July 2016




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May. 19th, 2013


Thank Merlin the Employment gods finally smiled on me and gifted me with a position at Queens Theatre. Unemployment really wasn't my best look.

How do you feel after a night of dancing in public?

May. 14th, 2013


Are any of you not going to that prom thing or should I resign myself to a night of desperation where I sit myself in front of the telly watching bad reality shows and drown my sorrows in wine, macaroni and cheese, and hot wings?

I was told today that I have a really good fake British accent. So. Go me.


I'm about to ask you something super last minute.

Prepare to potentially hate me.

May. 12th, 2013


Hey. How are you doing?

Hi. I know that I sort of fucked up talking to you last time, but I thought
Hello. How are you
Hi. I know I didn't tell you that I was your kid, but did anyone else maybe
Oh, for fuck's

Hey. I just wanted to check in with you and see how you were adjusting. I know that this place is a lot to get used to, what with everyone seeming to know more about you than you even know on top of the year and place and all that.

May. 5th, 2013


Well, I guess it was as good a time for a holiday as any. My name is Remus Lupin. I was told James and Lily there were others from my world here. Is that true?

James? James?

May. 2nd, 2013


Delivery to Victoire Weasley

Delivery to Victoire Weasley )


Small package delivered to Teddy Lupin )


I'm glad it's a beautiful day today.

Filter: Lily Luna, Albus Severus, James Sirius
Filter, added: Ginny

I've organized dinner tonight at my flat, all catered, etc. so no one has to worry about it. As usual, bring whomever you'd like, but especially your cousins.

Filter: George Weasley

All right? Dinner tonight, if you feel up to it.

Filter: Teddy Lupin

All right today? Anything I can do?

Filter: Lily Evans & James Potter, Sirius Black

I'm having a quiet family dinner tonight at my flat, to mark the anniversary of [...] a lot of things. I'd love it if you could come.

Filter: Severus Snape

I'd be honored if you joined me and my family for dinner at my flat tonight, sir.

Filter: Ron & Hermione

Dinner per usual tonight, though Ron I realize you might not know about that tradition. Then this weekend, we can go away, yeah?

Filter: Private

It's easier, here, because there aren't any expectations.

May. 1st, 2013


You can stop guarding your Butterfingers now, New York City. Dominique's gone home.

Happy birthday, Lil. I hope the arrangement was as good as it looked online.

Apr. 28th, 2013


Now that Frugo has stopped puking long enough to think straight again,

Teds, I know you're not all right, and it'd be ridiculous to ask you if you are. But if you need us for anything, you know we're here. And let's face it. Some of us pushier bastards will probably be there even if you don't need us for anything.

In the meantime, I propose obtaining a disgusting amount of chocolate.

Apr. 26th, 2013


Thank you, tesseract or SHIELD or what the fuck ever, for bringing me here, letting me meet him after a lifetime of him being dead, and then taking him away. That's really great. I mean, for fuck's

Well, hell.

Apr. 21st, 2013


Question 1: How are you feeling?

Question 2: Apparently my not looking at this network for a few days was a good idea. Looking back far enough shows a hell of a lot of drama that I'm not sorry I missed.

Question 3: Want to get Question 3 will depend on your answer for Question 1.

Jobs. Much easier to obtain in theory.


I got to go to work with my brother this week, it was brilliant. I'm hopeful they'll offer me a job. I need one. Soon. I have no marketable skills for this world. It's nothing like Japan, but it's a paycheque and I can't be picky right now, in a Muggle world without any magical creatures. Or any sort of magic, for that matter. It's frustrating and lonely. Yes, Lor is here, and I'm so glad that he's here with me, but all of my friends, colleagues, romantic love interests ... they're all in another time and place and I can't get to them.

Filter: Next-gen and their parents
I was doing some thinking, and I know I don't know any of you at all. I know Lily was named after my mother, but that's it, and I'm not even certain of my parents' ability to send holiday cards with photos. Some of you might know Lor a little bit, but since we're all here together, and I know my mother was closely connected to your families, I thought we could have a party on the 13th floor next weekend. Get to know each other a little bit - I can talk all of your ears off about Japan, and you can tell me all about Britain. Not to mention all the places Lor and I saw before we were nine. I'll figure out food and everything, but next weekend? Does that work for everyone?

Apr. 17th, 2013


While I had to cancel a promising job interview because the flu decided to claim me as its next victim, it wasn't a totally unproductive morning.

Read more... )

I have the fever to attest to that, and because I can't do much I've been scrolling to find more of these for hours. Despite the questionable grasp of the English language on some of them, most of these are quite funny! Merlin, I need a job.

Apr. 10th, 2013


If you didn't notice, Scorpius has been gone the past while and I'm finally ready to drink about it somewhere that isn't alone and in the kitchen so I can stop judging myself. Someone can take me out drinking, please/thank you.


Well, it certainly looks like a fine day to practise immobulus. They're not Cornish Pixies like Aunt Hermione froze in the books, but I'm sure the incantation will work just the same. For those of you who are concerned, the bees won't be harmed in any way when the spell is used, just frozen in place, and I'm sure we can find some way to transport them safely to an abandoned field if there's a good number of magical volunteers to help me.

Unless Mr. Holmes has come up with a solution by now. I admit that I've been camped up in my room all day to avoid being stung.

Pick one: A or B.

Mar. 29th, 2013


Say what you want, but tomorrow I'm going to the Central Park Zoo and am going to stare at the penguins when they have their brunch at 10:30. Anyone's more than welcome to join me and my coffee mug!

I had a great time at dinner tonight, and it was so nice to finally meet you face to face. Teddy's told me a lot of good things about you, Tonks and Remus, so it was nice to see firsthand.

Mar. 25th, 2013


This is unnerving. Cut, not filtered! )

Bump the dates up and that is almost exactly my progression throughout the years. I don't miss the super long hair of sixth year, though, and I'm sure my grandmother didn't either.

Hey. I was wondering if the two of you might be busy Friday evening?

Hey you. Are you busy Friday evening?

Mar. 23rd, 2013


I fail to see how it's fair that because we're refugees and there's no sure way of knowing whether we'll be staying here or not, our chances of getting hired anywhere just drop. Nobody here asked to be put here where all our paperwork and whatnot didn't come with us. No, there really isn't a guarantee when anyone will come and go, but how long is "long enough" for anyone to go "Oh okay, you've been here that long? We can hire you"?

Don't get me wrong. The money we're already getting? It's obviously a blessing because who the heck would do that for a complete stranger? (Well, maybe someone with a good heart will but those are hard to come by.) And yeah, I miss my clothes and all the luxury items I had back home, but I can do a much more smaller closet I guess, but I can't stand not working. That's all I've been about to the point. Seriously, I think my exes are my exes because they felt I loved work more than them. (In some cases, it was true.) So if anyone knows a place that's hiring without any sort of prejudice, please let me know. Just because I'm from an "HP-verse" doesn't mean I don't know how to function in a largely non-magical society. Bloody hell, I'll take anything at this point.

Except anything illegal.

Mar. 16th, 2013


Just realized that I haven't bought anything green since getting here, so green hair will have to do for tomorrow.

Unrelated question - what are you sorts out there that come from a medical background doing here? Something medical related or totally different? I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm looking for some suggestions. I have over ten years invested in medicine, albeit magical medicine, so I'm hoping for some direction.

Hey you. How are you doing?

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