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March 16th, 2014

[info]arseniclace in [info]thedoorway

network post

For the boys who miss taking a piss standing and for the girls who are going to miss pissing while standing once they change back into girls; I thought you'd all like to know about this little doo-dad. There's even a demo video.
You're welcome.

Also, who do I talk to about signing up for classes?

I did the thing I said I was going to do today.
You're welcome.

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

Fuck what did I do?!

Can someone meet me in the lobby of the tower with some clothes? No questions. Just clothes.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Buffy]
Bloody h

[Filter: Lilah]

[Filter: Willow]
Willow, I hate to bother you again After you have been so helpful this weekend, but I was hoping perhaps I could enlist your assistance one more time. And your discretion as well.

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Tony Stark (MCU)]
-- Attachment (46 kbs)
-- Passive aggressive bullshit on an institutional level
-- They brought these down to the lobby and left
-- Happy Sunday

[info]chernaya in [info]thedoorway

network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Thor (mcu)
May we talk?

[info]gavein in [info]thedoorway

[Posted almost right after Erin's post.]

Filter to Pack:
Someone grab the kid, we'll figure things out while we drive out - we should have been on the road hours ago.

[info]widowstings in [info]thedoorway

Ever wanted to see Louisiana?
I've been going over these documents. They haven't much left HQ since this whole thing began. I'll need an ID and an exit strategy. SHIELD will go into lock-down as soon as they're discovered.

[info]jonathanarcher in [info]thedoorway

Please meet Porthos Jr.

Read more... )

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers (MCU), Jan van Dyne + Tony Stark (616), Pepper Potts (616. MCU)]
So Ms Stark and I have been talking back and forth about setting up a space for the Avengers. I've been flying the idea around for a while now that I think us, the resident Avengers, should have a base of operations that isn't SHIELD -- particularly with everything that's been happening lately.

So, we have a space in mind, and I was sort of hoping that we could all maybe share it. And get better at working together.

Jan, I figured I should bring it to you, now. So we can talk this out before I open the idea up to all the Avengers and see what they have to say.
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Alex Vause is a tiger. SHIELD gave up the confiscated work they took from SI, fabulously. I sent a truck over to help her clean up and bring it back, but I guess Monday'll start with trying to sort that out and make sure it goes back to who needs it.
[Howard Stark (MCU)]
Hey, you know what we were talking about the other day?

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Its times like these that I could use my friends from back home.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

I could really use a drink and a night of fun. My column really wore me out, but I got it done. Maybe I'll find a bar or something to go to.

[info]hellonewfriends in [info]thedoorway

The tweeter of words is speaking of people being turned into cake yesterday. What sort of fiend would do that to a person? Has Mother Mae-Eye appeared in this world? But she worked with pie, not cake. And I do not believe she baked with people, simply cruel magic.

I sincerely hope those people have been returned to human form.

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

[Bennett and Tony Stark(MCU)]

Mr. Stark, Bennett and I have recovered some data related to the recent raid at Stark Industries.

After discussing, we've come to the conclusion that you needed to be alerted to it.

[info]reluctantroyal in [info]thedoorway

I need somewhere else to stay tonight. I can not stay in that apartment with her one more night!

[info]mrssnakehole in [info]thedoorway

The Barking Lot.

It's mine now.

I was Deputy Director of Pawnee Animal Control. That's a big deal, got me the job easy.

Roll call, who all works for me?
Double roll call, who wants to work for me?

[info]justhitjackpot in [info]thedoorway

March, you are supposed to be warmer than this. What is going on? Do you need some coffee or hot chocolate to get you going?

It was nice to see you the other night, and I just wanted to let you know that you're always welcome. I just beg you to never show up at my apartment with a device that can kill every universe. I'm also not a fan of Reed's portals and even less when they open up in my living room. That said, you're always welcome to crash here.

It was really good to see you.

[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

-- Hey Big Blue
-- I need you to go to my apartment and... remove everything.
-- Don't worry Skull Cracker and Death Trap are with me!
-- Love you! Mean it!

[info]immortal_raven in [info]thedoorway

Generally I prefer it when people ask before blindfolding me. It's extremely rude, otherwise.