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Apr. 18th, 2014


Network Post; Dawn Summers

[Filter: Buffy]
Hanging in there?

[Filter: Willow]
You're back! And yay! and I have some stuff you left here before because we were roomies before, and if you want some of it or even to just look over it I'm happy to bring it by when all the crazy dies down, because hi, welcome to a crazy alternate universe and oh, here we have Angelus! Yay?

[Filter: Tara]
Coffee? Or ice cream? I feel like one or the other is an eminent need, yeah?

[Filter: Cassie]
Working on a thing, may need some extra assist by people. Not sure at this point exactly what though.


Guys, we've got a bit of a situation here. Angel's not exactly himself. Will, I know you just got here and you're not current, but I really need my big gun to help with protection spells. Wes, we got any books on how to get a soul in a dimension like this one? Or someone we can talk to about it? Faith, you and me will be patrolling. If Angelus is out and about, you can get he's making an army. Or at least minions.


Filtered to Buffy:

Are you terribly busy? I really need someone to talk to...

Apr. 17th, 2014


I just spent three weeks with a coven of witches whose mantra is "everything is connected", but I'm pretty sure this isn't what they had in mind. Actually I'm really sure. Pretty sure they wouldn't want me to be on my own here either, but that's

Buffy? I heard you were here. Are you

Apr. 3rd, 2014


Text to Tara Maclay

[Text to Tara Maclay]
» Hey Tara, I just wanted to check-in on you.
» See how you were settling in.
» All right Willow told me things, and I'm just worrying about you both. Are you okay?


Who: Willow & Tara
What: All the sad/hurt/upset feels.
When: 04/02, evening.
Where: Tara's apartment.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.

Wrap your heart in cellophane; keep it dry when it rains and maybe that way you'll keep it safe from me. )

Mar. 28th, 2014


Does... any of this get any easier? Being here, I mean. Having everyone know more about your life than YOU do.

I get the whole concept of us all being in shows, or books, or movies in other realities. I really do. I mean, I know I almost squealed like a little baby when I saw that Sailor Neptune is here.

But how do you all deal with knowing that... nothing is private anymore? It hit me that being on a "show", that means people I've never even met know about Glory, about the singing, about what happened between Willow and I. It's like living in a fishbowl, and it's really... freaky when you stop to think about it.

Mar. 23rd, 2014


Xander & Dawn:
I found this and I need it explained. Now.

It's just...it's fanart...right? Is it fanart. Do I just have this thing for...for...I don't even know what to say. First spiders and now snakes...or well, no, I guess it's snakes and then spiders? I don't. I have no. I can't even. I'm going to bed.

Hey, baby, Spike is probably going to come to the shop tomorrow night after closing. There's this spell I was working on to help Dru before, when he was here. And...Buffy asked for a protection spell for the tower. I was wondering if you'd want to help me?

I figured the warning charm we did on The Magic Box would probably be sufficient enough for the tower, too. If...if you don't want...I know there's still...if you don't want to see me with the magics, I mean. I understand. But I'm better now. Really.

Spike is back. He'll probably be coming back to work at the shop, too.

Mar. 13th, 2014


Who: Tara and Willow
What: Willow takes off of work to make sure Tara is okay.
When: 03/13 - late morning.
Where: Tara's apartment.
Rating: PG - kissing.
Status: Complete.

I could love you so hard, I could love you with my life. It’s autumn in the graveyard, why not breathe me back to life? )


Network Post: Michiru Kaiou

I am grateful that I had Haruka for my birthday, and I know we will find each other again-- we've done it across the centuries before. But I wasn't ready at all for this loss.

I think someone else may be gone, too. Has anyone seen Cher? She hasn't been by Pepper's Closet.

My students, I will still be there for our lessons, but please excuse my demeanor.





Goddess, it feels so strange to be alive again

I'm really confused and kind of scared right now... can someone tell me where I am?

