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May 30th, 2013

[info]bluengold in [info]thedoorway

So, the master plan involved big glittery text announcing my arrival to the world followed by an address where everyone could send their flowers and anonymous love notes. Skeets convinced me it was too much. Sometimes having a moral compass isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Hey there, folks, I'm:

free glitter - http://www.sparklee.com

So much better with glitter text.

[info]lilyevv in [info]thedoorway

You know, the restricted section did have books on time travel and now I regret never checking one out. I never thought I'd need it, but look at me now. In New York City! With Iron Man! I remember the boys in my school used to pretend to be him. And here I was smug because I was a witch and they were not. I guess I thought that would be the coolest thing ever to happen to me. And now I am here... now?

[Warded to Dorcas, Marly & Remus]
I was told the three of you are here. This isn't... I mean... they didn't drop the Statute of Secrecy, did they? It's not all wizards walking about in superhero costumes?

[info]themedusa in [info]thedoorway

How long does it take to obtain a medical license here?

[Filtered to Zoe Washburne]

I didn't ask before, but do you have any sort of plan or doctor for when you deliver your baby?

[Filtered to the Odairs]

Hello. My name is Meredith Grey and I arrived about two weeks ago. Zoe Washburne informed me that you had a baby not too long ago. I'm due fairly soon and was curious about your experience having a baby here.

[Filtered to Simon Tam]

I think Cristina has been talking to you about potentially delivering my baby.

[info]tuosheng in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Serenity Crew extd]
He never was very patient, my man.

[info]outatime in [info]thedoorway

Who: Marty McFly and Doc Brown
When: BACKDATED - May 11, 2013 (Day after Doc's arrival, two days after Marty's)
Where: Potts Tower - Doc’s Room
What: Doc and Marty discuss their new situation
Rating: Probably no more than PG for mild swearing

'Just like 1985. Except, guess what they call this here? Vintage. Can you believe that? I'm vintage.' )

[info]the_doctordonna in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Mickey Smith]

Are you planning something for Martha's birthday? Would you like any help?

[Whoverse ladies]

I think we're due for another ladies night soon. Perhaps in a couple of weeks?

[info]alexcabot in [info]thedoorway

This is an interesting turn of events. Somehow when I imagined being snatched from my home and everything I care about for a second time it didn't actually involve men in capes. Less catsuits, more quiet agricultural towns.

If there's an upside here anywhere at least I'm still in Manhattan. And I have to say, the twenty fifth floor has an astonishly good view.

[info]wasatree in [info]thedoorway

"If there's one thing I've learned, you don't give up on family."

Damn you, Hermes

Wow. All that CGI and they couldn't even make me a good-looking tree?

[info]needsofthemany in [info]thedoorway

I always wanted to see the 21st century, but I didn't expect it to happen this way. Of course I can simply check that off on the list of many things that were unexpected in the past few years. I've been through less painful and disorienting portals at least. And now that I've properly rambled, I might as well get to the point. My name is Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise, and I wonder if it is too early in the day for a stiff drink.

[info]spinningmadly in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Girl Friends (Katie, Ange, Lexi, Hermione feel free to assume others)
How wrong/trite/etc would it be for me to attempt to shag Captain Kirk? Who is apparently on this famous show that is BLOODY BRILLIANT, thank you Internet and Netflix for educating me on this.

So, anyway, he's fit. I may be attempting to flirt.

This place is BLOODY BRILLIANT! Officially a fan of the Tesseract for bringing me here!

Posted via Journaler.

[info]lettheriverrun in [info]thedoorway

Who: River Tam and Simon Tam
When: Thursday May 9 (backdated)
Where: Their apartment
What: Just a conversation between siblins
Rating: G

Can you take me to see some cows? )

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Text message to Leia

[Text to Leia]
>> I saw the note about Han.
>> I know you two weren't necessarily close here but you all right?

[info]eclairage in [info]thedoorway

Polarizing ideologies still grip my country. People still take to the streets to protest and sometimes they take their lives as a symbolic act.

My fellows and I - we never wanted to die - but knew when the time came that to give in and lay down our weapons would be a betrayal of the principles we fought for. It is very interesting to see the way in which revolution re-invents itself through the years.

I wish the very best to Vincent and Bruno.

(All of this brought to you by my "France" Google Alert.)

[Trigger Warnings: suicide, sin, homophobia, religion]

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

If I were the sort of man who had the time to collect lists, I'd keep tabs on history's happy accidents. But there aren't enough hours in the day, and the recording of historical minutiae tends to do more harm than good, so instead of pretending I give a damn at the moment about any happy accident other than tonic water, I'll just go ahead and thank whatever wretched British patient in the miserable tropics decided to mix his medicine with gin.

Here's to that fellow, who's probably well rotted away in the Indian ground. The humidity, you know.

