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May 21st, 2013

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

» You didn't Why didn't you give this to me in person
» I miss I thought you wouldn't want
» Hey
» Got something for you
» Attached picture )
» Thought you'd want it

[sent later]
» Attachment sent: same pic sent to Ben

[info]stun in [info]thedoorway

Cut for picture! )

"The Angel and the Devil play a game on an infinite chess board. The Angel is a generalized chess piece that occupies a square on the board. In each turn, the Angel can move to any square that is reachable from his current square in k chess King moves (but the Angel doesn't need to step on the intermediate squares). k is called the Angel's power. The Devil does not have a position on the board. In each turn, the Devil may eat any square on the board, and from that point on, the Angel is not allowed to land on that square. If the Devil manages to trap the Angel, i.e. get the Angel into a position where all the squares that the Angel might fly to are eaten, the Devil wins the game. The Angel wins if he is able to fly to uneaten squares indefinitely.

For any given k, there must exist either a strategy that guarantees the Angel to win, or a strategy that guarantees the Devil to win. The Angel Problem is to decide whether for some large enough k, there exists a winning strategy for the Angel."

[info]elizabethross in [info]thedoorway

Hello, everyone. I'm Betty Ross and I'll be working at SHIELD as of... well, today, actually. I think. The training wrapped up last week but I think I still have a few loose ends. So you'll be seeing me around soon!

Hopefully none of you know my father, General Ross. And hopefully there are not alternate versions of me running around with a goatee.

[info]acryingshame in [info]thedoorway

Ray Manzarek's dead.

Good times at their gigs. Good times.

This is the end, beautiful friend, this is the end
My only friend, the end of our elaborate plans,
the end of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes…again

Keep on rocking, dude. Time for lsd and the snake

[info]gcooper in [info]thedoorway

Back to pounding the pavement today, got a couple of leads for short term jobs (language translator and interpeter) but nothing for sure yet. But let's just say I'm steering myself for more questions about Torchwood and looking like an English actress.

Also got a question: is there a way to make the flat a little less quiet? Without Rhys (my husband) around its not only too quiet but a bit lonely. I'm also in the market for a running partner.

*Filter: Whoverse*

I know not everyone lived through the invasion but anyone else having Daleks show up in there dreams?

*End Filter*

*Filter: Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Clara Oswald*

Since I don't know you three as well as the rest figured I would at least say hi. I'm Gwen and I'm from Jack and Ianto's little group within Torchwood.

*End Filter*

*Filter: Jack and Ianto*

First weekend we're all free let's go out for dinner or do something fun?

*End Filter*

[info]goodshepard in [info]thedoorway

I'm going to be out of town for an undetermined amount of time. Probably at least a few days. Try to stay out of trouble.



[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Officially hate this place.

[info]secrettrader in [info]thedoorway

You can't take anyone else; I'll hang on with my teeth if I have to. YOU CAN'T TAKE ANYONE ELSE

The odds are never really in anyone's favor.

[ Filtered to Hunger Games Types Minus Katniss ]

Prim She's g Cin They went back to die I'll Annie's not doing very wel I don't think I

What can we do for Katniss? We've got to do something.

[ /Filter ]

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

Seems like there's a rush of people disappearing through the cube. That stupid ass cube I don't want to Did the scientists find something out? Or did they just mess with it

[info]widowstings in [info]thedoorway

What is it about us that never gets us sent to Fiji or the Mediterranean?

[info]forgivingtype in [info]thedoorway

Send her back, please. She didn't want to go
She was scared of dy
I can't do this without her

Please just send her back.

I'll do anything if you do. I'll beg on my hands and knees to a magic cube to bring her back if it will. I'll go back to another Hunger Games. Just let her live. Please let her live.

[info]lettheriverrun in [info]thedoorway

Who: River Tam and Fiver
When: Sunday May 5 (sorry IJ was being stupid last night and this actually takes place before the one Alex posted)
Where: An empty classroom in the Tower
What: A dancing lesson
Rating: G
Status: Complete

We're going to dance. Isn't it obvious? )

[info]archerhawke in [info]thedoorway

Oh, Nerf. I adore you beyond all measure, especially since people get so thingy about people shooting other people with real arrows here. I want this, this and this!

Fall cannot get here soon enough! And then I shall go on a rampage of nerf shooting! Mwahahaha!

[info]letusbebad in [info]thedoorway

Who:Ivy Lynn and Luke Skywalker
When: Sunday morning May 5
Where:Luke's apartment
What:Waking up a little hungover and a little surprised
Rating:Moderate for suggestion of previous sex and naked

At least it had lived up to her adolescent fantasies )

[info]ofthefierce in [info]thedoorway

Voice-to-Text Post

Licker showed up here. Is Prim okay?

[info]hairysituation in [info]thedoorway


take that, GOTHEL

[info]rachelruined in [info]thedoorway

Cut for picture; not filtered )

Ugh, the stamp could have come out better but.. not bad, I think. I hate white nail polish. It's nothing but streaky and you have to apply it like 10 times before it actually looks completely solid. (On the bright side, I've learned to be ambidextrous when it comes to applying nail polish.) But I've missed applying nail polish. Or, you know.. just being a normal teenage girl, but that's only sometimes. I still miss fighting more

And speaking of which, considering I died before I got to experience my own, prom fucking rocked. Couldn't my writers have killed me at 21 or something?