Nov. 4th, 2013


Network Post; Dawn Summers

All right, so. Here's the thing, I keep watching old television, but there's loads of new television, so tell me when I am in the mood for a netflix binge, what is it that I should be watching?

I realize it's a bit awkward since some of you are in television shows on netflix, so I guess tell me if I should or should not be watching your show, and if you're going to tell me not to, you've got to give me something else to work with, that's the rule.

[Filter: Andrew Wells]
Did you see Xander wants to start aD&D night?

[Filter: Buffy Summers]
All right big sis, you've not exploded from all those memories have you?

Oct. 29th, 2013


Okay. They're a little drenched in bourbon but, I signed those bloody papers. And my nightmares involved something like this. You're welcome.

Now what Now, moving on. I need one of you magicky people to magick a door between my place and Dru's. Why run through the hallway when I can have that, right? Anyone? It's for your own good, you know

Private to The Whirlwind (Angel, Dru, Darla)
We're going to see Coppélia next Saturday. Just waiting for my tickets.

Oct. 26th, 2013


Who: Refugees, Residents of Potts Towers, Friends -- Everyone!
What: IC/OOC Party thread!
Where: The Entertainment Centre of Potts Tower.
What: Potts Tower Halloween Party! Starting around 7pm in the entertainment center, the entire 13th floor has been transformed for the occasion. Fog creeping along the floors, webs hanging from the ceiling, skeletons popping out of doorways and an assortment of Halloween themed food. Come in costume, there will be a contest!

In this town of Halloween )

Oct. 18th, 2013


Today's spooky, halloween themed sale is rose petals, three dollars a cup.

Hardly the most seasonally appropriate, perhaps, but we came into rather a lot of them this morning. Any unsold will be freeze dried this afternoon, but they've such a brighter essence fresh.

[Filter to Buffy Summers]
How did it go?

Oct. 17th, 2013


I want to carve a pumpkin and put up fake spider-webs and do the whole thing. I didn't get to do this stuff when I was a kid and I won't be able to when I get back.

And then when Christmas comes, I'm going to go hardcore Santa mode. Just let me do it, okay?


How much do you know about Ben's (niece? Clone's clone?) JD? She reminds me of me when I was a kid. I feel like I should help her. I don't know why or how.


You know, trust is a very dangerous thing. It's really, really fragile and pull it just a little too much and it snaps. POP! Like a Achilles hamstring when you cut it with an x acto kn - or is it heel? Isn't it the same thing anyway?

Right. So trust.

What do you make of getting pulled into one of those creepy debriefing/interrogation rooms and asked about SHIELD's mistakes? Cause I mean, there have been. Any group with human beings - or demons even - will make mistakes. That's just human nature, right? But feeling like you totally might be tattle-taling, that's not normal, is it? I swear, I thought I might get put in the corner if I said one thing wrong. It was weird. Like David Cronenberg weird, not David Lynch weird.

Think I should go higher up? Or just sit on this?
You got a moment, chief?

Oct. 13th, 2013


So, I cut my hair. Myself. I think it came out okay.

And I figured out what I'm going to be for Halloween.

Oct. 11th, 2013


Who: Birthday Party invitees. And stragglers. MJ would never turn down party crashers, unless you're stealing.
When: 11 Oct / 7 pm +
Where: 13 floor Potts Tower!
What: SURPRISE PARTY! Comment here with what you did. I'll be fixing up the different sections here momentarily.
Rating: Probably PG, but who knows. I'll change it if it ends up being more



I know I mentioned it to a few of you, but I thought I'd give you all an invite. My boyfriend and his brothers' birthday party is tonight. It's a surprise party, so anyone who wants to come just needs to be there by 7pm for the surprise part. Otherwise, come after 8pm.

Anyone wanna go and keep me company when my boyfriend inevitably has to play host to a bunch of superheroes?

You know, plus, it'll be a chance for you to get to know him.

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