I've been experimenting (on the shoulders of past giants, naturally). So far, the addition of mint (the 'Nantucket,' apparently) is decent but a little underwhelming; cilantro is infuriating and fascinating all at once; infusing jalapeño (and any number of other things) is more work than anyone should be putting into an afternoon refreshment, but you're all welcome to waste your time as you see fit, I suppose; cucumbers are a nice thought, but get a little lost; and the French, as always, have out of sheer perversity gone their own way and substituted cognac for gin and lemon for lime - and, as always, have ridden our current of spite straight to the top.

In short, the best gin and tonic is a cognac and tonic. You're welcome.

[info]quiteprolific in [info]thedoorway



[info]themagicianking in [info]thedoorway

This is the sort of place I dreamed of as a kid. Still the city, still a place I would know, but brimming with the kind of adventure and dreamworthy supernatural that would make life bearable to someone like me.

But then I thought that about Brakebills.

And I thought that about Fillory.

So I guess we'll see.

[info]ex_nancydrew941 in [info]thedoorway

My Dad always has trusted my intuition and taught me to do the same, but I don't think he ever thought I'd be in a situation where I'd been potentially abducted by people from another world and then brought by the government to another plane of existence.

Right now my intuition is completely and totally confounded.

[info]dreamtoofar in [info]thedoorway

So. No say in this relocation whatsoever, then? That’s wonderful.

Can someone please tell me what in Oz’s name is going on? Preferably before I start pulling my hair out and eating it?

[info]_fighter in [info]thedoorway

Who: Neville Longbottom, Quentin Coldwater
When: May 30th, afternoon
Where: The lobby of Potts Tower
What: Neville is still trying to figure out the "phone" device he was given and keeps accidentally taking pictures and videos with it. Halp.
Rating: Fairly low, mild cursing at electronic devices.

Neville had never taken Muggle Studies in school. )

[info]ex_machine300 in [info]thedoorway

Headcount, please.

[info]believingreyes in [info]thedoorway

Being forcibly taken from New Mexico in 2002 to New York City in 2013 all in the blink of an eye isn't how I thought the day would end. Shouldn't even be possible and yet here I am. Mulder, Scully, they mentioned something about you both being here. Is that true?

[info]stayswinning in [info]thedoorway

I feel a bit like I might be sick again. That trip didn't agree with my stomach in the least bit. I also haven't decided if it's a good or bad thing that this situation is so organised.

More importantly, however, I've been told there are some people I might know around these parts. Where the hell are you all? I demand reactions of happiness and excitement to see me.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway


1. TJ Hammond
2. Spike
3. Deadpool
4. Grantaire

Comme ils sont rouges ces pétales! On dirait des taches de sang sur la nappe. Cela ne fait rien. Il ne faut pas trouver des symboles dans chaque chose qu’on voit. Cela rend la vie impossible. Il serait mieux de dire que les taches de sang sont aussi belles que les pétales de roses. Il serait beaucoup mieux de dire cela . . . Mais ne parlons pas de cela. Maintenant je suis heureux. Je suis très heureux. J’ai le droit d’être heureux, n’est-ce pas?

[OOC: Quote from Salomé by Oscar Wilde.

"Original" Translation to English by Lord Alfred Douglas: "How red those petals are! They are like stains of blood on the cloth. That does not matter. You must not find symbols in everything you see. It makes life impossible. It were better to say that stains of blood are as lovely as rose petals. It were better far to say that.... But we will not speak of this. Now I am happy, I am passing happy. Have I not the right to be happy?"]

[TW: discussions of suicide, homophobia, current events in France]

[info]dontpush in [info]thedoorway

Text to Andrea Rojas

» It's just a matter of time

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

Who: Emma Swan, Neal Cassidy
When: Today
Where: Emma and Henry's place.
What: Emma reacts to her new memories.
Rating: Probably PG at most.

''Sorry. I got... upgraded. Or whatever it is. The new memories. You were shot and then you fell through a portal.'' )

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedoorway

You know, travelling with the Doctor's not helping my credibility as a child care professional. I've had two uptight different families turn me down, and, let's face it, rightfully so, if the Doctor were even here. And if there was a way for me to travel in space and time.

I'll have to suffer with this retail position a little longer, it looks like.

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

All right, you two were the first to respond to my plea, and I'm happy to let you both know that there are two positions open currently.

I'll let the pair of you duke it out for the view. Housing Assistant for 7th and 8th floor will be more challenging than 18th and 19th. Let me know what you decide, and we'll work out the necessary details.
Mr. Castle, thank you so much for your interest into the housing assistant position. Unfortunately, at this time, we're full up, but I'll keep you in mind should another position open.

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

» You know I don't believe in nadirs
» It seems like tempting fate to claim that they exist
» So I shall simply say I've now encountered one of the many nadirs I'm sure to come by on my dawdling journey toward a juniper hell

[info]mintedcards in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to all MCU people]

One year later. Lessons learned? I'm feeling quixotic.

[info]pyrokinetic in [info]thedoorway

I can't smoke inside, can I?

[info]deadwalker in [info]thedoorway

You're all such a miserable bunch. Death this, suicide that, revolution this, war that.

Me, I played hopscotch with a bunch of hipsters this morning.

