments holding tournaments, but what is the purpose?



I was told I could use this device to talk to people. My name is Peeta Mellark. I'm from distr there is no a place called Panem, which I am told doesn't really exist here. I'm still not sure any of this is real, but Katniss tells me she thinks it is and I tru trust her. I think I do

The men who greeted me when I arrived told me I was here before, but I don't remember it, so I'm sorry if we were friends and I've forgotten. My memory isn't.. what it used to be.




Hello? Can I speak to EVERYONE with this?

My name is Merrill. What's yours?

Mar. 3rd, 2015


network post; johnny storm

Okay, I was thinking. If there was another me here and now he's gone, does that mean I get Other Me's stuff? I can babysit it until he comes back. I'm willing to do that.

Also, paging any and all Janet van Dynes because you're all probably equally talented and amazing. Can we talk for a sec?

And lastly, anyone have the name and number of a good agent?

Filtered to Jo Harvelle:
Feeling any better this morning?

Mar. 2nd, 2015


I can say that I do miss the spring.

Spring in Arendelle was quite a sight and one that I am going to miss. I fear I'm also missing Anna's birthday...and her wedding. Neither of which I intended to miss. Not after all of those missed years and the time lost being apart.

There's little I can do about it here, I know. That doesn't make it any easier.

Feb. 23rd, 2015


I could not not watch those strange events on the television.

I greatly prefer the pageantry of the award ceremonies that this world has over the horrors that were previously witnessed.

Feb. 16th, 2015


I need a cheeseburger. Fries. Chocolate.

And a hug.

I want to go home.

Anyone want to go with?


I take it that the catchy ringtone is something popular in this world? Fortunately it does not ring very often, but the few times it did, the looks I received were rather interesting. I couldn't quite place if people were happy to hear it or looking at me with great disdain. It certainly got stuck in my head.

It made me smile, though. As did the young child who asked me to make them an Olaf of their very own. It wasn't quite the same, but they seemed fairly pleased with the little token.

Feb. 8th, 2015


Are the residents of this city always so friendly, or are we just fortunate enough to have them in our midst? Then again, I do understand the idea of fearing that which you do not understand.

Feb. 2nd, 2015


How can a small animal determine the length of winter?

That is almost as absurd as some of the actions people were taking in the streets last night after this Super Bowl event.

Feb. 1st, 2015


[Filtered to parent & guardian types again]

I am so sorry for my behavior yesterday. I'm not entirely sure what kind of magical influence came over me, but it began to lift as soon as I got out of my apartment. I feel much more like myself today. Rereading what I wrote last night, I'm horrified, and I want to make it very clear that those were not my true thoughts on the matter.

I believe that hope is the most powerful force in the universe by far. I believe that family is a bond no dark magic or mysterious blue cube can break. I believe love isn't always easy (as I proved to my loved ones last night), but it is so worth it. And I believe that we were brought to this world for a reason beyond the Tesseract: for all the good that we can do together while we're here.

I love my children, and as co-director of the Potts Tower Youth Center I love all the children our community has been blessed with. Every day I'm lucky enough to watch them learn and grow -- and I can't wait to see what they do with their lives because I know it'll be great.

I hope my hurtful words last night won't discourage any of you from trusting us with their care, or from attending our parenting group tomorrow. It's been so fulfilling to listen to your experiences and to share mine. I can assure you that the Mary Margaret leading the meeting will be the one you've known for the nine months I've been here, not the one you met last night. I won't deny that I've had dark periods where I briefly lost hope before, but I love this tower and the life we've all built here. That hasn't changed, I promise.

[ooc: just to avoid confusion -- please assume any replies to the previous post are from last night, before she started feeling better!]

Jan. 30th, 2015


For those of you that know him, Jack Frost is gone.

Okay. Trying to stay positive here.


Okay, so I've commandeered the 13th floor's entertainment rooms for this weekend and next week for a grand extravaganza!

This weekend, we'll be showing the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy! Because it's awesome and because some people who arrived were wondering what happened and stuff. Then next week, we'll do the Hobbit movies. I found a copy of the last one. Don't ask me where

I'm not bringing snacks for everyone. That's a long time, so you'll need to bring your own. Or if you want me to buy things, I can do that, but I need everyone to pitch in before they can have any of it. I work at a coffee shop, so I don't make a lot of money.

But we have the room, and it's got comfy seats and it's big enough for like 20 people or something.


In lieu of all these different coloured 'outs' bringing about change, it's got me thinking.

How ruggedly handsome would I look with a beard and this brilliant hair of mine?

Additionally--there are hobbits here? Finally? Oh, I have got to start checking in here more often again! Missing out on everything!


I don't even know why I bother. Try to get your life together, move out of the place that reminds you of one kid while you're still struggling with the other's loss -- I don't even know why I thought I could do this. I should just give up.


Word of advice: lightning storms are bad. What the fuck was that last night?

Jan. 29th, 2015


Emma and I are getting married.

Jan. 28th, 2015


I had a few people quit at the Barking Lot, so we're down a few people to walk and play with the dogs, clean up, and generally just hang out with me, Neal, some dogs, and be awesome. If you're interested, come see me. No experience is necessary, but a love and healthy respect for dogs of all shapes, sizes, and breeds is pretty much necessary.

Filter to Mary Margaret
Don't plan anything for the youth center for Valentine's Day weekend. We're going away for something that might resemble a honeymoon, since that's not something we ever actually had. If at all possible, we're finding someone to watch Neal, and it's going to just be me, you, and a beach in South Carolina.

Filter to Friends of David and Mary Margaret
Mary Margaret are going away for Valentine's weekend. I know it's relatively short notice, but we would really appreciate it if someone would be able to take Neal for that weekend. You would be compensated, and can stay in our apartment or yours, whichever one you prefer. In any case, I believe she deserves a weekend away with her favorite guy (that would be me), so I would personally appreciate any help we can get on this. Thanks.


Hello! My name is Aurora. In the Enchanted Forest I was the regent of a small kingdom. I missed the original curse, so I don't have Storybrooke memories like the others do. I thought I'd introduce myself. I know how overwhelming this world can be.

[ MULAN: ]
The things I've read from the other people who glowed during the blackout are so alarming. One girl grew wings. Are you alright? I don't feel changed.


My nephews tell me it is customary to introduce oneself using this machine and that it will be seen by others. I am Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thráin, son of Thrór and I greet you all.

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