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Dec. 17th, 2015


To my Secret Santa: Thank you, I appreciate the thoughtful gift and look forward to wearing it. I'd enjoy thanking you in person, but I wouldn't want to presume that you might accept such a gesture. Therefore, until I hear otherwise, this will have to do.

Dec. 15th, 2015


Who: Secret Santa Participants
When: Leading up to Christmas.
Where: In and around. Mostly left at doors.
What: Christmas presents from Secret Santas.
Rating: Who knows!

Secret Santa gifts )

Dec. 8th, 2015


Why is it all the tree lights go out when bulb blows out? This is very problematic.

Dec. 1st, 2015


Having been unable to entirely avoid the advertisements and marketing for the new 'Star Wars' film over the last few months, I realise that I'm very conflicted about it. Being told when I arrived through the Tesseract that I was little more than a fictional character in their eyes made me angry, especially because I felt like everything but that, yet I accepted eventually that it was purely a viewpoint of this planet after discovering how many other so-called fictional people had come from other universes and were still here. Surely they couldn't be 100% right in their viewpoints, since we are all here.

Try as I might, however, I'm unable to accept this new film. It might be for multiple reasons that I can't quite explain even to myself right now, but the one that's crystal clear is that I feel as if they are wiping the very existence of countless individuals away from their minds, purely because it suits them to start again instead of attempting to continue with what has been conceived already. It feels like an insult to those of us who have existed this long, who have lived through those events that they've so carelessly brushed away.

On a lighter note, how do you feel about participating in this 'Christmas' holiday that everybody's talking about?

Nov. 27th, 2015


The emphasis people here placed on eating yesterday is almost as ludicrous as the fervor some people are exhibiting about shopping today.


Singing and dancing were activities that I had never experienced until recently, unless duelling with a lightsaber could count as dancing, and I don't think that singing is something I'm any good at. I also learned that it's very frustrating to want to get up and dance when I'm supposed to be taking it easy for a little while. Thankfully, I don't believe that I irritated my room-mates (I hope) to the point that they wanted to knock me out with a heavy object.

Thanks for keeping me relatively inactive. Sorry if I drove you mad.

May I have a moment of your time, sir?

Nov. 20th, 2015


I've heard rumblings of some sort of dance tonight, I think I'd like to attend to see what they're like.

Nov. 15th, 2015


While it would have been nice to be able to help with whatever happened recently, I can understand why there was some level of secrecy to it. Though I was concerned about Galen. The media didn't seem to know what was going on either, but at least watching it helped set my mind at ease a little.

Oct. 15th, 2015


I'm not sure what to think about the strange blip in the outside world we experienced recently. People were certainly more polite then, and dressed quite nicely, however it seems women were treated rather differently.

Has it always been the case here?

Sep. 27th, 2015


Well, one can't say this place is ever boring, not when we get to deal with strange pocket dimensions, talking spiders, and who knows what else next.

Sep. 21st, 2015


Glad that's over with.

[Filtered to: Juno Eclipse, Torunn, and Mayday Parker]

Now that we know the spiders were definitely not on our side...

How are you guys feeling?

Sep. 19th, 2015


If anyone is on or around the 14th floor, I'm looking for people to team up with. My droid PROXY and I have been keeping mostly safe, although I think I make have fractured something in my wrist.

Sep. 17th, 2015


I watched the 'GOP Debate' last night. For the life of me, I don't think I'll ever understand the politics of this world.


We stand here on the fourth anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, and in the shadow of debate that proves why exactly we need it. Candidates openly commenting they wish to be the candidate of the one percent? Afraid to grant a living wage because the profits of corporations deemed more human than human beings might only make a 70% percent profit off the backs of the individuals advancing us. Demanding tax breaks for corporate entities at the cost of the working poor.

Four years later and what have we? Fleeting awareness and a deck of cards? A screaming and bleeding proletariat cowed into silence by their bourgeois masters of industry as corporate interests rise and fat capitalist pigs damn near close to claiming the highest power of the land to protect their right to exploit.

Cast off your chains and join us, Bernie Sanders, and Jill Scott on the frontlines as immigrants to a country, illegal immigrants to a world with as much right and by chance and luck more of a voice. At Zuccotti Park, the embers of Occupy Wall Street still burn. Help us fan them into a blazing inferno and let's recapture the spirit of the movement.

Schedule of Events

Sep. 12th, 2015


Mission's come up at SWORD. Looks like I'll be gone for a few weeks. Would you like me to leave PROXY here with you? I know he's not the greatest company ever but I've managed to improve his conversational sub-routines.

Aug. 16th, 2015


Considering how tired I get just hearing and watching the protesters on television and in the streets, it must be downright exhausting to have to actually deal with them.

Never been one for politics, and all these tensions cements that for me.

Aug. 13th, 2015


In affiliation with Educational Services Division (ESD)

 photo StarWars Shakespeare.jpg

Directed by Kurt Wagner

Thursday, August 20th - 6:00 - 9:00 pm
at the Tower Gymnasium.

Come prepared with a Shakespearean monologue of your choice and please familiarize yourself one or more of the monologues/scenes from the play (ETA: link to the document works now!) Scripts will be available at the audition.

Characters needed )
Also needed: backstage crew, sound crew, lighting crew, props, costumes.

Inquires and questions may be made to this post, or to me, privately. Thank you, and break a leg!

Aug. 10th, 2015


I haven't had a headache this excruciating since I was blasted out the window of a Super Star Destroyer and into the vacuum of space.

Are you alright? I really hope that doesn't happen again.

Aug. 7th, 2015


From what I've been able to discern, my name is Juno Eclipse. I share a living space with a man of moderate appearance and a robot who possesses a unique sense of humour.

The rest is a blank slate. I take comfort in knowing I'm not the only one.

Jul. 20th, 2015


I don't think I've seen such a diverse collection of mechanical creations running around since my visit to Raxus Prime. Are they meant to be out and about in the city, or are they malfunctioning?

Is PROXY with you?

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