July 2016




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Jun. 16th, 2016


If you haven't seen yet, Thor made an announcement concerning the Tesseract. He says he believes he can send us home.

I'm not sure I want to. I mean I don't know. I miss my family, but I still have a life here.

What do you all think? If all of you decide to leave, I couldn't stand being here without you all

*[ooc:this is really flexible, if you've talk, more than likely you're a friend.]


Hail good people of Potts Tower! I have returned from my voyages with the Tesseract, and have consulted with those who know its heart better than we do. I believe we can send you home.

[Filtered to MCU Avengers + Jane Foster, Peter Quill, Abigail Brand, Phil Coulson, Carol Danvers (EMH)]
Banner, Quill and I have returned. What have I missed?

Jun. 2nd, 2016


[Phone call to Pietro Maximoff post-Lagos]
ring, ring.

May. 23rd, 2016


I'm contemplating taking up cooking classes. Mostly as something to do but I think it could be fun.

May. 8th, 2016


I feel so tiny.

Apr. 28th, 2016


I finally got a bug to the face as I was running.

Apr. 14th, 2016


I think I've been having too much fun racing the dinosaurs.

Apr. 13th, 2016


Wow, this sure is different than National City. Hi, I'm Kara. Are you guys really dealing with dinosaurs? I'm in space at the moment (gosh that's so weird to say) but someone told me there are dinosaurs on Earth.

Really wishing my sister and friends were here, right about now.

Mar. 30th, 2016


If anyone's looking for an interesting book to read, I recommend Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Idiot. I'm eager to find more of his works.

Mar. 19th, 2016


Sokovia is beautiful in the spring. It's a pleasure to be here under better circumstances.

Filtered: LEOPARD
Tourism isn't something I spend much time on. But I have a beat on some human traffickers taking Sokovian to a "better future" where their relatives never hear from them again. The exit point is here in Sokovia, and the transfer point, looking at the pieces I've overheard, is in Gdańsk. After that, they're lost. So we'll split into two teams. Akela, fly here to Sokovia to drop Bucky off, then along with Grant and Jasper, locate the transfer point. It will be going from rails to ship. Free those who come in, and track anyone who escapes.
Text to: Steve Rogers (MCU)
-- Knock knock, Rogers.

Mar. 15th, 2016


network post: natasha romanoff

I'm so pleased to see we're back to being forest free in Manhattan. What would we do with all those trees and oxygen?

Filtered: MCU Avengers
What are everyone's thoughts on the hearings the UN Security Council has convened? Has anyone else accepted their gracious invitation?

Mar. 1st, 2016


Who wants to meet the newest love of my life?

Introducing Orion! )

Feb. 19th, 2016


Does anyone have good book recommendations? The genre doesn't matter either. I'm just looking for good reads.

Feb. 17th, 2016


I have not seen very many films, so I am looking for suggestions on what I should watch. What is the one film you would recommend to someone?

Jan. 30th, 2016


Now go ahead and ask me who just got hit in the face with a knock-off Louis Vuitton.

I'll wait.

Jan. 29th, 2016


Have to admit the city does look nice in the snow.

Jan. 28th, 2016


network post: kanan jarrus

Some self-titled social justice warriors are of the opinion that I* should have been cast in the Gods of Egypt film. Much as I wouldn't mind earning a few million credits, personally I would decline. Not being of Egypt. The vid looks like terrible entertainment whoever's in it. So it should make plenty of money. Reminds me of the holo I saw with human girls playing twi'leks. Lekku never moved right.


network post: beverly katz

I'm just waiting for someone to run past me declaring they're late. Or for a string of attempted axe murders. A cat whose body disappears but whose head sticks around a while afterward. Didn't some cards paint the tower a while back? When was that?

I just ask for coffee, not tea, at the party. We're the colonies over here.


I guess one thing my show's fan base likes to do is mess up my name. Lapdance Lasagna, Linguine Lesbian, Lactose Lampshade, Lapizza Lazuli.

It's better than being called Big Buff Cheeto Puff, or Space Dorito.

Jan. 15th, 2016


[Cut for image; not filtered] )

Yeah, I saw.

Anyone who says they're answering freedom's call with ignorance and hate is not someone who understands or appreciates what it is to be an American. Freedom is standing up to these kind of men, of remembering that we are not afraid of doing what's right. Representing or accepting an intolerant agenda goes against everything this country was built upon. It's against everything every soldier has ever fought to protect. I choose to believe that we aren't a nation of people that would allow ourselves to be tricked by whichever bully yells the loudest. I know we're better than this, better than to keep falling for the same tricks over and over again. This is not the American way -- this is just a man grabbing for power, using a platform of intolerance we've heard before. And I won't be a part of it.

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