July 2016




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May. 9th, 2016


Well this is different.

Apr. 29th, 2016


network post; dean winchester

Happy 19th Birthday, Claire!

Parental beings are supposed to embarrass you on your Birthday, right?

I made pie )

Apr. 28th, 2016


Network Post: John Winchester

Dinosaur thing is over. Truck's gone but there is another one just a bit further north. Is your offer is still on the table to fly us over there?

[Dean Winchester]
So the truck I was looking at is gone but there is another one. Year older but the condition is better and it's red. It's still over the other side of the country but your buddy Gabriel offered to fly.

Oh, and when were you going to tell me I'm a grandfather?

Apr. 24th, 2016


Parental beings are gross.

I mean, I'm all down for people being in love and being happy and stuff. But urgh! Totally did not need to witness any PDAs at the breakfast table.

Does anyone have eye bleach?

Apr. 11th, 2016


-- A little pie loving bird told me you were looking at a truck across the country.
-- If it's still available after all this dinosaur nonsense is over..
-- I could take you, via Angel Air.
-- Could even get you and the truck back again.

Apr. 10th, 2016


I like it how that even though I don't have a TARDIS, the time travel still comes to me.

By the way, I speak dinosaur, and every dinosaur I've spoken to is a little confused, but as long as they have something to eat, they're alright. Then again, they have puny, reptilian brains, so they're not capable of feeling any complex emotions. Even the predators seem cool. So, as long as they're not provoked, I think we can all get through this without incident. I wonder if that's asking too much from you humans?

Everybody's going on about dinosaurs, but nobody's mentioned how all our technology has become primitized. This devise now looks like it's made of bark and stone and stuck together with dried tree sap, and you wouldn't think it would work, but it does, just as it should. I find that much more fascinating.

Apr. 5th, 2016


There's something oddly soothing about this type of water. I'm used to the oceans, but this sort of water is fun? Hmm, fun to manipulate.

[Steven Universe]

I don't know why I'm even keeping this tower dry.

Apr. 4th, 2016


Anyone building an Ark?

Apr. 2nd, 2016


[Dean Winchester]
I went by your place but Cas said you went to work.

I didn't want to tell you over this thing but [...] your Mom's gone too. Which means
I'm sorry. You know where to find me if you need me.

[Jo Harvelle, Castiel and Gabriel]
As you know, Sam's gone. Dean's taken it the hardest. Now I've had to tell him Mary is gone too.

I am not sure how Dean's going to react but I can't see him being okay for a while. Can you look out for him?

Mar. 25th, 2016


Network Post: Castiel

How does one get blue paint out of carpet?

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Thor, Loki, anybody?

image, not filtered )

Mar. 15th, 2016


When you're teaching your niece how to use an archangel blade and she gets too close. Maybe we'll try with a regular angel blade next time.

cut for image )

Mar. 6th, 2016


-- So there's a troll on the 6th floor.
-- My friend Violet needed help.
-- Now I'm watching Superman, Doctor Who and some other super powered people fighting this thing.
-- My life is totally bad ass.

Feb. 25th, 2016


Network Post: Castiel

[Dean Winchester]
Read more... )

Read more... )

[Claire Novak]
Read more... )

[Sam Winchester]
Read more... )

Feb. 12th, 2016


Who: Anyone single or okay with that (18+ only)
When: February 12, 2012
Where: Sam's
What: Speed-dating
Rating: low (will update); IC/OOC

By which I totally meant to do this last night. oops )

Feb. 11th, 2016


Anyone else looking forward to the spring?

[Johnny Storm]
You realize it's been nearly a year since the first time we went out?

Feb. 9th, 2016


network post: gabriel

I can't wait for Valentine's Day to be over so I can get my hands on all the cut price candy.

In the meantime I'm avoiding all the inaccurate greeting cards. Cupid would be so disappointed that he's drawn as a putto and Eros would be mad because they all forget him.

Jan. 30th, 2016


network post: cassie robinson

I've had a migraine for three days now. Any suggestions on getting rid of the most stubborn headache ever? I've tried over the counter stuff, dark and quiet places nothing is quiet enough, sleep, hot showers, nothing has helped.

Jan. 31st, 2016


Every so often I get an urge to make fudge even though I know that as soon as I do I'll remember that four cups of sugar is about three and a half cups too many for me. Anyone got a birthday coming?

Jan. 27th, 2016


[SPN Family]

Now that the Birthday business is over, I need to tell y'all something.

I got powers in the Macy's attack last month. I'm still me most of the time, just a superhuman at night.


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