[info]roughjewel in [info]thedoorway

I need to go back, I have stuff to do! Places to be! If I have to take a number, I will gladly arm wrestle you to swap numbers.

[info]senatorskyboy in [info]thedoorway

Random Network Post

I usually don't post things that I find on the internet or that people send me. This one though was particularly funny I thought so here you go. Maybe it will make someone laugh.

Cut for image, not filtered )

[info]sparrowsally in [info]thedoorway

This is a cronut.

I don't know why we aren't selling these at Java Moment, but we should. Ugh. Pastry heaven.

[info]vespermartini in [info]thedoorway

» Not sure if I'm asking you a favour
» Or doing you one.
» But I need you for something.

[info]dainesarrasri in [info]thedoorway

So, back home I used to eat meat. Even after I found I could communicate with animals I continued. I was a predator, just like many of my animal friends, and I didn't waste any kills. Things started to change when I learned how to turn into animals. Once I was being hunted in the skin of a creature I couldn't bring myself to eat their flesh. So, I was down to the basics. Chicken, beef, a lot of the more common meats I can find in the supermarkets here.

Recently I've been hearing about unsafe factory conditions and mistreatment of these animals and I'm really very concerned. I know there is a wealth of knowledge on the other end of my computer screen, but how much of it do I trust? Are the worst examples something that's par for the course when it comes to mass butchering in this world, or extreme cases just to shock the reader? I don't want to eat any meat if the animals are going to suffer like I'm afraid they might be. Even chickens don't deserve that.

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

A year ago today a group of us arrived in Asgard. It is truly hard to believe it has been a year. While I do miss home I have come to view this as a different home though and have made a life for myself here, yes there is no guarantee that I'll be here forever but I am more than happy and content with what I have now. I have my friends - both fellow refugees and the people from this world who I met when I first came here and started working in one of the science labs here to Nathan who I love more than I ever imagined possible. Yes it might not be the home I am used to, the home I grew up in with my blood family but it is still a home to me.

Thank you to each and everyone of you who has made this place like that.

[info]hazel_rah in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

It is finally spring and I am very glad of that. I have been spending a lot of time at the park as it is the place that reminds me the most of home. It feels odd seeing rabbits there and knowing that I was once one of them but am not any longer. I wonder if they would respond to me if I spoke to them in our language? I would like to know but I am afraid to find out for I would be disappointed if they did not talk back to me or if I frightened them.

At least I have a job now. I am working in the Timeless Tea Shop with Usagi. It is a very nice place, I am learning a lot about humans from working there and it is very interesting. I also enjoy spending time with Usagi. She makes me smile.

[info]openeyed in [info]thedoorway

» I know it's weird to ask over the phone like this.
» But would you care to go to the theater with me?
» I've been wanting to, and I can't quite convince your father to go with me.
» Either Cinderella or perhaps The Lion King?
» I've been told both are quite good.

[info]ex_gavemepau32 in [info]thedoorway

Text to Regina
Are you hiding from us?

[info]thereisanother in [info]thedoorway

Personal Journal Entry

[Filter: Private] )

[info]ofthefierce in [info]thedoorway

They say I can leave the clinic, but I don't know where to go.

I can't go back home.

[info]wmtriker in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

I can't believe that it is nearly summertime. How hot does it get here in the summer? I grew up in Alaska and have spent the majority of my life in space so I'm not a fan of extreme heat. How bad is going to be?

[info]stephenmaturin in [info]thedoorway

A giant, bright pink cannibalistic slug has just been discovered at the top of Mount Kaputar in Australia.

I have to say, I'm astonished not only by the uniqueness of the Triboniophorus aff. graeffei, I am also beside myself knowing that these discoveries are still taking place. I'm really quite pleased.

[info]particlethief in [info]thedoorway

And now I want some cake.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

I haven't spoken about it much on the network, but when I was young(er) I was fixated on comic books. I think I found them more stimulating than books because they depend heavily on pictures to tell stories. The details, the expressions, the aftermath -- there are plenty of details that go beyond the words that are right there in front of you if only you're paying enough attention to pick them out. I found being presented with art to be far more interesting than depending upon my imagination to do the work for me. Not because I think I'm unimaginative, but because I'd much rather solve the puzzles than write them.

Like most comic book readers, at one point I picked up a pencil and decided to draw for myself. and I suppose, left to my own devices, that old habits die hard:

My apologies to Captain America.

Cut for image, not filtered )

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

(group message, because Sam isn't wasting time with individual texts when time is of the essence)
» Dean's back.
» Well, they said he is. I'm going to get him.

[info]hcjones in [info]thedoorway

Network Post -- Hestia Jones -- 002.

In the past few days, I've gone about a block up and down from the tower in an effort not to get myself lost. Which is very easy for me to do. However, I feel like going further than that for tomorrow. Go out of my comfort zone as it were, see something new. Would anyone like to join me? Preferably someone who would not rely on me for directions and my knowing how to get back here from wherever we go. Or suggestions on where I might go?