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March 15th, 2014

[info]capitoldarling in [info]thedoorway

Excuse me.

[info]idonotbrood in [info]thedoorway

TEXT TO Morrigan:
-- Apparently not everything they lectured us about was ludicrous.
-- Have you been affected?
-- I cannot imagine you braying about it if you have.
-- So I thought it best to ask.

[info]super_conner in [info]thedoorway

So it's a beautiful day out today and fairly warm. Who wants to go flying? Or race with me flying? Hell, let's just have some fun.

[info]armordsuprmodel in [info]thedoorway

I think I will be visiting Greece sometime this week. If only for the food.

You are always more than welcome to join me should you wish.

[info]mini_hawkeye in [info]thedoorway

Who else is glad it's finally warming up? I'm ready to see what fun the summer brings here. It's gotta be a hell of a lot better than back home.

[info]lostfaith in [info]thedoorway

I sent over a few things, Wes. Hope they fit you ok.

cut for images )

Are your shoes too big, too? I can probably spare a pair.

[info]yerawiz in [info]thedoorway

These Lego things are brilliant and all, even if they didn't really do anything until I tried a couple of charms on them. Thanks, Dad. You're a bit early for my birthday, though, you know.

I am not even going to talk about how disturbing it is that there are Hogwarts toys and that there are also apparently books about me. Which I am not reading. No. Absolutely not. I'm sure Hermione has and she'd tell me if there was anything in them I should know.

Filtered: Mum and Dad
Right, so DisneyWorld, you two still wanted to go, yeah? I don't think Ginny wants I thought maybe we should do that before I really get down to looking for a job.

[info]hammergirl in [info]thedoorway

Ummm, is this whole boys turning into girls thing a thing that happens here a lot? Because it's kind of weird when they guy who sits next to you in math class suddenly has breasts. I'm just saying.

Please tell me you're still a boy. I think I'd be traumatized forever if I saw you as a girl.

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Okay, um. Not like I didn't know about this to begin with because hello, girl who wanted her own Iron Man suit so I could stop getting kidnapped half the time and start saving herself because I'm no damsel in distress, TYVM.. but I now have a rekindled hate for double standards.

So, like, anyone know how to treat a black eye? Like, when its still somewhat of a red eye? Other than ice? Or is that all you can use? IDK I'm a computer expert, not medical.

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Maya & Mordecai
I got something you could tear up, even save a life in the process. No red tape.

[info]ohsodashing in [info]thedoorway

It is strange. There are no tales of such occurrences as these for all the ages the tesseract was on Asgard.

Being on Midgard so long may have instilled it with a sense of humor.

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

[All the burner phones]
-- Ugh one of the newbies is in a jam. Think you can run some corrections before boss notices? I'd hate for the kid to lose his job.

[info]thepartinglass in [info]thedoorway

I didn't sleep very well last night, loaded up on caffeine this morning, got bored, and found my way into the kitchen. I ended up making three dozen and a huge mess, so if anyone wants one, or two, or however many, my room is 1403.

Cut for image )

[info]sendintheclones in [info]thedoorway

Who: JD & Willow
When: Friday, March 14
Where: ESU
What: Willow brings JD a milkshake & talking
Rating: PG13 for a kiss and all the feels

Now you’re being the hero and doing the right thing…and I’ll always love you for that )

[info]ex_quicksilv340 in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Delta Group, plus students from his ESD classes
I'm not going to keep track of who has changed and who hasn't and since there is no telling when things will go back.. this is a reminder that you are not exactly excused from any of your classes. You can take them online and submit everything via email and what have you, so if come Monday, you are not back to normal, there will be no shirking on your education.

Filter: Billy Kaplan
As far as I see it, since we've last talked, you are still under 18 and you still need a guardian.

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

Who: Erin Shepard.
What: An unexpected change leads to this
Where: NYC alley then The Plaza Hotel.
When: Early Morning of the 16th.
Rating: R for violence ( Possible trigger warning? Just to be safe ).

Note: I'm aware that the prompt is for the 16th but I talked with the other players in the pack and it was agreed that a change on the 15th would be better suited since they go out of town for the full moon. The video will still come out on the 16th.

Derek was going to skin her alive if he found out about this! )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark (616)]
I don't know how to ask this nicely.

Did you shoot your Bruce Banner into space?

Because what the fuck, bro.

[info]17sir in [info]thedoorway

network post: pavel chekov

Marathoning something this weekend. Your choice if you come over and join. I feel I've run out of interesting shows to watch. Or we could run marathon, if you're able and interested. That has begun again, and I am doing very well with my training. And I'm cooking more for it too. Russian food, best for marathon training.

[info]tinnedtuna in [info]thedoorway

I always thought it seemed so silly to get so tied up in earthly form when it represents so little of what we truly are. But I must say, I feel much more like prowling in this body.

Who will join me?

[info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Christine Chapel

So remember when I went to bed Thursday night without a penis and woke up Friday morning with a penis?

Yeah me too.

Gotta say though, standing up to pee is kinda cool.

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

What the FRACKING hell is going on?

Obi-Wan & Hestia
I woke up in Bill's body....

[info]minamcgonagall in [info]thedoorway

Thank you for that gift, it is quite fascinating.

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

I want my face back. And my body. This is all so very awkward and even tea isn't doing very much to fix it at the moment.

However, it was easier to reach up for things as I was cleaning this afternoon, so I suppose that is a plus.

[half an hour later...]
Filtered to Colin Bridgerton
I wish to apologize, for my words this past week. I originally asked my question about your employment prospects out of concern for you, and it was entirely uncalled for, for me to say what I did when you admitted you hadn't been able to think of anything. Please believe me when I say that I believe that you are so much more than you think you are, and that you are capable of doing anything in the world that you wish to do. Please don't let this new world allow you to believe that you are anything but a capable, honest, and good man. There is something here for you, but you simply have not discovered it.

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

I find that splitting my time between both the Youth Center and the Clinic as well as any extra patients that might approach me I've been fairly busy lately. I don't mind being busy but sometimes you just need to take a break. I have always been told that I always over stretch myself and perhaps that is true, I just feel bad turning away people who need help of one sort or another.

Still, I have the morning free today and I plan to make the most of it.

[info]talonkarrde in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Talon Karrde

So I decided to deal with this the best way I know how. I'm having a drink at Sam's. Anyone care to join me?

[Mara Jade]
I have no idea if you can see this but if you can, you're laughing your ass off, aren't you?

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

Damn, I was kind of curious what I'd look like as a girl. Doesn't seem fair I've been here longer than nearly all of you and I still haven't gotten to experience that.

Maybe next time.

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway


I'm thinking of going to the movie night tonight and maybe make some new friends.


I might come by for the movie night tonight. Not sure yet. But in case I don't, wanted to ask how the school stuff is coming.

[info]alanablooms in [info]thedoorway

In the midst of still debating on whether or not this place was real or if I had snapped at some point, I awoke yesterday morning with a slightly different perspective on the matter. I just don't know if it's one that I feel comfortable admitting to. And it is difficult to see your psychiatrist when said psychiatrist doesn't believe that you are who you say you are. I left feeling a little like Will in some respects: misunderstood and distrusted. Perhaps that's something I should let myself feel more often.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

[Michiru & Setsuna]

Would either of you like to come see movies with my roommate, myself, and whomever else shows up tonight?

[info]xenolinguist in [info]thedoorway


We have both seen some weird things here and our universe, but this is by far the weirdest thing to date.

[info]agentsitwell in [info]thedoorway

Phone Call to Phil Coulson on a burner phone )