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Feb. 2nd, 2015


» Hey
» I hadn't heard from
» I didn't see you at my party
» I have something to tell
» How ar

» I was going to ask if you had fun at the party
» But I think the answer is really obvious
» Probably would have had more fun if it was just you and a certain waitress ;)

» Not sure if you're like, suffering from Superbowl hangover after last night and you're not awake yet but
» There's been some new developments.

Jan. 31st, 2015


-- A. You okay?
-- B. Are you at Lord of the Nerds?

Jan. 29th, 2015


[Tommy Shepherd]
Hey, dude. This is going to sound really crazy, but I'm in Bayonne, New Jersey. This universe's Spider-man is here with me, and someone really whupped his ass. Can you get him back to the Avengers Mansion? Spider-man can't die on my watch, so we need speed.

[Genome Project Team]
Hey guys. Harry Osborn is nowhere to be found, but I tracked down Spider-man. He's in critical condition. Dr. Gates, can you get to Avengers Mansion? I have a friend dropping him off there.


TO: Peter Parker (MCU)
Hey, have you heard anything from Harry since you had that talk about how Spider-man can't help him?

Jan. 28th, 2015


First order of things...

Cut for picture, not filtered )

Yes, you're all invited, and that being said, New York, I'm back! And I am pretty sure that Oxford is about twenty degrees warmer than you right now. But it was great. The professors are great, the labs are awesome and I guess the country is amazing too. And spending New Year's there was some experience. Even though it was 90% work with little play and little breathing room and I come back to more work (hello, Spring semester), I'm still glad I went.

Second order of things. Is catching up. What did I miss?

Filter: David Alleyne
Good to know you and the city are still here and not in the water.

Jan. 20th, 2015


Filter: Ben Reilly, Barry Allen, David Alleyne
Okay.. Ben and David, this is Barry Allen. Barry, this is Ben Reilly and David Alleyne.

You three are literally the only ones who I told about the glowing, so you three get to know about me doing a thing again. Today. Moments okay. I just broke a door.

Dec. 29th, 2014


-- Won't be home tonight.
-- Do you want anything from South America?

Dec. 27th, 2014


[David Alleyne]
I think I screwed up, and I don't think I can fix

Dec. 23rd, 2014


The way we talk about the Tesseract reminds me of a cargo cult sometimes.

Dec. 19th, 2014


Who: Secret Santa Participants
When: Leading up to Christmas.
Where: In and around. Mostly left at doors.
What: Christmas presents from Secret Santas.
Rating: Who knows!

Secret Santa gifts )

Oct. 29th, 2014


[Gwen Stacy]
How are you doing?

[Young Avengers]
Do we have plans for Friday, or are we just going to wing it?

[Team Retroviral Hyperplasia*]
Hey everyone.

Now that you've all had time to go over the information that Stark sent out, it's time we set up a team meeting so that we're all on the same page. We'll share what we know and draft up a strategy so that we're utilizing everyone's strengths effectively moving forward.

I understand we've all got day jobs or at least other responsibilities, so what about an evening next week? We can even have it catered. Hit me with your food suggestions.

*Anyone interested in helping with the research for this plot.

Oct. 15th, 2014


Who: Gwen Stacy and David Alleyne
When: Wednesday, October 15, late morning
Where: The streets of Manhattan
What: On their way to the gym, Gwen finds out about Doc Connors jail status.
Rating: TBD

Gwen probably wouldn't have had to rush this quickly.. )

Sep. 29th, 2014


I am so over pumpkin spice already, and it's not even October.

[Tommy Shepherd]
Hey, man. You are planning on coming back, right? The food in your half of the fridge is going to go bad soon, and I'm going to start eating it.

[Peter Parker (MCU)]
You okay, dude? You were acting kind of weird on Saturday.

[Tony Stark (MCU)]
The New York Genome Center looks like a go. We just need to set up a meeting to finalize the funding details. They'll work around your schedule.

Sep. 18th, 2014


[David Alleyne]
I've got a little job for you.

Consider it your initiation to Stark Industries.

Sep. 12th, 2014


-- You are my official "Phone a Friend".
-- What is truffle aioli?
-- Also, do you know who the "Mountain Goats" are?
-- Serious questions.

Sep. 2nd, 2014


Who: David Alleyne & Peter Parker
When: Tuesday Night
Where: Rooftop in Queens, with a case of Orange Crush, a bag of Cheetos and some take-out Thai Food.
What: Discussing... Fluctuating binomials.
Rating: PG-13 Trigger Warning: Discussions of homophobia/issues with queer identity in the tags.

Shouldn't we be talking about saving the world? )


All I am remembering right now with this hot weather is that I promised myself to stay away from water and seafood because of very nearly bringing on Octopus Apocalypse, and now I regret that promise because I could use a dive into the water again. Or another ice bucket.

Filter: David Alleyne
I think I was in a rush to get the heck out of the central grid -- or Peter was, or maybe both -- that I never got around to saying thank you for the help that day.

Aug. 28th, 2014


Who: Tommy Shepard/Speed and David Alleyne/Prodigy
When: Backdated to earlier this week, whatever
Where: Noodle restaurant somewhere in NYC
What: Just a short conversation over food
Rating: E for Everyone

I see absolutely no downsides at all. )

Aug. 23rd, 2014


all the filters

[Tommy Shepherd]
So how long has your brother been flirting with Loki?

[Peter Parker (MCU)]
Hey, Spider-man.

[Tony Stark (MCU)]
This is Prodigy, the newest Young Avenger to come through. Nice AI you've got there.

[Young Avengers + New X-Men]
Anyone know where I can get a car for a few days? I'm thinking about heading down to Westchester, just to see what it's like here, and I don't want to get slapped with a $52/day surcharge on a rental for being 20.

Aug. 21st, 2014


I'm almost a little surprised the Bugle didn't suggest that I'm Norman Osborn. It's not every day they blame something on someone that isn't me.

Anyway, I don't know what is going to happen now, but I'm going to try and talk to Harry and see what he knows, or what they've told him. I want to find out of these Norman Osborn claims hold any water, of if this is just -- well, if this is just the Bugle being the Bugle. They tend to miss the mark.
[Harry Osborn (Filtered as Spider-Man)]
So hey there.

Been a busy week for you, huh?

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