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May. 2nd, 2014


[Chris and Pavel]

Have either of you attended the refuge meeting? I'm thinking about attending one and was curious to know what the meeting was like. I'll probably still go even if neither of you have gone. Perhaps it'll be helpful with all the recent losses we've experienced.

Apr. 15th, 2014


Sully mentioned the ranch a few weeks ago and I wanted to extend the invitation to folks again. Serenity ranch is 45 minutes outside of the city. It's a great place to come to get some horseback riding, hiking, woodworking, tinkering. We've got a few outbuildings that can be made to be workshops if folks need and an old helicopter that is almost flight worthy. If you ned time away from the city, want space to work on projects or just want to see the stars for a night, there's usually space. Just talk to Sully or me.

We're looking for a few people to get involved hopefully, to make sure that the ranch stays in refugee hands as sort of a retreat and sanctuary for those who need it.

It seems we've lost more of our own - Deanna and Archer. Would people be interested in a group dinner tonight or tomorrow? I- It's hard losing this many people.

Apr. 2nd, 2014


[Starfleet Ladies]

Anyone up for drinks sometime when we're not all busy? My treat.

Apr. 1st, 2014


network post: pavel chekov

Three weeks until Boston Marathon. I am going to make weekend of it, traveling up Saturday morning and coming back Tuesday. I was going to invite friends, in filtered post, but with so many people leaving recently, it felt smaller than should be. It's good chance to meet new people. Whether you know me or anyone else running, marathons are wonderful fun. There's push-rim wheelchair (running and pushing wheelchair is even harder than what I'm doing) and handcycle (they have very fit arms) too. I haven't been to Boston yet, either, so I will see tourist sights. I've never even been there in another century. I'm booking rooms, though, if anyone wants to stay together.

Doctor (10TH)
Do you ever feel bad if you do something, just in case, then that case happens? I talked with you just in case Hikaru left. And now he's gone and not just him. I keep thinking Uhura or Pike will leave next. Maybe both of them, it's been happening in pairs. I know there's no pattern to it, and I know I didn't make Hikaru leave. But he's gone, and he was happy here. I still have photos from Valentine's Day.

Mar. 27th, 2014


It seems another of the Enterprise's crew has gone back. I wonder if she's calling her crew back. When your crew is family, it's always hard to lose them.

Mar. 16th, 2014


Please meet Porthos Jr.

Read more... )

Mar. 15th, 2014



We have both seen some weird things here and our universe, but this is by far the weirdest thing to date.


Network Post: Christine Chapel

So remember when I went to bed Thursday night without a penis and woke up Friday morning with a penis?

Yeah me too.

Gotta say though, standing up to pee is kinda cool.

Mar. 10th, 2014


For someone who has timetraveled before this is an unusual situation that I find myself in. It isn't something I appreciate either as I had duties I must attend too back home - severely important ones as that. Still I have been told that I should introduce myself - I'm Captain Jonathan Archer.

Feb. 25th, 2014



I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to throw you a party at my place on Saturday.

I also wanted to see how you were doing.


Christine's birthday is Thursday and I'm going to throw a party for her at my place on Saturday. Can I get your help?

[Christine & Friends of Christine]

My dear friend Christine has a birthday coming up and what better way to wish her a happy birthday by attending a party for her on Saturday evening. Party starts at 6. There will be food and alcohol, but you are welcome to bring more food and alcohol if you wish.

Feb. 23rd, 2014



Please tell me that you are not busy on Friday night.

[Starfleet Ladies]

I had a wonderful time. We really should do this more often, now that there are a few more of us here.

Feb. 21st, 2014


Alison Hendrix & Clara Oswald

My name is Deanna Troi, and I have been told that the two of you are in charge of the clinic and Youth Center here. I have been thinking about my future here and have been considering working either for the two of you or for SHIELD. After much thought, I have decided to not apply for SHIELD and look into working for the two of you.

I thought SHIELD would be too limiting and I don't want to limit the amount of people that I work so I believe that looking into work for both the Clinic and Youth Center would be in my best interest.

I hope this is acceptable and is there anything that I would need to do to ensure this?

Thank you,
Deanna Troi

Starfleet Girls
Hello, I've been looking through my past network posts and I have seen that we had some Starfleet girls had get together last time I was here? Perhaps we could look into doing something like this again?

Jean-Luc, Beverly & Will
Would the three of you be interested in getting together for lunch at some point?

Feb. 3rd, 2014



Yesterday was a lot of fun. We should go to more cultural events.

However, more importantly, Valentine's Day is coming up. What are we going to do? I know I'll be watching you and Pavel run for charity on the 15th.

Jan. 26th, 2014


I wanted to inform everyone, especially students with the ESD, that I am teaching a new class: American Sign Language. Feel free to sign up!

Jan. 16th, 2014


Network Port: Hikaru Sulu

I happened to look at the TV this morning while I was getting dressed for work and noticed that they were announcing the Academy Award nominations. This was one of the films that was nominated. I wish I'd had the chance to see it, it looks good.


Filtered: Lt. Uhura
Hi! My name is Bay and I've heard you're the language expert around here. I was wondering if you're familiar at all with American Sign Language. Not for me, exactly, but I have two friends here who are deaf and I think it would be really awesome if the ESD could offer a class in ASL so more people around here could learn it.

If you need a teaching assistant or something, I could help. I'm pretty fluent in ASL.


Bay Kennish

Filtered: Emmett and Daphne
So, this is the most awesome place ever! I just sent UHURA FROM STAR TREK a message about starting up an ASL class for anyone around here who wants to learn. BECAUSE SHE IS A REAL PERSON HERE!

Jan. 15th, 2014


I think the ESD winter break has spoiled me. I missed having work to do and the teaching, but I quite enjoyed not having any work at the same time.

But I am glad that classes are back in session so I am able to share my knowledge of languages with others.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Hm, well. I seem to have been afflicted with a case of insomnia. I don't suppose anyone has milk, whiskey, vanilla, sugar, cinnamon and a touch of nutmeg? Assuming anyone else is as awake as I am, of course.

Hello, Potts Tower. I'm Beverly.

Jan. 2nd, 2014



Busy this weekend? I was thinking of going shopping and it is a lot more fun going with friends. If you're busy, another time!

Dec. 30th, 2013


Network Post

I've been spending a lot of time with my telescope since it arrived here and it brings back a lot of memories. I used to set it up in my parents' back yard, look up at the sky and wonder what it would be like to live up there. I finally got that chance and it was just as amazing as I had hoped it would be.

I miss it but maybe I'll be able to get back there one day. For now I'm happy with my job at Stark. I'm particularly enjoying the extended holiday time off. You can't beat that.

[Filter: Nyota Uhura]
Are we on for New Year's Eve?

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