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Apr. 1st, 2015


Network Post: Myka Bering

Filter: Helena G. Wells
I've been thinking. And I know how much you love when I do that. Do you want to know what I've been thinking?

Mar. 16th, 2015


I don't suppose someone would be able to bring me some soup, and perhaps some crusty bread?

Mar. 12th, 2015


Why would anyone want to be human for? Blimey, this is rubbish. You cough and then your head decides it's time to crush you, so you think, 'Oh, I'll have a proper kip!' Ah, but wait--you've got the bloody cough! Cough, half-awake, cough again--exhausting. Can't remember the last time I couldn't regulate my own body temperature. Have I mentioned this is rubbish? I'm a Time Lord. I give people chills, I don't experience the... the, where was I?

I'd say humans and your germs, but I've a feeling that isn't quite the case.

[Filter: Rose Tyler]
You and... I'd hazard a guess that Ianto's still well. That isn't a coincidence.

It's also a very big problem for me. I can't fight this off, not properly. It's very much like the flu, but it's impossible for me to catch any ordinary strands from this age on Earth.

I'm going to get worse, I think. Possibly only in terms of fussing, but I'll need you to do me a favour, if you can. Keep me in the TARDIS, hm?

Mar. 11th, 2015


So any heroing types that haven't fallen under the weather? The police might be a little short staffed at the moment. More than usual. If you're feeling up to helping out a little more today.


I know that Anakin's complaining about dying. Everyone else okay?

Feb. 24th, 2015


One, when Niagra Falls freezes over I think we can all agree it's time this winter came to an end.

Two, it may be for a good cause but I still cannot wrap my head around this. Why in frigidly cold temperatures would you go swimming in the ocean?

Can we try and not have a repeat of you disappearing and being sucked into our tv anytime soon?

Feb. 7th, 2015


Filtered to Myka Berring

That Fez and Bowtie are definitely cool.

Thank you.

Feb. 4th, 2015


Delivery for the Eleventh Doctor )

Feb. 3rd, 2015


So, fancy news today. It was just announced that Harper Lee is publishing a second novel, so 'To Kill a Mockingbird' won't be her only book. And, probably most astonishingly, she's actually still alive, which I totally didn't know. Did you know? I bet you didn't know.


Feb. 2nd, 2015


Network Post: Myka Bering

Filter: Helena G. Wells
I've been thinking...

Feb. 1st, 2015


network post: raven reyes

So, SWORD. Decided to go for it. I start training tomorrow.

( Sam Anders )
You ever decide what you wanna do?


Snow is actually rather pretty in Central Park. I went for a morning run and it was just gorgeous. Also decided to splurge on myself and took a carriage ride. Best thing ever. You learn so much, my driver Ariel, was the best tour guide ever. I got to see places in the park I never knew about. Seriously, best non-training thing I've ever done.

Image behind cut )

Jan. 25th, 2015


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

I would like to thank everyone who came yesterday to my reading of "The Discovery of the Future," as originally written and intended to be delivered, on the 103rd anniversary of its heavily edited reading by my brother. I wasn't there for it, but it's my understanding that he didn't quite do it justice in its voicing or in wording. It was a pleasure to get to share it in the way I'd wished to share it.

If you missed the live reading, the venue has put it on Youtube.

[OOC: Full disclosure, I haven't actually read it so I can't discuss it in any detail XD ]

Dec. 27th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

There are two things that I simply must share. The first is that it is Myka's birthday today, and though I'll leave it to her whether or not she shares her age, I wanted to be sure everyone knew to give her well wishes. Happy birthday, Myka.

The second is that on Christmas day, Myka proposed marriage, and I accepted. Nothing has been settled yet as far as the details, only that we will someday be married.

[Filtered against Myka]

I would greatly appreciate any recommendations of jewelers.

Dec. 9th, 2014


Network Post: Myka Bering

If it weren't for the dogs and their Christmas sweaters our apartment would be seriously devoid of any holiday spirit.

We should probably take out the decorations and put them up. And think about getting a tree. Unless you didn't want to. Because in that case Serena and Trailer can be our holiday decorations.

Nov. 25th, 2014


So this is like, my first Thanksgiving I can actually remember having. It's a nice feeling having it to look forward too.

Nov. 3rd, 2014


Network Post: Myka Bering

We all have lists of things we want to do before we die. Places we want to visit. As of last month I can officially check off visiting and exploring Amsterdam on my own. What are some of your "to do's" and what inspired you to put them on your list?

Oct. 30th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

It's been quite some time since I participated in a "round robin" storytelling, but it occurs to me that this medium is well suited to it.

Would anyone else find it diverting to tell a Halloween tale together?

Oct. 29th, 2014


They've apparently discovered what happened to Amelia Earhart's plane. I guess we've known for a long while now that she never made it to her destination, but it's still sad to find evidence of that. I guess I'd always had a little hope that they'd actually been abducted by aliens and brought to another planet, along with a bunch of other people from 1937. Like they said on Star Trek: Voyager.

I was approached by a few of the local dog shelters about holding an adoption event at the Barking Lot, probably sometime in December. I think it's a good idea, so if you're thinking about adopting a dog, this would be a great place to start. I'm also going to insert the fact that if you're adopting a pet for someone else for Christmas, thing really long and hard about your relationship and how you see it going. Pets are like children, you can't just adopt a dog and then because you break up decide to take it back to the shelter. It's cruel. You wouldn't treat a child that way, so why do it to an animal. So just think about that this year, if that's what you've got planned.

Oct. 27th, 2014


Filter: Helena G. Wells
How backed up do you think our potential cases are after an entire month of being ignored?

Oct. 16th, 2014


Despite having found my sister, and having everything I've been told corroborated by her, it still feels as if I've entered into a fantastical dream. I half hope I wake up at home, in my own bed in Arendelle, and will be telling Anna about this over breakfast.

Hello. I'm Elsa, and I was here before, although I don't really remember it. I'm told I had friends here before, and I do hope that those friendships can be rekindled.

Is it true that there was a story written about Anna and I, made into a... oh. Film. A film?

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