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Mar. 8th, 2014


I've seen stranger things but today tops it all so far.

Mar. 5th, 2014


Casssssiiieeeeee I need your help on this thing I'm working on. Actually, I need your really really tiny hands. I also need a waaaaay more accurate inertial nav system. Um... anyone have one of those? Preferably really, really, really small?

Cut for Image, no filter )

The PSU is too big, way too big for secret missions field stuff, so I want to go in and reroute a few things to make it better, but I only have two hands :( Plus, the INS is too big but I don't know how to make it smaller! Every time I try to adjust it, the settings get all messed up and it's super inaccurate! :( :( :(


Has anyone else had the weird feeling of forgetting their birthday was coming? I just glanced at the date and realized it's tomorrow. I wish my family was here It just seems strange.

Feb. 26th, 2014


Hello. They said that introducing myself is the best way to start off, but I don't think I have anyone here that would know me. Or at least they don't have a record of my family here. Will they notice that I'm gone?

My mother is really going to lose it if she finds out. She can be quite the mother bear when she needs to be.

My name's Violet by the way.

Feb. 16th, 2014


Soooooooo, I have a question and I would google something like this, but I'm standing in the middle of the grocery store, getting ingredients for quesadillas and fajitas (!!!) and on my phone so I wouldn't, but then I could also use this time to google so basically this is a "lol WHATEVER I do what I want" moment...

But what possible jobs could be lined up for refugees that are younger than 18 who just want to make a liiiiiiiiittle extra money? For whatever reason? Or no particular reason except wanting extra money? Or, okay, mostly a reason to buy more nice things for people and make more food because who could get enough of FOOD? And have more to spend at awesome parties like yesterday's which also falls under nice things for people since that was all donations anyway? And we are not talking about the kissing booth and a kiss Or two kisses BLARGH

It'll probably just be on weekends. I can handle it with six classes, I swear! Because I have totally juggled staying on top of classes and homework and helping manage the armory and getting kidnapped for three seconds here or there and going to China.


Network Post; Fox Mulder

Waking up in the middle of the night to find your clock staring at you with 6:66 is in no way disturbing.

[Spock (TOS)]
Perfectly adjusted now?

[Sam Winchester]
You'd mentioned you wanted to talk about something other places than the network. Want to grab drinks this week some night?

Dana I think after watching what happens to our son I apologize for not keeping better in tou I know we've got the rest of the series to watch here and we'd said we'd watch it together, but maybe wait a few more weeks if that's all right with you?


This is most unnerving to say the least.

Thanks to the recent problems I'm having to make repairs to a prototype and confess to falling asleep at the laptop while making adjustments to the math. But I just awoke and all the clocks read 6:66.

I think I'll be running systems checks, work on the prototype and not going to sleep anytime soon.

Feb. 11th, 2014


Thank goodness for hand tools right about now, had to shut down a project prototype after it chewed me out for not acting my age.

Have tools, will travel if anyone needs aid.

Feb. 10th, 2014


I have a situation in Potts Tower, room 606. Is there anyone who is able to take a door off of its hinges? I'm there now.

Feb. 3rd, 2014



I heard about Connor. How are you doing?


We haven't spent any time together lately and that must change. Do you have any free time coming up?

Jan. 18th, 2014


I know its late but figured someone is trying to get rid of fruitcakes even now.

Anyone got any that can be spared? I'm fine tuning the cannon to use fruitcakes as projectiles. Because so far pumpkins and snowballs work perfectly!

School wise: my exam results came too late to make it into actual university classes but I did get into a couple of independent studies that will let me stay on track (plus testing out of several pre-reqs came in handy). Also looking into some options in terms of internships.

Jan. 12th, 2014


This Tesseract is a gateway with a seemingly limitless amount of energy capable of linking worlds with advancements so great you can prepare food instantly while sifting through thousands of books in the palm of your hand. And yet, with all of these rewards of science, not a single damn automail mechanic is to be found. Some world.

Those uniformed dogs said it'd be in my best interest to broadcast my arrival, so here I am, Edward Elric at your service.

Jan. 9th, 2014


Well, it seems that taking a hit to the shoulder can't keep me down for long. I was glad it wasn't my legs again, but I've got most of my range of motion back with just some residual soreness. I have to say, wielding a sword is nothing like unarmed hand to hand or firing a phaser. I'm particularly grateful it hasn't stopped me from riding. And neither have the cold temperatures. Just have to dress properly. Although keeping the horses warm has been our main project. Not a problem we had to this extent in the Mojave.

[Malcolm Reynolds]
I saw something about you getting a license for deliveries. There's still a truck that Zoe left me that you can have if it'd be useful. I think there's probably space at the ranch for both of us when we want it and Sully to be there to keep an eye on things if you're agreeable to that.

[Advising Group Echo]
Before the holidays, I threw out the idea of a holiday party. My injuries on Asgard kept me out of commission a bit longer than expected. If people are still up for it, how about Sunday? We could even head out to the ranch if people want.

If you have any questions about the upcoming semester, let me know.

Thanks for coming with to Asgard and for staying. Are you going to count that as the date you won or do I get to convince you to take me gokarting or dinner?

Thank you is insufficient, but I appreciate all you do.

Jan. 7th, 2014


Network Post; Fox Mulder

When I was Oxford I remember reading research done on the effects of music upon mood and behavior. They were some fascinating studies even though I by no means read exhaustively on the topic.

Recently I've been reflecting back on some of those studies. The situation of having one's life on a television show has reminded me of them. Once I got over the bizarre reality of watching events I remembered living on television my mind turned to the oddity of having a musical 'soundtrack' in my life. And as I've moved out of things I remembered into things I have not yet experienced, that's been reinforced as I'm certain that soundtrack has influenced the way I feel about events, even as my own memories and associations to the people involved also influence mood and emotion about certain events.

I suspect there's a psychological research study in that, but I'm not certain 'Source Soundtrack Effects on Fictional Characters represented within' is going to pass peer-review standards.

Did you get settled? Or do I still have boxes to move for you?


Finally got my exam results.

I can finally enroll in university. Just have to hope I can make the late enrollment dates!

Jan. 3rd, 2014


It's been pointed out that we need another snowball fight, since there is fresh snow all over the damned place.

Violet, get out the cannon, we're going to need it. Anyone else who wants to participate, we'll go again at Rockefeller park, noon tomorrow. It's still going to be cold, so wear your best warm-weather gear and we'll see who wins this time.

Hint: It will be me.

Hestia, Pepper, Alexis, all the names I'm neglecting to mention. James, Lily, Dorcas.

Jan. 2nd, 2014


I'm in limbo till exam results come in so does anybody need to get rid of any fruitcake? Because after the snowball fight I'm fine tuning the cannon to shoot more than just snow and pumpkins, now its time to destroy fruitcake in the name of science (and plus its just fun).

Dec. 31st, 2013


Who: Potts Tower folks!
When: New Years Eve, 8pm-onwards
Where: Potts Tower: Basement & floor 13
What: This is the IC/OOC post what is going down. Feel free to comment if you want, but you're not obligated. You're also welcome to post logs separately. When you reply to the arrivals/various times/etc below, please be sure to put your character's name in the subject line to make it easier to find things later. Also, remember to tag your character!
Rating: Nothing R, you guys.

It's our party we can do what we want. )

Dec. 29th, 2013


Snowball fight. Today. Somewhere that isn't Potts Tower. Winning team buys the others hot cocoa and dinner.

Who's in?

Otherwise: I'm spending New Year's Day brewing. Between now and then I'll be buying all of my ingredients. So, anyone who wants to watch and be entertained, you are invited to my flat beginning at about two in the afternoon.


[Filter: Buffy Summers]
To whom do I speak about joining Shield? Whatever it is I've been doing for a month has been fun, but I felt more like my old self than I have in awhile, in Asgard.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


I have not stopped smiling or planning projects since Secret Santa struck a couple of nights ago! I was gifted Mythbusters DVDs and the wrapping was covered in moving explosions (which makes me suspect a magical is my giftee :) ).

But as I wrap my few packages I have one question: does anyone know how long it takes to get GED results? I took my exams before break started.

And is there anywhere in the tower that has room for a fruitcake launcher? Plans are in progress as we speak.

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