[info]flasking in [info]thedoorway


[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

[Spock (the younger, more lens flarished one)]
Can Half-Human, Half-Vulcan hybrids get drunk?

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

"What had made me move through so many dead and pointless years was curiosity. Now even that flickered out."

[info]deanna_troi in [info]thedoorway

Captain Picard
I never asked if you were going to the prom or not. Will and I didn't, we stayed home and I managed to get him to watch Pretty Woman with me.

Feel like catching up at some point?

[info]fiverhrairoo in [info]thedoorway

Who: Fiver and River
When: The Prom
Rating: G
What: Them being all cute and adorable
Status: Complete

I’ve read stories though and I’ve always imagined it to be like this, full of lights and people dancing. )

[info]withthebread in [info]thedoorway

Prim's gone. I know she made a lot of friends here, so you should all know now rather than later. Cinna too. Anyone who knows our story knows how important

No, we don't need anything. Thank you.

I know you'll see this some time, so just know I love you and that it's real and always has been.

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

» My favorite men.
» Who wants to go out to breakfast for dinner (brinner?) with me tonight?
» Clinton St. Baking is calling my name.

[info]blossompuff in [info]thedoorway

Following up on that pun-tastic story of a smoker's dream to kick the habit, we have a New Challenger for the title of fucking ridiculous.



Good god, I've wasted so much time reading these articles. Having to save the world every three minutes was frustrating but at least it didn't give me time to do this.

I guess it's uh... Job hunting tomorrow. Job hunting and hobby hunting. Because I cannot consider this a hobby and stay sane.

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Leonard “Bones” McCoy and James T. Kirk
WHERE: McCoy’s Apartment
WHEN: Backdated May 16, 2013.
WHAT: Jim and Bones react to Star Trek Into Darkness
RATING: Medium for language and suggestion.
STATUS: Complete.
WARNINGS: This post contains spoilers for Star Trek Into Darkness.

The movie was met with excitement and glee from everyone in the theater except him )

[info]sorcerersupreme in [info]thedoorway

delivery for Antonio Stark )

[info]ofaphrodite in [info]thedoorway

Sometimes this place just really sucks. It's like having him die all over again. I don't

[info]lookstairs in [info]thedoorway

Okay. If anyone knows a Benjamin Gates in this world, tell him I am done. Riley Poole is done going on all of these like treasure-hunting adventures. I mean, don't get me wrong... it is fun and exciting and all that, and then you end up being chased by the bad guys that want all that gold or recognition to themselves and then someone (with the initials of BG) suggests teaming up and that never ends well.

And so I am pretty sure I just fell off a rickety staircase and hit my head and now I'm hallucinating. Or having a coma dream.

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

delivery: Cameron Mitchell

Left at his door early in the day )

[info]pymjr in [info]thedoorway

I don't like it when my friends are sad.

[Jan 616]
Mom.. if I go back, will you remember me? Will I even remember you?

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Mets versus Yankees next week. There's nothing quite like baseball games to make me feel like it's finally almost summer. Of course, baseball back when I was young was more like pick-up games in the park than flashy stadiums with fireworks. We listened on the radio instead of on television, and I never dreamt I'd be able to actually set foot onto the field.

And I still miss the Dodgers.

Any interest in attending any of the games next week? If not, I'll probably give the extra tickets away. Or maybe some of your friends would want to come to one of them, James?

[info]closetothewind in [info]thedoorway

I'm not proud of it, but I have on occasion felt a passing sense of superiority - well, irritation, but all the same undoubtedly unwarranted - at the sight of a man wearing his hat fore and aft rather than amidships. It seemed to me like one of those newfangled things people do for no other reason than to be newfangled about something, and I admit I allowed myself a sneer every now and again. Damned hypocrite thing to do, of course, and anyone who finds himself complaining about the young whippersnappers had probably better get himself ready for his dotage, but it weren't the done thing when I was coming up and I took it with a bit of a shudder.

But now you walk through town and long even for a hat that's turned wrong way round. Where is it they all went? I feel downright top-heavy going out with anything more than a cap. I was glad to see wigs go the way of the garter, but that was a matter of practicality. I never had any kind of eye for fashion.

[info]boswell in [info]thedoorway

I suppose we all have our moments that seem impossible to live down. The ridiculous anecdotes your friends (or, in some cases, soon to be former friends) share over pints, or during wedding receptions.

Last Friday, I actually stumbled upon a little wedding party at the Blind Tiger. There were toasts, general merriment and I was reminded of an anecdote that I will perhaps never live down which -- coincidently -- also has to do with tigers.

When I first met my wife I made every attempt to impress her -- including stumbling horribly over my own words, To this day she she declares that I told her ... how a musket looked into my tent at the dead of night, and how I fired a double-barreled tiger cub at it.

[info]ivlivs in [info]thedoorway

Has anyone seen Reyna?

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy biiiirthday to me.

I'll accept kisses, hugs and subtle violence.

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )