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Feb. 6th, 2015


[Haplo and Dumbledore]

I apologize for the sudden change in our surroundings. I do not know what happened.


I need to speak with you.


This world is most distressing.

Feb. 5th, 2015


Filter: Ladies of OUAT (Minus Emma)
Hello! I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes or if someone already mentioned this, I'm sorry I missed it! With Emma announcing her engagement, I thought all of us could get together and do something nice for Emma. Like a special girl's night out, maybe just dinner? I know the Maid of Honor will probably want to throw something more like a bachelorette party, but maybe this is a good start? I don't know. Let me know your thoughts!

Filer: Sam
There's a girl that made a comment about someone biting her arm. I'm trying to find out more without being too nosey, but I'm overly paranoid when it comes to people biting other people.

Jan. 29th, 2015


Emma and I are getting married.

Jan. 28th, 2015


Hello! My name is Aurora. In the Enchanted Forest I was the regent of a small kingdom. I missed the original curse, so I don't have Storybrooke memories like the others do. I thought I'd introduce myself. I know how overwhelming this world can be.

[ MULAN: ]
The things I've read from the other people who glowed during the blackout are so alarming. One girl grew wings. Are you alright? I don't feel changed.

Jan. 7th, 2015


When I had been here before I purchased a motorbike, which I inherited upon my return.

I've decided to sign up for lessons to actually put it to use and know how to use it. I was informed while signing up for the class this is seen as a new year resolution.


I've offered to watch Roland again this weekend.

Robin has offered his apartment to stay in while he is away.

Jan. 1st, 2015


I have been here for nearly a year now and I have to say it had been a far better year than I ever expected. I miss my friends, it is true, but the acceptance I have received here has been astonishing. I sometimes fear being sent back but I know that if I am, I will not remember any of this in order for that fear to continue. Which sounds somewhat grim now that I put it down on paper.

Dec. 24th, 2014



If you would like me to move my things, I can speak with a housing assistant.

I'm sorry for any pain I might have caused.

Dec. 19th, 2014


[ EMMA & SNOW: ]
Mulan is in love with me. Me! And you knew and didn't say And the baby

Dec. 18th, 2014


There are only two weeks left in this year. A new year means new beginnings, a time of transition, goodbyes, and welcomes.

So little time to finish what needs to be done in this year.


Did you wish to attempt our show again? It is coming up upon a new year.


I might not have placed a winning bid, but I did enjoy our tea. I'd very much like to do that again if you did as well.

Nov. 14th, 2014


So next month is going to be my birthday, and it'll be my first birthday here in New York. Also the first birthday without Gran. I know it wont be so bad, but I suppose it would help if I knew that Gran and I were still doing all right back home. I haven't been watching, but close enough tabs to know that she hasn't been featured in a while. As long as she's okay.

I just wanted to make sure that everyone has a good long length of time to figure things out for the 10th of December. Just in case.

Subtle was never really a strong suit of mine. So sue me, I like birthdays.

Nov. 10th, 2014


The more I come to learn of this world the more I learn that I really have no idea about it at all.

Sometimes that rises up more noticeably than others.


I believe I may have accidentally said I've traveled with concubines. Which there would be nothing wrong with, had I been given the duty to escort such when I was in the emperor's service I would have gladly done so.

I think the phrase is my foot is in my mouth?

Oct. 26th, 2014


I wanted to thank you all for making this year the best birthday for me ever. You have no idea what it means to be so I wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Aurora congratulated me. She thought we were engaged or married. Because of the ring.


Thank you again for inviting me to dinner, Regina. It was a lovely evening. How are you?

[ EMMA: ]
Happy birthday, Emma! And congratulations.

Hello. My name is Aurora. I spoke to you some weeks ago about how, in my world, I could access a Netherworld of sorts when I slept since I'd been under a sleeping curse. I've put some thought to it and I think I'd like to try it here, but I'd need some help.


You know, I'm surprised with the seasons turning as they are that more people aren't having bonfires. We always had one in Sherwood Forest to burn an effigy of King John, the Usurper. There are certainly politicians very much his of his stock in this world. I wonder how well the narrative would transfer.

[Filtered to Regina]
I take it you grew tired of McNuggets? Roland liked the pasta.

Oct. 16th, 2014


Of course the freak electrical storm happens when I am utterly unprepared.

Oct. 6th, 2014


Filter: OUaT
Another birthday without On October 18 you're all invited to dinner. Dinner will be served at 6 pm and dessert no later than 7:30.

Filter: Robin Hood
What are your cooking skills like? Is Roland getting all the nutrients that a boy his age needs?

Sam & Veronica
I'm having a dinner party on the 18th and I'd love to have you both there. If you can attend it begins at 6 but feel free to arrive anytime after 5 pm.

Jamie Moriarty
In celebration of my birthday I'm throwing a small dinner party on the evening of the 18th. If you're free that evening around 6 pm there will be a seat with your name on it.

Sep. 29th, 2014


With the weather changing I think I may have to buy myself some new clothes. Or at the very least a coat and boots. Does it get very cold here in the winter?

Snow, David, Emma, Mulan, Regina & Ruby )

Sep. 28th, 2014


It is certainly curious, the space between imagination and reality.

Sep. 24th, 2014


I'm already regretting this, but:

cut for image )

Given yesterday's discussion of the influx of astral visitors and the fellow now seeing ghosts, I felt it would be appropriate to offer, as a Master of Mystic Arts, assistance if anyone is having out of body or reality altering experiences, I am not the only one suited to assist here, but I am available for consultation at the Sanctum Sanctorum, of course 177A Bleecker St. It looks like a Pinkberry, but you should be fine.

That reminds me, there's a seminar isn't there. When do I teach that, someone?

Sep. 22nd, 2014


I listened to the man in the park for a full hour today. He tends to repeat himself.

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